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Exactly. It's a trap. No self respecting woman is going to make friends with her adversary after she stole something from her. Either you're lying to us or they are setting you up.

Man let a woman tell you her freak limits, don't pre-define it for her. You're unsure about the current, and you're done with the ex (yet somehow she's back in the picture, so nothing to worry about there). Aside from murder, you really have nothing to lose. Either you'll have an ill story. A threesome, or how deez **** tried it. Life's about the experience man.
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Exactly what I was thinking..but how do I get her to admit it's a trap without actually getting both of them in the room? I feel like it's more of my ex trying to play games, because like you said, no woman with respect for herself would do that . DC has been a freak though and is open to anything sexually, she gives no damns, and at the end of the day she won because I ended up with her anyway so she has nothing to lose from doing that. I NEVER struck my ex for that type though. She's been bitter about the whole thing of course up until recently when it seems like she was over it. I just don't get what she has to gain from trying to set me up. A part of me feels dumb for even thinking it could be legit, I guess I just needed to hear it was a trap from someone else.

Nah, no reason to lie on here, that's for clowns. I've been feeling like a savage about this whole thing from the jump (since a couple months ago) so I'm pretty sure I look like a fool already anyway. :lol:

Side note: Any of yall messing with Howard's HC events? :nerd:
I'd simply ask her if she is joking, but with a serious face as if I don't believe it. To be honest with you, both these chicks sound like bops and I'd just keep them on the roster until I find a main squeeze that I'm serious about.
I know I've been out the loop for a minute but that seems like one of those "too good to be true" situations. IDK a single female that beefed with another one on social media with another one but is willing to get intimate with a mutual body......unless they got magic box or they both dimes I wouldn't do it
Man let a woman tell you her freak limits, don't pre-define it for her. You're unsure about the current, and you're done with the ex (yet somehow she's back in the picture, so nothing to worry about there). Aside from murder, you really have nothing to lose. Either you'll have an ill story. A threesome, or how deez **** tried it. Life's about the experience man.
Not sure where I did said that. All I said was no self respecting woman is going to do xy and z. If these two chicks are willing to do all of that then they definitely don't have no self respect.
This topic has become a conversation piece with my homies.
In all honesty I really can see this happening.
If a woman is really in love or enthralled with you, there is absolutely nothing off limits or of the table. Even a woman with the highest self esteem will put themselves in situations they know better then to.
Let's all be real, there was that one girl that had your nose so wide open, that when it ended, you sat back and self reflected on the dumb ish you did.
The only reason this could truly be a set up is after the girls stop using Twitter fingers, they possibly could have sat down and had a long talk and even compared notes and asked why are we tripping off this *****.
The power of sisterhood/brotherhood is a strong force outchea.
Even though threesomes are fun, they do come with consequences.
So whatever you decide just understand the blow up to come after[emoji]9996[/emoji][emoji]127999[/emoji]️
^So wise. Lol at "Twitter fingers@ but I mean it's true. That's why I don't do social media.
My man hit two chicks that were best friends and started hating him because of it....and they fell out and started beefing.

Couple months later, they are best friends and he hit one of them again, and almost smashed the other again. It can happen. These joints don't care sometimes man lol
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If u serving a girl right she gonna tell her friends. Little do many dudes know u can smash that friend too, and she will never say a word. Did that twice and it never came out.
Has anyone been successful in getting back with your ex? Not just smashing/fwb. Like getting back with her. She's come back in my life for whatever reason(attention). She's dating someone else but we be smitten. I'm not waiting on her at all. Just curious...
If I broke up with her yeah but other way around nah, girls break up and be over you long before they actually break up.

I usually don't follow the whole "leave your ex alone" theory but because you mentioned she's dating someone else .. leave her alone man
Here is the thing. I was a scumbag in the relationship. Literally, prostitutes(doesn't know), breaking windshields, alcoholic, pills etc. It essentially didn't work cuz I would always hurt her...Finally she got tired of it. Didn't speak for 3+ months. Now, she is hitting me up. But she got a man, "treats her right" But she's the one that wanted to see me/talk to me. Saw her last night for a bit...
Here is the thing. I was a scumbag in the relationship. Literally, prostitutes(doesn't know), breaking windshields, alcoholic, pills etc. It essentially didn't work cuz I would always hurt her...Finally she got tired of it. Didn't speak for 3+ months. Now, she is hitting me up. But she got a man, "treats her right" But she's the one that wanted to see me/talk to me. Saw her last night for a bit...

Girls love what's bad for them. The new guy must be starting to bore her, despite being a good dude. I feel like you could get her again. She might like the fact that you got your **** together but you're probably still rough around the edges.

I wonder how people find that balance between being a respectable, good guy, and not being overly good to her to the point where she gets bored.

I feel like there's very little to gain by pursuing tho
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Leave that alone...
I mean be realistic, have either of you truly healed or dealt with the past?
Talking eventually leads back to feelings which then leads back to 0-100which then leads back to crash and burn.
If you both have talked and put all the cards on the table about the events in your relationship, that's one thing.
But she has a dude, they are possibly going through something or she is looking for a bail out. Let her do her, don't be her rescue or reasoning to have a way out.
Also, if she is "talking" to you, what makes you think that if you do get back together and troubled times fall upon you guys, that she won't backdoor and do the same thing she is doing to her current dude.
Actions > A woman's word..
Let that marinate[emoji]9996[/emoji][emoji]127999[/emoji]️
Girls love what's bad for them. The new guy must be starting to bore her, despite being a good dude. I feel like you could get her again. She might like the fact that you got your **** together but you're probably still rough around the edges.

I wonder how people find that balance between being a respectable, good guy, and not being overly good to her to the point where she gets bored.
Yea, I feel you. 
Leave that alone...
I mean be realistic, have either of you truly healed or dealt with the past?
Talking eventually leads back to feelings which then leads back to 0-100which then leads back to crash and burn.
If you both have talked and put all the cards on the table about the events in your relationship, that's one thing.
But she has a dude, they are possibly going through something or she is looking for a bail out. Let her do her, don't be her rescue or reasoning to have a way out.
Also, if she is "talking" to you, what makes you think that if you do get back together and troubled times fall upon you guys, that she won't backdoor and do the same thing she is doing to her current dude.
Actions > A woman's word..
Let that marinate[emoji]9996[/emoji][emoji]127999[/emoji]️
Here is the thing though. Her actions are showing that she has feelings. Her words are telling me no. Last night was hugging up on her, she's touching my thigh, groin area as she is driving. I played it cool. She was telling me the guy is there for her like I wasn't. Blah blah. But I don't reach out to her, ever. EVER. But you are right.
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Just curious cuz this is fresh from last night. All in all, I have no move. I keep it playful and fun, no getting emotional with her.
A woman can pillow talk you to death and say everything right.
"I'll always love you"
"You bring so much joy to my life"
And within three months later
"I can't do this anymore"
"We are different"
"I just can't get over the pain/hurt you put me through"
Men/women speak a different language and she is foul for putting you in that situation.
It's one thing if she didn't have a dude, then I would say, play it be ear and do what you think is best but this is a set up for a potential failure.
Also it's not about a woman getting bored or you having to be a penis to her, it's about who you pick and their past.
Our past shapes our perception of the future.
If we came from dysfunctional parents or never really felt love or seen true emotions and caring displayed, as we grow older we just think those behaviors are what constitutes as love. So if all you saw was fighting, passive aggressive behavior or knew your dad/mom had a side piece, etc then dysfunction is the norm to you and you think that's the only way for love.
That's why it's important to notice these things in the embryotic stages of dating.
Past behaviors always predict your future, unless you truly delve into yourself and have dealt with the scars that are not seen on the everyday basis by loved ones and strangers.
You really need to sit back and ask yourself the tough questions...
"Am I ready to be completely be honest and drop these Bombs Over Baghdad and have the same dropped on my head"
"And if we get past that, can we fully trust and reconcile and move forward from here"
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A woman can pillow talk you to death and say everything right.
"I'll always love you"
"You bring so much joy to my life"
And within three months later
"I can't do this anymore"
"We are different"
"I just can't get over the pain/hurt you put me through"
Men/women speak a different language and she is foul for putting you in that situation.
It's one thing if she didn't have a dude, then I would say, play it be ear and do what you think is best but this is a set up for a potential failure.
Also it's not about a woman getting bored or you having to be a penis to her, it's about who you pick and their past.
Our past shapes our perception of the future.
If we came from dysfunctional parents or never really felt love or seen true emotions and caring displayed, as we grow older we just think those behaviors are what constitutes as love. So if all you saw was fighting, passive aggressive behavior or knew your dad/mom had a side piece, etc then dysfunction is the norm to you and you think that's the only way for love.
That's why it's important to notice these things in the embryotic stages of dating.
Past behaviors always predict your future, unless you truly delve into yourself and have dealt with the scars that are not seen on the everyday basis by loved ones and strangers.
You really need to sit back and ask yourself the tough questions...
"Am I ready to be completely be honest and drop these Bombs Over Baghdad and have the same dropped on my head"
"And if we get past that, can we fully trust and reconcile and move forward from here"
Repped my dude. Repped. Realness right here. Trust me I've gotten deep within myself and I'm fixing those scars daily. It's a regimen. I appreciate it. 
Me and my chick taking time apart (no seeing each other or any communication) for about 2 weeks. We're technically still together and it's not an official break or anything where I have free reign to smash anything.

We've been fighting like crazy recently and she wants us to take time to figure things out
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