TAY: thread about yambs...

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i got this young chick i been talkin to... she's 19... and i'm 23...

feels awkward man. :lol:

hot dammit ricky, i swear we always goin through the same stuff man, im in the same boat (shes 19, im 23)

but tell me why she played ya boy?
Well thanks guise. I appreciate the help, good looks. I don't really feel the need to try to hard for that kinda stuff now, but still wanna see how it plays out. Plenty of other yambs around anyways too
My wife is 8 years younger than I am... But if you factor in how advanced she is in her career, then she's basically like 50 years old, instead of 25.
It all levels out, in my estimation... :smokin
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I'm saying. :lol:

The trick is to hit them with something to make them laugh or sarcasm off the jump, because dudes hit them up with that same old tired "Hey wats up....." or "Hey saw your profile and blah blah blah"....that S**t is beat...they want some unique verbiage when you come at em

Looks have nothing to do with it....you got to standout with your words to get there attention

Just ask if u can hit it

It's all about looks

Idk, I guess I am ugly. Maybe my profile just sucks/is lame. Whatever it is, this just isn't working out for me.
[deletes profile, heads to Backpage]
Thanks for the advice though.
Post your pic I'll be the judge
Here is a tip for all men trying to make an impression out there:

Set up a professional voicemail greeting.

Don't leave the standard automated greeting, or have something that says... "Yo this is Rell, holla at me." A professional voicemail greeting that includes your first and last name really gives the impression that you are a man, you are mature, and that you mean business. A woman will take you seriously when she hears it.

[Kobe Bryant Voice]You're welcome[/Kobe Bryant Voice]
Here is a tip for all men trying to make an impression out there:

Set up a professional voicemail greeting.

Don't leave the standard automated greeting, or have something that says... "Yo this is Rell, holla at me." A professional voicemail greeting that includes your first and last name really gives the impression that you are a man, you are mature, and that you mean business. A woman will take you seriously when she hears it.

[Kobe Bryant Voice]You're welcome[/Kobe Bryant Voice]
Living up to that SN i see

Most us dudes aren't dealing with no professional type women doe
Here is a tip for all men trying to make an impression out there:
Set up a professional voicemail greeting.
Don't leave the standard automated greeting, or have something that says... "Yo this is Rell, holla at me." A professional voicemail greeting that includes your first and last name really gives the impression that you are a man, you are mature, and that you mean business. A woman will take you seriously when she hears it.
[Kobe Bryant Voice]You're welcome[/Kobe Bryant Voice]
I think your looking for the "proper job searching edicate" thread.  Believe me when I say a voice message greeting is the last thing any female is worried about
Please help NT brethren

I'm in college and my girl stopped giving up the yambs ever since her mom disapproved of me when I met her, I've been feeling conflicted since at this point in I need yambs, should I call it off?
Please help NT brethren

I'm in college and my girl stopped giving up the yambs ever since her mom disapproved of me when I met her, I've been feeling conflicted since at this point in I need yambs, should I call it off?

you may need to call it off. in my experience parental disapproval has led to hotter pants, on some "they cant tell me what to do" forbidden fruit type ****.
Please help NT brethren
I'm in college and my girl stopped giving up the yambs ever since her mom disapproved of me when I met her, I've been feeling conflicted since at this point in I need yambs, should I call it off?
ask her what is her problem

if you started this relationship without either yours or her values having an issue with sex, i don't see why she should just stop providing completely. 

As being apart of a relationship, both of you should tend to each others needs..whether emotional, sexual.. whatevers

If you point this issue out and she says she is no longer willing to provide for your needs in your relationship.. then i wouldn't blame you if you look elsewhere for it.. talk to her, get it sorted out. 
ever get whisky pipe or just cant get hard?

I call this the 'jump start'. so far its been fail proof.

1)So put your thumb under little buddy, kinda use it as a guide,  2) kinda tuck him in and start the missionary motions, then voila, it should jump start you to rock!

Please help NT brethren
I'm in college and my girl stopped giving up the yambs ever since her mom disapproved of me when I met her, I've been feeling conflicted since at this point in I need yambs, should I call it off?
Hang in there and beat other chicks on the side.  If she finds out then just hit her with ago old male excuse which is "s**t you ain't doing it."  Then hit her with "I that you was going to break up with me anyway".  Then one or two things is going to happen.  You are either going to slapping skins with her atleast once a day after she relizes your a hot commodity and she needs to hold on to you.  Or she's going to dump yo a**.  Either way it's a win win
ever get whisky pipe or just cant get hard?

I call this the 'jump start'. so far its been fail proof.

1)So put your thumb under little buddy, kinda use it as a guide,  2) kinda tuck him in and start the missionary motions, then voila, it should jump start you to rock!

A guide to what?  How is that even posssible? 

Are you talking about sphincter play?
  What's going on here
ever get whisky pipe or just cant get hard?

I call this the 'jump start'. so far its been fail proof.

1)So put your thumb under little buddy, kinda use it as a guide,  2) kinda tuck him in and start the missionary motions, then voila, it should jump start you to rock!

A guide to what?  How is that even posssible? 

Are you talking about sphincter play?:smh:   What's going on here
?!?!?!?!?!?! wth :wow:
Please help NT brethren
I'm in college and my girl stopped giving up the yambs ever since her mom disapproved of me when I met her, I've been feeling conflicted since at this point in I need yambs, should I call it off?

This happened to me back in my college days too, but my girl went harder for me after her mother disapproved of me being white... Ol girl was Mexican and her mother wanted her dating a Mexican dude. Never respected that chick's mom because she was always smiling in my face, but talking mess behind my back.
In your situation, you need to find another broad, with the quickness; dead all contact with the current girl. See what happens from there...
Here is a tip for all men trying to make an impression out there:

Set up a professional voicemail greeting.

Don't leave the standard automated greeting, or have something that says... "Yo this is Rell, holla at me." A professional voicemail greeting that includes your first and last name really gives the impression that you are a man, you are mature, and that you mean business. A woman will take you seriously when she hears it.

[Kobe Bryant Voice]You're welcome[/Kobe Bryant Voice]
I think your looking for the "proper job searching edicate" thread.  Believe me when I say a voice message greeting is the last thing any female is worried about

Yea chicks aren't concerned with your voicemail greeting, that means you aren't answering your phone which means she's calling the next dude to dig her out
Yea chicks aren't concerned with your voicemail greeting, that means you aren't answering your phone which means she's calling the next dude to dig her out

You guys are missing the point.

Its not the voicemail greeting itself, but rather what the voicemail greeting represents. Its says a lot about a person without saying anything at all. How many young men have their voicemail set up? Not too many. That automatically separates you from the rest. Also without actually saying it, it tells a woman that you are about your business. It will spark her curiosity. It will make her wonder, "what is he all about?"

You don't have to take my word for it, but I can tell you from experience that it is a little that can work for you.
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