TAY: thread about yambs...

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To my dude up there dealing with ole girl that came thru your office and casper the friendly ghost'd you when you followed up twice. Erase her number and completely ignore her from now on when she reaches out.

Ya'll gotta be on the two strike regiment. First two calls are on you but after a failure to appear on the second you immediately erase the number.

I know its hard if you're going through a drought or if she seemed to really be feeling you but you gotta always remember that unless a chick is emotionally bonded to a dude her attention span for ****** is like a toddlers at Disney land.

You gotta always keep **** in perspective with females they have way more options than they will ever let you in on.

I know its hard to deny the Chase by nature but sometimes you gotta just let it go. As men we let the look,smile and body language a female gives us dictate our actions and belief system that she wants us. In reality a lot of the time the chick is just using you for self gratification/validation. Females are always measuring their self worth by certain interactions and just knowing that she got you thirsty or interested is satisfaction enough and boom she's vamanos.

If a chick is really feeling you she will put her self in the position to be taken down with very little suggestion or trouble. It's not the first interaction that counts, its the second and third. The second is the "ok I'm feeling him let's see if he ***** it up" and the third is "alright we can get physical if he presses for it and maybe ill let him hit."

You don't have to be a genius to understand women or dating. In fact most men try to intellectualize stuff that has no iota of thought in it. Females aren't as complicated and "crazy" as men would like to believe. They're just fickle. Once you acknowledge and understand the complete and utter fickleness of a woman's rationale you realize that the roaring tigress you wanted to tame is nothing but a soft little kitten that is easily distracted and you laugh at it tickle it and move on.
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If a chick is really feeling you she will put her self in the position to be taken down with very little suggestion or trouble. It's not the first interaction that counts, its the second and third. The second is the "ok I'm feeling him let's see if he ***** it up" and the third is "alright we can get physical if he presses for it and maybe ill let him hit."

WISEPHAROAH always coming through and dropping gems on *****s.

To extend further on where WISE was coming from, by erasing her number, you can always hit her with the "who is this?" and she'll be completely blown. Knowing that she wasn't worth the tiny bit of data in your phone will either work for you or against you if you're trying to smash. Either she'll be the aggressor or just say **** it all together. In other words, you have either put yourself in a better position for obtaining those yambs, or you'll save money by not having to buy some Excedrin.

Whenever I found myself in that situation I would send a nice text, to refresh a chick's memory. If no response then I would call. If no answer then it is evident that she wasted both of your time in even making an exchange. The same way dudes mack on chicks to see if they "still got it", females do the exact same thing. Even if it is intentional or not, women are definitely guilty of this.

Women are more easily approachable in the sense that there is kind of a double standard in a woman approaching a man. If a woman approaches you, you're more inclined to believe that that box is yours the moment you start hitting her up, and nine times out of ten it is true. When you approach a woman, they know you want sex, that's why it's good to try to see where their heads are at during the initial meeting and exchange of numbers, if possible. Most women know within the first 5 minutes of conversation if they want to **** with you or not.
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relationships aren't supposed to be like this though... don't get me wrong, I def see your point in telling her this. If this is what you going through then you need to evaluate who you are getting serious with.


but on the real... what's wrong with what i said? having all the fun without the drama?

No Ocean, but I got love for you Ricky.

For men/women having trouble with the opposite sex, remember It's
always your fault. You have to constantly adjust your game. A deer hunter does not blame
the deer when he has a bad hunt, and neither should you.
It's never a time when wise pharoah stops dropping knowledge, i really am thinking about messing with this chick, but i already told her that i don't like any one and im not interested in a relationship, but i think i want one with this chick. how should i tackle this? I"m not trusting my own judgement and advice at this point.
My response "well... I feel like I want to do all the good stuff without the bad stuff. Date, smash, kiss, cuddle ... without the argument, check ins, going thru phones, and questioning. I bring smiles and I'm trying to bring that to you without the frowns.
No women in my life are in a position to check me... but I'm not disrespectful about what I do... so if you wanna keep this convo going ... and let me bring some smiles in the future, tell me some more about yourself. "

This some smooth **** :lol: :pimp: I'ma sample this for later dealings
but on the real... what's wrong with what i said? having all the fun without the drama?

the way you said it it seems like you equate getting serious to bringing in drama. Getting serious isn't supposed to be drama filled---that's the point I'm trying to make.
^It's not supposed but after a certain time, when both start getting confortable in the relationship, little drama will come (or big depending on the people).
word got around that I like this girl and I know for a fact she knows and prbly uses it to boost her confidence.
First day of class shes sitting alone, I walk past her with no intent of sitting beside her, she quickly packs her bags and changes seats. Because of that I am now scared to start a convo with her after her reaction.
Could it have been just a coincidence and that she didnt want that seat, or does she want nothing to do with me?
This is the last girl left in my hs that I like. It's her or nobody for prom
maaaaan what? do you live in a small town?
if not go out...mack on girls. any girl you think is attractive. go for it. shoot your shot.
unless you are socially awkward, hideous, or have no mouth piece you will come up on some digits. then just work from there. the 1st semester isn't even over...you have almost TOO much time to go out and just find potential prom dates.
and dead the girl who moved seats...obviously she doesn't like you.
so get on the prowl man because not smashing after prom can't be fun.
^It's not supposed but after a certain time, when both start getting confortable in the relationship, little drama will come (or big depending on the people).

I mean I know drama :lol: but **** like checking phones , asking for passwords to social networks, "checking in"... which I never really understood that concept. Honestly the only time I like for my dude to check in is if he went on a trip and I just wanna make sure he made it there safety etc.

I'm saying all of that drama seems unnecessary.
^It's not supposed but after a certain time, when both start getting confortable in the relationship, little drama will come (or big depending on the people).

I mean I know drama :lol: but **** like checking phones , asking for passwords to social networks, "checking in"... which I never really understood that concept. Honestly the only time I like for my dude to check in is if he went on a trip and I just wanna make sure he made it there safety etc.

I'm saying all of that drama seems unnecessary.

Yeah I was not talking about that kind of drama. cheking my phone and ****, that's a no-no for me.
Ok I need some advice y'all. So I had a date this past weekend with this girl that I met my first semester in college (I'm a sophomore now) and we had a great time. When we met she had a boyfriend so things never went past flirting but now she's single. So we go out to eat and this girl is NERVOUS. Like she kept stumbling over her words, fidgeting, and just acting nervous in general. Every time I'd look across the table at her shed be staring at me and then hurry and look down when we'd lock eyes. So finally she says "I need a drink" and after she got some liquor in her she loosened right up and we had a great time together. On the ride back she throws on the maxwell and starts rubbing on my arm and keeps playing wit my hands and what not. I dropped her home and she says she can't wait to see me again and that we'll set up another date soon. So needless to say I'm thinking that she really feeling me. Ok so here's the problem. This girl is a really dry/ boring texter. I'm not sure if she's just like that with everyone or if its just me. She hit me up the next day and I started trying to make conversation. She kept sending one word, dry responses. She said she was at work so maybe that's y. But here's what really confused me. I asked her when I could see her again and she said "it doesn't matter."......... Seriously? but, Part of me thinks she just trying to play it cool so she don't come off as thirsty but idk. Should I dead her or pursue it? I don't trust my own judgement at this point lol.
Ok I need some advice y'all. So I had a date this past weekend with this girl that I met my first semester in college (I'm a sophomore now) and we had a great time. When we met she had a boyfriend so things never went past flirting but now she's single. So we go out to eat and this girl is NERVOUS. Like she kept stumbling over her words, fidgeting, and just acting nervous in general. Every time I'd look across the table at her shed be staring at me and then hurry and look down when we'd lock eyes. So finally she says "I need a drink" and after she got some liquor in her she loosened right up and we had a great time together. On the ride back she throws on the maxwell and starts rubbing on my arm and keeps playing wit my hands and what not. I dropped her home and she says she can't wait to see me again and that we'll set up another date soon. So needless to say I'm thinking that she really feeling me. Ok so here's the problem. This girl is a really dry/ boring texter. I'm not sure if she's just like that with everyone or if its just me. She hit me up the next day and I started trying to make conversation. She kept sending one word, dry responses. She said she was at work so maybe that's y. But here's what really confused me. I asked her when I could see her again and she said "it doesn't matter."......... Seriously? but, Part of me thinks she just trying to play it cool so she don't come off as thirsty but idk. Should I dead her or pursue it? I don't trust my own judgement at this point lol.
Ask yourself what does that have to do with real life?

texting is easy but its not better. Also she might not be the clinging type.  Put down that iPhone my friend
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Ok I need some advice y'all. So I had a date this past weekend with this girl that I met my first semester in college (I'm a sophomore now) and we had a great time. When we met she had a boyfriend so things never went past flirting but now she's single. So we go out to eat and this girl is NERVOUS. Like she kept stumbling over her words, fidgeting, and just acting nervous in general. Every time I'd look across the table at her shed be staring at me and then hurry and look down when we'd lock eyes. So finally she says "I need a drink" and after she got some liquor in her she loosened right up and we had a great time together. On the ride back she throws on the maxwell and starts rubbing on my arm and keeps playing wit my hands and what not. I dropped her home and she says she can't wait to see me again and that we'll set up another date soon. So needless to say I'm thinking that she really feeling me. Ok so here's the problem. This girl is a really dry/ boring texter. I'm not sure if she's just like that with everyone or if its just me. She hit me up the next day and I started trying to make conversation. She kept sending one word, dry responses. She said she was at work so maybe that's y. But here's what really confused me. I asked her when I could see her again and she said "it doesn't matter."......... Seriously? but, Part of me thinks she just trying to play it cool so she don't come off as thirsty but idk. Should I dead her or pursue it? I don't trust my own judgement at this point lol.

Try moving away from texting towards calling to set up the next date. Dont try to have full conversations through text
maaaaan what? do you live in a small town?
if not go out...mack on girls. any girl you think is attractive. go for it. shoot your shot.
unless you are socially awkward, hideous, or have no mouth piece you will come up on some digits. then just work from there. the 1st semester isn't even over...you have almost TOO much time to go out and just find potential prom dates.
and dead the girl who moved seats...obviously she doesn't like you.
so get on the prowl man because not smashing after prom can't be fun.

if she doesnt like me, is there a chance I can change her mind? I will take your advice of hitting on any girl I think is ok but the one right now, do I take the L or try?
maaaaan what? do you live in a small town?
if not go out...mack on girls. any girl you think is attractive. go for it. shoot your shot.
unless you are socially awkward, hideous, or have no mouth piece you will come up on some digits. then just work from there. the 1st semester isn't even over...you have almost TOO much time to go out and just find potential prom dates.
and dead the girl who moved seats...obviously she doesn't like you.
so get on the prowl man because not smashing after prom can't be fun.

if she doesnt like me, is there a chance I can change her mind? I will take your advice of hitting on any girl I think is ok but the one right now, do I take the L or try?

if she doesnt like me, is there a chance I can change her mind? I will take your advice of hitting on any girl I think is ok but the one right now, do I take the L or try?
i try my hardest to not be critical in TAY... but...

:smh: :smh:
if she doesnt like me, is there a chance I can change her mind? I will take your advice of hitting on any girl I think is ok but the one right now, do I take the L or try?
honestly bro....just try. i think it's a waste of time, but who cares. shoot your shot. your mouth piece might make her change her mind. stranger things have happened. but of course, don't get your hopes up.
:lol: :lol: @ "can I change her mind". Only way you'd be able to do that is if you focus on somebody else, acting like she's non-existent and she knows about it.
@tychalla Baby girl probably hasn't been out on many dates considering your age and she was just nervous. Once she got a little juice in her she let go a bit more and showed you that she is in some way attracted to you. She would not have made physical contact if she wasn't slightly intrigued. Now it seems you are over analyzing the whole texting situation when you answered your own question. She hit you up and told you ya'll can kick it whenever essentially by saying, "it doesn't matter". Champ this female is so ripe for the plucking and just wants to you to LEAD. Stop being so docile and make the plans and TELL HER when you guys are kicking it again and enjoy. These types of girls are my favorite because they are so open and they usually are receptive to dominance because they don't know what's what. If you dead her your player card is revoked until further notice.

@th3answ3r My good young sir if a female literally gets up and moves to not have to socialize with you not only is she beyond not interested but she is also immature and disrespectful. You shouldn't even be remotely interested yourself anymore, she played you....... but lets just play Jesus's advocate and explore the possibility that maybe she was completely zoned out and had no clue you were around. What have you got to lose?
This thread in combo with the month of October has literally changed my life :lol:

Always been lacking in this dept but things have turned 180 :pimp:

Date tonight with chick I met/saw at a bar last Friday...

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