TAY: thread about yambs...

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Shorty been in here giving the worse advice possible 
lmfao been readin to much bs about stanky yambs, might as well throw in one of my homies stories. My boy Robert fitzner was roundin 3rd gettin his fingers in and said he noticed something was smellin terrible, "it was the yambs lol." Next day he comes comes to school says he washed his hands like 10 times, put his fingers in gasoline all kinds of **** and still couldnt get the smell off lol.
Where are women like you in real life?
....or maybe I'm just ugly.
who knows *shrugs*

Co-sign (not the ugly part though :lol:)

Not simping or anything, but it's so @#$@$@ hard to find women who are at least honest about their intentions 24/7 whether you agree with her or not.

Months of telling me things like "We make a good match" "Would your parents like me?" "If we ever get married, would I have to (insert different scenarios here)" . I didn't even have strong feelings for her when she was saying those things, and as soon as I start liking her for real (about 3 months later) she completely switches up her demeanor and starts acting distant :smh: I gave her so many damn chances to be real with me. Told her straight up "If I'm wasting my time trying to be more than friends, just let me know and I won't hit you up anymore." She tells me "I'm just going through some depression right now...you're not wasting your time, I'm sorry for making you think I don't care about you. I just need to get out of this mood soon." I didn't believe her until her cousin (who happens to be one of my best friends) convinced me that she wouldn't play me like that.

That was a week and a half ago...Then she went off and @#@#@# humiliated me at the party we were at last Saturday when I asked "Let's talk for a bit, I just wanna figure out where we stand." Got mad at me for wanting to talk to her at a party, yelled at me in front of everyone and accused me of being too drunk, told me "I thought I already told you that I'm not trying to be with anyone right now." Deleted me off Facebook and Instagram and didn't even look at me all of Sunday like I was some random creeper who was just trying to @#$@ all this time (we were staying at her cousin/my friend's house):stoneface: And the whole time she wasn't interacting with me she had 0 signs of depression :stoneface:

I knew what I was getting into by falling for a crazy girl, and I knew that she might suddenly just change her mind, but I had confidence in myself that I could win her over for good. Rejection I can deal with, but being disrespected and made to look like an idiot is just ridiculous. Even my friend is completely dumfounded at her behavior despite being a close family member.

And yea, this has been the story of my life :lol: I don't go after girls, they come to me and act like they're in love , and as soon as I catch feelings after weeks/months of keeping my guard up, they're done with me |I
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And yea, this has been the story of my life :lol: I don't go after girls, they come to me and act like they're in love , and as soon as I catch feelings after weeks/months of keeping my guard up, they're done with me |I

As a man sometimes the only thing we have left is our pride, never let a woman take that from you. When a woman starts acting funny/distant cut her off, she'll never tell you the straight up truth because for some reason women just don't have the heart to do it :stoneface: You gotta know when to disconnect from a situation and if a woman got you open and she's starting to pull away YOU throw in the towel because nothing good is gonna come of it.
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Your crew is majority women that you're not actively smashing or plan to?


They gonna think you just one of the girls man.

Man, I don't view every woman as a potential yamb. Just not how I do things.
And the reason it's easy to be friends with them is because I'm not attracted to them.
Not saying they aren't attractive to people (in fact they get hit on pretty regularly) it's just that for different reasons for each one of them I don't view them in a sexual way.

And yea, this has been the story of my life :lol: I don't go after girls, they come to me and act like they're in love , and as soon as I catch feelings after weeks/months of keeping my guard up, they're done with me |I

As a man sometimes the only thing we have left is our pride, never let a woman take that from you. When a woman starts acting funny/distant cut her off, she'll never tell you the straight up truth because for some reason women just don't have the heart to do it :stoneface: You gotta know when to disconnect from a situation and if a woman got you open and she's starting to pull away YOU throw in the towel because nothing good is gonna come of it.

Thing is I know this kind of woman. You let it be and pull away, she comes back stronger than ever, remorseful, filling your head with more hope and saying the right words. This only until she decides to be distant again, and it's totally ok to her because she said she didn't want a relationship at that time, but you're working towards it together (bull ****). When she does crawl back, unless she's ready to define some ****, stay lost to her.
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So I met this breezy at school a couple weeks ago. Hit hee with the quick game ... got the number in 45 seconds and dipped.

Today was our first convo ... and she's semi crazy ... and for some reason, that makes me want her more.

I can tell she's going to be a problem in the future because I told her I deal with multiple women and don't have time for a committed relationship ... and she seemed to be shocked that I was willing to tell her that.

She even said "oh no... I can't deal with you. We're vibing, then I catch feelings and get mad when you won't do the same"

My response "well... I feel like I want to do all the good stuff without the bad stuff. Date, smash, kiss, cuddle ... without the argument, check ins, going thru phones, and questioning. I bring smiles and I'm trying to bring that to you without the frowns.

No women in my life are in a position to check me... but I'm not disrespectful about what I do... so if you wanna keep this convo going ... and let me bring some smiles in the future, tell me some more about yourself. "

She got quiet... had a little attitude for 5 minutes ... then sent me some nudes by the me we got off the phone cuz I played past her little tantrum. Never let them see you sweat fambs.

Stand your ground, don't simp, and if she's not down find another one.
So I met this breezy at school a couple weeks ago. Hit hee with the quick game ... got the number in 45 seconds and dipped.
Today was our first convo ... and she's semi crazy ... and for some reason, that makes me want her more.
I can tell she's going to be a problem in the future because I told her I deal with multiple women and don't have time for a committed relationship ... and she seemed to be shocked that I was willing to tell her that.
She even said "oh no... I can't deal with you. We're vibing, then I catch feelings and get mad when you won't do the same"
My response "well... I feel like I want to do all the good stuff without the bad stuff. Date, smash, kiss, cuddle ... without the argument, check ins, going thru phones, and questioning. I bring smiles and I'm trying to bring that to you without the frowns.
No women in my life are in a position to check me... but I'm not disrespectful about what I do... so if you wanna keep this convo going ... and let me bring some smiles in the future, tell me some more about yourself. "
She got quiet... had a little attitude for 5 minutes ... then sent me some nudes by the me we got off the phone cuz I played past her little tantrum. Never let them see you sweat fambs.
Stand your ground, don't simp, and if she's not down find another one.

Please explain whodie
when you have amnesia, you dont let the last play bother you. if you do, you'll get burnt deep again. kind of like a corner back.

remember a couple years ago when Randy Moss just got DUMB STUPID on Darrell Reevis.. catching one handing touchdown passes cuz revis was confident in his game. Revis didnt let that one game stop him and went on to be labeled as the best corner in the game.

If Revis would have let the MOST TALENTED WIDEOUT get him down, then others would have stepped over him as well. his confidence is part of the game.

same with women. if you approach chick, and she shuts you down, dust it off and keep it pumping. You cant sit back and fester on it.

"why she didnt like me, what did i do wrong, how can i strategically do this and that" naaaaw...

there's nothing wrong with a game plan, but, like in the NFL, more times then not, you have to make adjustments on the fly.

you can learn from your mistakes and successes... but even then, you have to keep evolving. one thing that works on one chick may not work on the next 5...

Amnesia helps with that b/c you dont think back on your failures, you learn from them and move on. Amnesia will let you get over your girlfriend of 2 years. amnesia will help you spit at a girl. amnesia will help you on the interview.
Yo there's this girl I'm currently banging everything was cool but she seems to start actin sour n makin comments like ur gay n gettin smart for no reason....I'm confused cuz all were doin is smashing n that's it nothin more nothin less
Thing is I know this kind of woman. You let it be and pull away, she comes back stronger than ever, remorseful, filling your head with more hope and saying the right words. This only until she decides to be distant again, and it's totally ok to her because she said she didn't want a relationship at that time, but you're working towards it together (bull ****). When she does crawl back, unless she's ready to define some ****, stay lost to her.

Exactly.I was prepared to end @#$@ already when I asked her. If she had been straight up with me or even not given me a reply, I wouldn't have bothered hitting her up again. that's when she gave me that bull @#$% story about being depressed and still caring about me, and I believed her :smh:

Is it THAT hard to be mature and honest about things?
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So I met this breezy at school a couple weeks ago. Hit hee with the quick game ... got the number in 45 seconds and dipped.
Today was our first convo ... and she's semi crazy ... and for some reason, that makes me want her more.
I can tell she's going to be a problem in the future because I told her I deal with multiple women and don't have time for a committed relationship ... and she seemed to be shocked that I was willing to tell her that.
She even said "oh no... I can't deal with you. We're vibing, then I catch feelings and get mad when you won't do the same"
My response "well... I feel like I want to do all the good stuff without the bad stuff. Date, smash, kiss, cuddle ... without the argument, check ins, going thru phones, and questioning. I bring smiles and I'm trying to bring that to you without the frowns.
No women in my life are in a position to check me... but I'm not disrespectful about what I do... so if you wanna keep this convo going ... and let me bring some smiles in the future, tell me some more about yourself. "
She got quiet... had a little attitude for 5 minutes ... then sent me some nudes by the me we got off the phone cuz I played past her little tantrum. Never let them see you sweat fambs.
Stand your ground, don't simp, and if she's not down find another one.

my dude your on point with this.

Had a lightweight version of this convo the other day but not 100% sure shorty got the picture.

If it ever comes back around again I'll know how to lay it out for her

doesn't hurt that she sweating the D tho
My field goal percentages with the yambs is at an all time low. Chicks that I be feeling I can never get anywhere with. :smh:

We went out for my homies birthday a couple weeks ago. He was with his girl and she had a nice looking friend with her. They rode with another homie and I trailed them to where we were going. Homies girl's friend was vibing with the homie they was riding with. Fast forward. I later leave the scene cuz they was about to do some **** that I wasnt feeling.

This past friday, my homie tells me that ol girl is feeling me and that she been asking for my number. He gave it to her and she texted me to tell me who she was. She came by my office with my homie and his girl to chill out. We talking and **** and she seeing how I operate my business, so I'm thinking we got a nice vibe going. They leave and she asks for a hug and then I tell her "you got my number hit me up".

I hit her up the next day asking what she had up for the night cuz I thought we all were going to kick it again. No response.

3 days later I hit her again. No response. Homie told me she been with her ex..............

So tired of the nonsense.
My field goal percentages with the yambs is at an all time low. Chicks that I be feeling I can never get anywhere with. :smh:
We went out for my homies birthday a couple weeks ago. He was with his girl and she had a nice looking friend with her. They rode with another homie and I trailed them to where we were going. Homies girl's friend was vibing with the homie they was riding with. Fast forward. I later leave the scene cuz they was about to do some **** that I wasnt feeling.
This past friday, my homie tells me that ol girl is feeling me and that she been asking for my number. He gave it to her and she texted me to tell me who she was. She came by my office with my homie and his girl to chill out. We talking and **** and she seeing how I operate my business, so I'm thinking we got a nice vibe going. They leave and she asks for a hug and then I tell her "you got my number hit me up".
I hit her up the next day asking what she had up for the night cuz I thought we all were going to kick it again. No response.
3 days later I hit her again. No response. Homie told me she been with her ex..............
So tired of the nonsense.

I feel you. It's more frustrating cause you know you weren't being thirsty by hitting up a girl who wasn't showing interest or offensive by trying to hit up a girl who's with another guy :smh: and like I said, literally every single girl I've been "involved" with over the past 4-5 years has been like that. They have boyfriends, fiancees, or exes they're still seeing and they still hit me up. Just my luck :lol:

I want to go out and meet more women, but I look so damn young for my age that its nearly impossible for me to initiate @#$% (usually the ones I've been involved with knew how old I was through mutual friends, same classes, etc) :lol:. I've literally had girls tell me things like "I like you but people will think I'm walking around with my little brother or a high schooler" or "I think you used a fake ID to get into the club..." :stoneface: One mom at a neighbor's party a few months ago tried setting me up with her 16 year old daughter (I'm 23 in a month)
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My field goal percentages with the yambs is at an all time low. Chicks that I be feeling I can never get anywhere with. :smh:
We went out for my homies birthday a couple weeks ago. He was with his girl and she had a nice looking friend with her. They rode with another homie and I trailed them to where we were going. Homies girl's friend was vibing with the homie they was riding with. Fast forward. I later leave the scene cuz they was about to do some **** that I wasnt feeling.
This past friday, my homie tells me that ol girl is feeling me and that she been asking for my number. He gave it to her and she texted me to tell me who she was. She came by my office with my homie and his girl to chill out. We talking and **** and she seeing how I operate my business, so I'm thinking we got a nice vibe going. They leave and she asks for a hug and then I tell her "you got my number hit me up".
I hit her up the next day asking what she had up for the night cuz I thought we all were going to kick it again. No response.
3 days later I hit her again. No response. Homie told me she been with her ex..............
So tired of the nonsense.
first mistake right there... why did you hit her up bro?

i've said it earlier.... its not your job to advance the relationship. you play the cut. let them push for more. you put too much into it too fast. honestly, if she really liked you, anything you would have done would have connected. but you let her build up anticipation.

yall kicked it one time, my dude. once... trust me when i say that she's done this minimum 3x in the last month with different dudes.

its clear that she was using you for attention. you cant let that bother you. its not anything bad on your part. she just used you... oh well. happens to everyone.

THIS IS TAKE IT TO THE BANK ADVICE... next time you see her, play it super cool. pretend like it didnt affect you. if she says something to you about it, just say "no worries. maybe some other time"... you hold your dignitiy, and she understands that she isnt of that much value to you.

and next time, dont go head in with a chick just cuz she's nice to you.
Ricky the yamb god, Its all good my dude. I'm always super cool about **** like this which usually leads to me deadin chicks super quick. I aint got the time.

The way I see it is, if a chick wants to play games then that's her fault. She was the one sweating and all on my sack.

So easy to keep it moving.

Lil junt just hit me up.....
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Ricky the yamb god, Its all good my dude. I'm always super cool about **** like this which usually leads to me deadin chicks super quick. I aint got the time.
The way I see it is, if a chick wants to play games then that's her fault. She was the one sweating and all on my sack.
So easy to keep it moving.
[COLOR=#red]Lil junt just hit me up[/COLOR].....

makes me feel good when these yambs get put in their place...
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Ricky the yamb god, Its all good my dude. I'm always super cool about **** like this which usually leads to me deadin chicks super quick. I aint got the time.
The way I see it is, if a chick wants to play games then that's her fault. She was the one sweating and all on my sack.
So easy to keep it moving.
Lil junt just hit me up.....

you already see what she on though--- I say ignore her. She been kicking with her ex... she prolly hitting you up cuz that ***** ignored her or played her *** to the left.

Like ya'll said, deese **** be ackin' up; AND DEESE ****** BE LETTIN' 'EM
My response "well... I feel like I want to do all the good stuff without the bad stuff. Date, smash, kiss, cuddle ... without the argument, check ins, going thru phones, and questioning. I bring smiles and I'm trying to bring that to you without the frowns.

relationships aren't supposed to be like this though... don't get me wrong, I def see your point in telling her this. If this is what you going through then you need to evaluate who you are getting serious with.
word got around that I like this girl and I know for a fact she knows and prbly uses it to boost her confidence.
First day of class shes sitting alone, I walk past her with no intent of sitting beside her, she quickly packs her bags and changes seats. Because of that I am now scared to start a convo with her after her reaction.

Could it have been just a coincidence and that she didnt want that seat, or does she want nothing to do with me?
This is the last girl left in my hs that I like. It's her or nobody for prom
word got around that I like this girl and I know for a fact she knows and prbly uses it to boost her confidence.
First day of class shes sitting alone, I walk past her with no intent of sitting beside her, she quickly packs her bags and changes seats. Because of that I am now scared to start a convo with her after her reaction.
Could it have been just a coincidence and that she didnt want that seat, or does she want nothing to do with me?
This is the last girl left in my hs that I like. It's her or nobody for prom

Then go to prom with a good looking female friend. She's clearly over reacting and immature. Either go with a woman you think is only moderately attractive or a female friend. No point sweating over some female who behaves in that sort of manner.
Anyone successfully had re-relations with da ex? Or it's ova wit?

She hitting me up like every other day, after us not talking for like 8 months... iono tho, I broke up with her so i'm thinkin' it's dead..

Howvever I wouldn't mind smashin'..

P.S. I'm currently smashing one of her old friends..
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