TAY: thread about yambs...

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Fake business card with you number and twitter is :x

Maybe some girl will find it funny and hit you up....

On the other hand, real business card is :smokin
nah, I'm definitely not quitting that easy. pshh, I'm not even tryna hit RIGHT now, this is that prototypical type of joint that comes around once in a blue moon. gotta do this right.


Either be patient or move on . Those all sound like lame excuses and reek of her not seeing a reason to talk to you. Do more digging, something is going on with her...
I've wanted to get some personal business cards made for a while now, but I'm a just a 20 year old college kid lol.  Any suggestions on what should be on em?  I plan on handing them out to females.

**** put something that has to do with your major
OG video to your avy?
Either be patient or move on . Those all sound like lame excuses and reek of her not seeing a reason to talk to you. Do more digging, something is going on with her...

yeahhh those are all super lame excuses but I did a little digging and found out that she actually has a boyfriend. I feel :smh: yet :pimp: at the same time because I still got them digits mayne.
anyways I'll be patient and play this game but also play my roster until she gives in lol.
yeahhh those are all super lame excuses but I did a little digging and found out that she actually has a boyfriend. I feel :smh: yet :pimp: at the same time because I still got them digits mayne.
anyways I'll be patient and play this game but also play my roster until she gives in lol.


the more I thought about it that's why I put that "do more digging".... yo , man, real talk? If you like her be patient.

I laid in the cut for my current BF for a year, at least. No exaggeration. He had a girl at the time so I just chilled... bided my time... bided too much damn time and he started dating this other chick.... bided my time SOME MORE and I finally felt like I had an opening and pounced :lol: :pimp:. By no means stop living your life but just always make sure you keep an ear to the streets so you can know if something changes in her situation :nerd:

It's kinda like how you put it though--- when you know somebody is different and they seem like they'll be worth your while. Just be patient.
the more I thought about it that's why I put that "do more digging".... yo , man, real talk? If you like her be patient.
I laid in the cut for my current BF for a year, at least. No exaggeration. He had a girl at the time so I just chilled... bided my time... bided too much damn time and he started dating this other chick.... bided my time SOME MORE and I finally felt like I had an opening and pounced :lol: :pimp:. By no means stop living your life but just always make sure you keep an ear to the streets so you can know if something changes in her situation :nerd:
It's kinda like how you put it though--- when you know somebody is different and they seem like they'll be worth your while. Just be patient.

sheeesh a whole year? lol thats whats up, I hope things work out the same in my favor. I actually respect her more for giving me the low shoulder, shows integrity and all that good s&%@ :lol:
the more I thought about it that's why I put that "do more digging".... yo , man, real talk? If you like her be patient.
I laid in the cut for my current BF for a year, at least. No exaggeration. He had a girl at the time so I just chilled... bided my time... bided too much damn time and he started dating this other chick.... bided my time SOME MORE and I finally felt like I had an opening and pounced :lol: :pimp:. By no means stop living your life but just always make sure you keep an ear to the streets so you can know if something changes in her situation :nerd:
It's kinda like how you put it though--- when you know somebody is different and they seem like they'll be worth your while. Just be patient.

Where are women like you in real life?

....or maybe I'm just ugly.

who knows *shrugs*
Where are women like you in real life?
....or maybe I'm just ugly.
who knows *shrugs*

I literally had a school-girl crush on him--- I still do :wow:

He don't know it but he could have me like this if he wanted

sike naw :lol: but for real, I cut for this *****
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>D naaaaaw you ain't jokin


damn it's that obivous? Nah, man I wouldn't be barking like no dog! But anything else (cook , clean , take him somewhere, wash his clothes, buy him some **** ) I honestly wouldn't mind... he just not the kinda dude that would ever ask me to do any of that stuff. That's probably why I want to do it.
Weekz bra just focus on u but Dnt cut off contact with women all together...u need women in ur life...bein around dudes or by yourself all the time is awkward..all ur gonna do is start hating women

Don't worry. I have plenty of female friends. In fact my crew is majority women.
I just won't be looking for any girls that's all. Friends and myself is all I'm about.
damn it's that obivous? Nah, man I wouldn't be barking like no dog! But anything else (cook , clean , take him somewhere, wash his clothes, buy him some **** ) I honestly wouldn't mind... he just not the kinda dude that would ever ask me to do any of that stuff. That's probably why I want to do it.
ask for nothing and get everything :pimp:
Y'all ever pull chicks in the library?

Had this cute chick today sitting next to me ask me " Hey could you watch my items for a sec"
I dropped the ball idk if she was trying to get at me or what.
Y'all ever pull chicks in the library?
Had this cute chick today sitting next to me ask me " Hey could you watch my items for a sec"
I dropped the ball idk if she was trying to get at me or what.
Should've took a shot, next time u see her do it.
Don't worry. I have plenty of female friends. In fact my crew is majority women.
I just won't be looking for any girls that's all. Friends and myself is all I'm about.
Your crew is majority women that you're not actively smashing or plan to?


They gonna think you just one of the girls man.
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