TAY: thread about yambs...

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I was gonna make this its own thread but its not even worth it...

Got a cal last night from me ex who I went out with for3ish years...what a mind **** that is.

Bill burr was right... The best revenge is going on with your life and as your coming to a point in your life when **** is going good these butchers somehow sense it and call you out of the blue.

It was awkward as **** talking to her.. Now I know what's dad feels like towards his ex's.

It got to a point in the convo where i was like ****....what was I thinking getting with this girl... Her family is garbage, she was too materialistic and I wouldn't have gone to grad school if I was still with her...

You gotta stop thinking with your **** if you wanna secure a good life for you and yours.
It got to a point in the convo where i was like ****....what was I thinking getting with this girl... Her family is garbage, she was too materialistic and I wouldn't have gone to grad school if I was still with her...
You gotta stop thinking with your **** if you wanna secure a good life for you and yours.

Improving yourself, taking care of your responsibilities, and looking out for those who are important in your life is the best way to handle anyone's life. Once you got everything else sorted out, them wimmenz come out from the wood works (srs). Good job grimlock for doing you and forgetting about that chick :smokin. Wimmenz love confidence and success (srs)

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Improving yourself, taking care of your responsibilities, and looking out for those who are important in your life is the best way to handle anyone's life. Once you got everything else sorted out, them wimmenz come out from the wood works (srs). Good job grimlock for doing you and forgetting about that chick
. Wimmenz love confidence and success (srs)
I really am fine with not having a girl all throughout high school, and this really help me feel secure about the decision to stay single. I think i haven't really improved my self yet and wanna work on getting myself together. I feel like im not in a position to receive yambs just yet because for one; i don't have my license , my i.d, or a job to really having a gf. But i do work on my game everyday. I just feel like im not ready to have yambs if that makes sense.
^cool ****. Wish i learned that earlier. Talking about the opposite sex was forbidden in my lame *** house and I am still trying to catch up on this knowledge because of it.

Me and my sisters only recently started getting along a few years ago. Back then we still were not close enough for her to help me out.

Now its too late. My friends cant just give it to me straight and tell me what i did wrong.

Im still determined to catch up.
That's crazy bruh, try doing kegels though. Do 50 a day, and I'd assume it'd do more justice than a No Fap Nov.
Does porn actually do that much damage at such a young age... had no idea, damn :{
I'll stick to them girls on WSHH :smokin
50? A thousand is nothing. Not like you have to really do anything.
I thought kegels was for dat velocity.

Didn't know it help for ED, too. Not that thats a problem. 8o
:| Read my past posts
Cuz i aint going over that again

I dont see how you need to be ******g to know if your **** works right.
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I thought kegels was for dat velocity.
Didn't know it help for ED, too. Not that thats a problem. 8o

Doesn't need to be a problem, but you mos def. dont wanna have yambs ready to go, and not be able to get it up. Almost happened to me once, and ever since then I made sure that I'd never flop.
Helps you get it back up faster too.
Erectile Dysfunction is a b**** :{ never thought it would happen to me.
Been talking to this new chick for a couple weeks now and anytime she comes over I cant perform. I dont know what it is but i just cant keep it up. She'll be in my bed literally begging for me to **** her but i can't. I'll give her the ******** excuse that we shouldnt have sex yet because it would ruin the relationship but really its because I cant get it up.
I keep chalking it up to the fact that my body is tired( its usually like 3-4 am and im normally sleep by 12 or 1), but as a 22 year-old, in-shape, healthy male I feel that I should be able to go no matter the time.
I completed No Fap November and i no longer watch porn so i dont know what the problem is :{
I dont even want to invite her over anymore in fear that i cant perform again.

Bruh its obvious that its just smash anxiety. Just whip it out anyway and let her do her job of getting u up and ull get past that feeling from then on
Bruh I hope so. Usually ill start it off with foreplay and get her in the mood then try to go at it.

From now on Imma cut the foreplay from my end and have her initiate it and see what happens. She's coming over again tonight and if I can't perform this time I really might have to go see a doctor
:| Read my past posts
Cuz i aint going over that again
I dont see how you need to be ******g to know if your **** works right.

Females do kegels to squeeze the D for her dudes' pleasure; males do kegels to strengthen the PC muscle, which helps you hold back when you're about to bust and in turn last longer.

Kegels ain't got anything to do with getting it up at all. Whatever the problem, it's mental.
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Females do kegels to squeeze the D for her dudes' pleasure; males do kegels to strengthen the PC muscle, which helps you hold back when you're about to bust and in turn last longer.
Kegels ain't got anything to do with getting it up at all. Whatever the problem, it's mental.

doubt that. because it started long before I started beating myself up...
The best experience is hands on experience.

Practice makes perfect.

That's like Kobe sitting on his couch in his uniform playing the practice mode on NBA 2K13 saying, "I think I see improvement in my shot", instead of getting his *** in the gym.

Take your joystick out of your hand and get in the gym son.
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