TAY: thread about yambs...

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What are the signs? Plus nah I haven't had sex wit' her.
Smh. She is 20, I am 23.
Yes Valentines was our first date and we were interested in each other for 10 months prior. It took so long to go out and date because I hadn't brought my whip on campus. Now this semester I brought the vehicle up.

I don't know man, 10 months? I feel the ship has sailed.

What does vehicle have to do with anything? Couldn't you just asked shorty to meet up somewhere on campus for a first date?

If you had no physical contact, like even innocent touching, up until Valentine's (which I suspect, no shots), then game is over. I feel like this was me waaaay back.

I also think you over did it with the gifts, hence all the questions and her thinking in her head "Where is this all coming from..?"
Here are the signs:
-the questions she asked come off as insecure and she she seems real needy for attention.
-the hug exchange is pretty lame for two people who were supposedly interested in each other the prior 10 months. Did you even try to kiss her?
-After the date she TELLS you to hit her up. Basically shes in control now and thats a bad sign my friend.
-She didnt state that she had a good time with you. All u got was a measly Thank You?
-She proceeds to tell you that she will let u know when shes available(not good). If she really likes you she'll make time for you.

So you have known her all this time and never had sex? Honestly don't even bother with her no more. Clearly she's seeking attention and add the fact that she's only 20 proves it. Don't take young chicks seriously because they're not serious themselves.

I have a situation that I was gonna make a thread about but this situation is kinda similar to mine, so i'll just post it here. Me and this chick have been talking for a while so we go out for a date on Valentines Day. I greet her wit' flowers, candy, and a card. Dinner went great, flowing with conversation. Asking me questions like "Who did you talk to? Who did you mess with on campus?" "What's the sweetest thing you've done for a girl?" When was the last relationship you were in?" for the interrogative questions... I bring her home after a great Valentines Day (No kiss, jus' a nice hug). She says "Hit me up, so we can see that movie next week." Sends me a "Thank you, again text with a smiley face. (with two hearts)" right after the drop off.... Proceeds to tell me she'll let me know when she is free and she'll check her schedule tomorrow so we can set up another date. Mind you, this was two weeks ago on Feb 14th. It's now March 1st and we haven't spoke once since! Hasn't hit me up to tell her she's free on whatever date!

I send her a "Hi" text on Feb. 26th at like 6 AM. No response till' this very minute. Can y'all mind explaining to me what the hell is going on???
damb dipset... you messed up brah...

the hell you doing all that extra lubby dubby stuff for on the first date?

then on valentines day too? come on, brah...

you're better than that... arent you a grad student, too?
Damb Dipset FAM you went out like a sucka. But you live and you learn. I've MegaSimped for broads before man. You gotta leave all dambs at home when it comes to these skeezoids.
imma say F it tonight. this chick been tellin her girls she wants the d from me , her friend tells me im like oh word. i wouldnt go outta my way to hit it but honestly Imma do it if she wants it like that why not , no shame
I don't know man, 10 months? I feel the ship has sailed.

What does vehicle have to do with anything? Couldn't you just asked shorty to meet up somewhere on campus for a first date?

If you had no physical contact, like even innocent touching, up until Valentine's (which I suspect, no shots), then game is over. I feel like this was me waaaay back.

I also think you over did it with the gifts, hence all the questions and her thinking in her head "Where is this all coming from..?"

Hmm good points. I don't think i'm gonna give up though. I spent guap on shorty >: I had to get her something on Valentines Day. Come empty handed to a dinner date though?

Here are the signs:
-the questions she asked come off as insecure and she she seems real needy for attention.
-the hug exchange is pretty lame for two people who were supposedly interested in each other the prior 10 months. Did you even try to kiss her?
-After the date she TELLS you to hit her up. Basically shes in control now and thats a bad sign my friend.
-She didnt state that she had a good time with you. All u got was a measly Thank You?
-She proceeds to tell you that she will let u know when shes available(not good). If she really likes you she'll make time for you.

So you have known her all this time and never had sex? Honestly don't even bother with her no more. Clearly she's seeking attention and add the fact that she's only 20 proves it. Don't take young chicks seriously because they're not serious themselves.

Yeah she said "Thank you! I had a good time! (With a smiley face with two hearts on the eyeballs).

Yeah I kinda tried to smooch, but the hug just happened, i dunno. I agree wit' the taken young chicks seriously part. Your right man. But I spent guap on shorty? Nahhhh, i'm not gonna give up homie.

damb dipset... you messed up brah...

the hell you doing all that extra lubby dubby stuff for on the first date?

then on valentines day too? come on, brah...

you're better than that... arent you a grad student, too?

Yeah but how would she feel if I didn't get her jack shot on Valentines Day? While everyone else in Olive Garden has bouquets and stuff?

By the way, her iMessage just says "delivered" not "read" at all
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the hell you doing all that extra lubby dubby stuff for on the first date?

then on valentines day too? come on, brah...

:lol: :lol: :smh: yeah man, you don't do all that shh on the first date, sounds like he spent $100 on her the first night out.

:x @ having the first date on V-day, destined for failure |I

Cut the losses now and move on, this girl isn't into you
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Need help trying to talk to this one chick in my English class. A solid 9 in the face nice brown skin with a nice plump mass. She's either from the south or is from D.C accent strong as hell. She seems really nice. Can't seem to approach her its not that I'm scared I just don't want to look stupid. Plus my friend said he wants to talk to her we r in the same class. Need help approaching her
Snag-a-strag coalition was in full effect last night

Whole team was damn near ******g on the drunk bus from the bar

:lol: :smokin
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:lol: :lol: :smh: yeah man, you don't do all that shh on the first date, sounds like he spent $100 on her the first night out.

:x @ having the first date on V-day, destined for failure |I

Cut the losses now and move on, this girl isn't into you

I'm pissed right now, but I don't wanna give up. I spent too much guap on Valentines Day, yo.
yeah man, you don't do all that shh on the first date, sounds like he spent $100 on her the first night out.

@ having the first date on V-day, destined for failure

Cut the losses now and move on, this girl isn't into you
I'm pissed right now, but I don't wanna give up. I spent too much guap on Valentines Day, yo.
just cut your losses now dude...

it only gets worse from here, b.
:lol: :lol: :smh: yeah man, you don't do all that shh on the first date, sounds like he spent $100 on her the first night out.

:x @ having the first date on V-day, destined for failure |I

Cut the losses now and move on, this girl isn't into you

Yep :smh: chick just needed a date for VDay

Cancel this chick bruh
I'm pissed right now, but I don't wanna give up. I spent too much guap on Valentines Day, yo.

Ehhhhh, showering gifts is too cliche nowadays to woo a girl. It's more of value when you are actually dating and know the girl.

For arguments sake of being Valentine's and all, I would have just given her a single rose if you wanted to play off that gesture.

But the candy and card? Yikes...

Take the L my dude and move on.

And ignore her until further notice.
Ughhhh, this can't be real life. She's fine too. *Bites bottom lip*

Wait, did you hit her up again? She said she would tell you when she was free but you need to initiate conversation again.

Also, "Hi" is a BAD text message. You might as well text "Hey I have nothing interesting or thoughtful to say but I still kinda creepily want to talk to you." That's weak. Tell me you texted her something BESIDES "Hi" since the date.

EDIT: If I'm right, my whole read on the situation isn't that its over or she's not interested - it just sounds like you're being shy or unwilling to initiate with her. First you didn't go for the kiss - then you patiently wait for her to give you a time to hang out even though you really like her. You should've BEEN set up a next date or time to hang out. She clearly enjoyed her time with you (even if she just wanted a valentines day date). Just try to set up another hang out. If you get rejected twice then you know the deal.
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Dipset? time to dipset. it's crazy seeing these things so obviously now through experience and age. It'll happen again and you'll grow. You may forget the event, but not the feeling, It'll manifest itself as instinct and become normal to boss up on these things.
:lol: :lol: :smh: yeah man, you don't do all that shh on the first date, sounds like he spent $100 on her the first night out.

:x @ having the first date on V-day, destined for failure |I

Cut the losses now and move on, this girl isn't into you

not true! But yea, you did do too much with all the gifts and stuff--- should've just treated it like a regular ol' date. Maybe a single rose... MAYBE! But that's it.
and the kick game comment was more a joke than anything--- but I will admit if I'ma "date" a dude into kicks his game gotta be better than mine, or at least somewhat on the level of mine or it's a wrap.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Been with shorty a few months, went on dates, hung out like once or twice a week. Now it seems like excuses, last time I hung was 2 weeks ago, and prior to that was also 2 weeks. Instead of "cant hang out, lets go out ____ instead" its just a bunch of sorries.

Texting has been whack too, though I did admit I liked her and I miss her, left it at that to gauge how she feels and she did hit me up to chat.

But still.


Now I see duke being extra friendly with her on IG and her kinda entertaining it.

What should I do fams?
Been with shorty a few months, went on dates, hung out like once or twice a week. Now it seems like excuses, last time I hung was 2 weeks ago, and prior to that was also 2 weeks. Instead of "cant hang out, lets go out ____ instead" its just a bunch of sorries.

Texting has been whack too, though I did admit I liked her and I miss her, left it at that to gauge how she feels and she did hit me up to chat.

But still.


Now I see duke being extra friendly with her on IG and her kinda entertaining it.

What should I do fams?

take your L and keep it moving. She obviously playing you and you already out here kinda looking like a sucker.
So I'm at this bar I'm use to going to and it's nothing but old ppl (not milf just old). Maybe taking that L tonight
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