TAY: thread about yambs...

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Girl been talking to came down Sunday night and left early this morning. Smashed 8 times, feel drained literally. Would turn down most yambs right now.
Yo check this out: So i meet a girl this semester. Exchange numbers for school related stuff, small talk everyday although she has a bf. she breaks up with bf, we start hooking up almost immediately. After a week of being lovey dovey, she does a complete 180 out of the blue and just wants to be friends. Shes clearly talking to her ex, theres no point of trying again right
Yo check this out: So i meet a girl this semester. Exchange numbers for school related stuff, small talk everyday although she has a bf. she breaks up with bf, we start hooking up almost immediately. After a week of being lovey dovey, she does a complete 180 out of the blue and just wants to be friends. Shes clearly talking to her ex, theres no point of trying again right

Nope none, stop answering her calls/text. If she tries to kick it "you're busy or got a date".

Watch her try to renig on her friendzoning.
Nope none, stop answering her calls/text. If she tries to kick it "you're busy or got a date".

Watch her try to renig on her friendzoning.

Heres the only problem: I rely on her in the class we're in so I might have to text her for notes or something but i wont contact her for anything else. I dont think she'll be hitting me up either, I got curved pretty bad. Mind you guys, this is merely a couple days after she was acting like shes in love with me. Ive never been a rebound before lol Flabbergasted right now
Nope none, stop answering her calls/text. If she tries to kick it "you're busy or got a date".

Watch her try to renig on her friendzoning.

Heres the only problem: I rely on her in the class we're in so I might have to text her for notes or something but i wont contact her for anything else. I dont think she'll be hitting me up either, I got curved pretty bad. Mind you guys, this is merely a couple days after she was acting like shes in love with me. Ive never been a rebound before lol Flabbergasted right now

Focus on school and pay attention in class, you ask her for notes and all that gives her the upper hand.

One of the best ways to check a woman is to prove to her that you don't need her.
Focus on school and pay attention in class, you ask her for notes and all that gives her the upper hand.

One of the best ways to check a woman is to prove to her that you don't need her.

Wise words fam. **** it I'm not hitting her up for anything. We only have one final exam left. I copy the girl that sits next to her on the tests. Technically for me to keep that arrangement going I just have to be civil. But yo, i really got played by some immature 18 yr old b. i've literally been laughing non stop for hours now
Man just feels like my girl and I have been fighting a lot lately, it's tough cause most of the fights revolve around not spending enough time together, right now she works 6 days a week and I'm injured so I'm on workers comp and just chill all day every day, her hours are 7 am to 11 am cause she works double shifts 4 out of those 6 days, the days she's off early she wants to sleep which I don't blame her for cause our job is really mentally tiring but another thing is her family is really big on spending time together and they chirp at her when they don't spend enough time with her so balancing time between us and her family and work is just tough right now, I'm being patient but man it's tough to not want to spend time with her especially since I have a lot of free time

Anyone ever dealt with similar issues or an over bearing family?

Me and my ex spent like 2 days a week together cause of work and school

Then we only spent one day a week together and then she called me needy cause i wanted to see her at least 2 days a week needless to say i dumped her
Le bump.
Grabbed lunch a few times w cute white girl at work I want . Two times we've hung out after work . 1st was this dvd shop for half or so, grabbed a bite for an hour and walked her home. 2nd long movie and grabbed food again and walked her home...how do I give the cue I'm interested or read that she is?
Man just feels like my girl and I have been fighting a lot lately, it's tough cause most of the fights revolve around not spending enough time together, right now she works 6 days a week and I'm injured so I'm on workers comp and just chill all day every day, her hours are 7 am to 11 am cause she works double shifts 4 out of those 6 days, the days she's off early she wants to sleep which I don't blame her for cause our job is really mentally tiring but another thing is her family is really big on spending time together and they chirp at her when they don't spend enough time with her so balancing time between us and her family and work is just tough right now, I'm being patient but man it's tough to not want to spend time with her especially since I have a lot of free time

Anyone ever dealt with similar issues or an over bearing family?

Me and my ex spent like 2 days a week together cause of work and school

Then we only spent one day a week together and then she called me needy cause i wanted to see her at least 2 days a week needless to say i dumped her

Ya we had a long *** talk tonight, I told her that I need some attention cause I'm not the type of dude who can't see his girl at all, we made some progress tonight but I know I still got a ways to go

My girl is the everything for her family, she helps with a good amount of the bills since her dad is on disability, so her working less isn't an option right now and her parents are immigrants so they need her for any type of paperwork

She's an amazing girl and I see her going through all this and it just blows me away how much she handles and still puts in effort to our relationship even if its something small
I cant wait for this semester to end b. How did I get myself into this lol Have i learned nothing from seinfeld. The first break up never works
Focus on school and pay attention in class, you ask her for notes and all that gives her the upper hand.

One of the best ways to check a woman is to prove to her that you don't need her.

Wise words fam. **** it I'm not hitting her up for anything. We only have one final exam left. I copy the girl that sits next to her on the tests. Technically for me to keep that arrangement going I just have to be civil. But yo, i really got played by some immature 18 yr old b. i've literally been laughing non stop for hours now

it happens to the best of us, good that you're laughing it off. Lesson learned my g.

One of the best ways to check a woman is to prove to her that you don't need her.
I'm dealing with a chick whose on again off again with if she wants to be with me. so I fall off and its like she wants me more

Tell her straight up that you're done doing the back and forth biz and if she wants to be with you she should tell you straight up
when girls purposely look away when you walk past them, are they being shy or uncomfortable in your presence? She just walked and purposely turned her head 90 degrees and quickly say something random to her friend after seeing me. She would never do this before, is it because I got a haircut and she thinks its really hot 8)

Is it still worth a try or does this girl really hate me? I was gonna talk to her last week when everyone was telling me she had a man. Now people are like shes single, it was all speculation. Honestly had summoned up the courage to do it last week smh . Its just something about this whole situation that just drains my full bar of confidence just by looking at her.

I was gonna go up to her n her friends on friday and ask to talk to her alone. Then ask her to chill?
Yo you up there
Prolly. The first times I said something in this thread but
Under no circumstances go up to her when she's with her friends
Catch her by herself
Yo you up there
Prolly. The first times I said something in this thread but
Under no circumstances go up to her when she's with her friends
Catch her by herself
yea girls like to show off ju st like guys.
don't get played
Yo you up there
Prolly. The first times I said something in this thread but
Under no circumstances go up to her when she's with her friends
Catch her by herself
THIS is where the "hey can i borrow you for a sec?" line plays out wonderfully.

seperate her from the pack and POUNCE dammit



no mercy. if your guts are about to jump outta your throat because your nervous, think about being alone at 45.

if you post in here again without talking to her ill have you banned.

BANNED i say
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Yo you up there

Prolly. The first times I said something in this thread but

Under no circumstances go up to her when she's with her friends

Catch her by herself

THIS is where the "hey can i borrow you for a sec?" line plays out wonderfully.

seperate her from the pack and POUNCE dammit



no mercy. if you're guts are about to jump outta your throat because your nervous, think about being alone at 45.

if you post in here again without talking to her ill have you banned.

BANNED i say

This. If you're able to pull her away from her friends for even a second you just have to NOT eff it up. She already shown that she might be slightly interested in what you have to say. Or she might be being nice :lol:
so i hit up dis chick on the weekend whose number i got a while ago and she tells me that shes home alone and then i say where my invite and then she sends me her address but im too lazy cuz im watchin the game and give her a raincheck and then she asks what about next saturday to a movie? i say yea sure. she says she cant do friday because its her bday and her parent want her to be with family. so im like okay thats gucci. i didnt text her until today and she tells me that her party is actually saturday and she tells me i can come if i want to.

should i go?
i forgot how she looks i just remember she has big ******* and a little but chubby.
i rather just tell her no and take her out another day, especially since all her family is gunna be there.
so i hit up dis chick on the weekend whose number i got a while ago and she tells me that shes home alone and then i say where my invite and then she sends me her address but im too lazy cuz im watchin the game and give her a raincheck and then she asks what about next saturday to a movie? i say yea sure. she says she cant do friday because its her bday and her parent want her to be with family. so im like okay thats gucci. i didnt text her until today and she tells me that her party is actually saturday and she tells me i can come if i want to.

should i go?
i forgot how she looks i just remember she has big ******* and a little but chubby.
i rather just tell her no and take her out another day, especially since all her family is gunna be there.

dont go.

The whole family. On first "Date".

**** it.

What you shoud've done is go there when she was alone :

walk in
see her

3 options :
She's good looking, you chill there and try to get the yambs
She's not good looking, just dip.
She's not good looking, tell her straight up : I just want the yambs because you ain't got time for games. Get the yambs, then tell her to give you 20$ for the gas.
Ive figured out my main issues with yambs...Im over confident at times, I joke around a lot, and I dont have a censor on my mouth
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