TAY: thread about yambs...

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I have TOOOO many girls on my plate right now, and I really dont like it

Juggling 5-7 girls was cool when I was 21-22, but now its just too much work.

Plus the fact that I only rreeeeealllllly want one of the girls, shes ******g dope. BEAUTIFUL chocolate girl, really smart, funny, articulate. I met her in my psych class, and we hit it off on the first day, and have talked every day since then

Im thinking about kicking the rest of the curb before feelings are caught


not even, I'm only piping one of them....lol the rest are just a headache

The peaks and pitfalls of yambs

I smashed this one shorty I was trying to smash for awhile. super hood chick, tatted up, just got out the joint, bangin body, cute face.....but her teeth look like she ran into Edward Norton :x

She let me do whatever, and I left it dripping off her chin.

On the way to drop her back at her crib....I GOT IN A ******G CAR ACCIDENT!!!!!!!!
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Instead of juggling a lot of chicks, I try to keep a steady 2-3 and replace ones that start to catch feelings. I then fill in the gaps with mostly one timers from going out.

There are some months where I work 80-90 hours a week and there's no way I'm putting in that effort to maintain a large team
quick question, if im talking to a group of high school girls, how should I address them?
Hey ladies? hey everyone? assume I dont know them
You might not like hearing this, but you're very young. I know it seems like this girl may be the One, but chances are she isn't. She's just the first girl that's had your heart. I would advise for you to not worry about being tied down, but that's easier said than done.

And yes, Miami's great for women. I think very few, if any, places can top it.
Instead of juggling a lot of chicks, I try to keep a steady 2-3 and replace ones that start to catch feelings. I then fill in the gaps with mostly one timers from going out.

There are some months where I work 80-90 hours a week and there's no way I'm putting in that effort to maintain a large team
What do you do?
Instead of juggling a lot of chicks, I try to keep a steady 2-3 and replace ones that start to catch feelings. I then fill in the gaps with mostly one timers from going out.

There are some months where I work 80-90 hours a week and there's no way I'm putting in that effort to maintain a large team
What do you do?
1st year resident - non-categorical.

Thankfully starting radiology in a couple of months
Shawty said it was complicated....I said take my number then :pimp: :pimp:
This thread and yambition thread got me on a spree :lol:
Why is that when we're dealing with a chick for a couple months, everything is going good, we treating each other right....then all the sudden she's expecting you to make it official? Like why not just be happy and enjoy the ride
lol its like the old saying. why buy the cow when the milk is free. girls caught on to that my man. there saying is why buy the pig for a little sausage. they don't like that months game no more
perfect saying took the words right out of my mouth
I think I messed up fame...no humble brag but I pulled into a parking lot that had a beauty shop in it. When i got out the car some girl came up to me and was like my friend wanna holla at you..I was like
...I didn't act on it because i wasn't used to girls being so aggressive..I know I know I screwed it up..
I think I messed up fame...no humble brag but I pulled into a parking lot that had a beauty shop in it. When i got out the car some girl came up to me and was like my friend wanna holla at you..I was like:wow: ...I didn't act on it because i wasn't used to girls being so aggressive..I know I know I screwed it up..
naw man aggressive chicks like that worry me I feel they may be a little too promiscuous
tdogg and velle your both not alone...I had a few girls like that one was my prom date..we went to the club after prom she was all over me with her hands in my pants in front of everyone..im talking about her hands all the down my draws while im trying to have conversations with other people lol that was extremely uncomformtable to me lol...but the girl was a stripper on the side in hs..i think she is still stripping now in Cleveland..btw she was 18 and I was 19(freshman yr of college)

So im talkin to this female..im just talkin some **** Im like what can you do for me besides look cute on my arm..she goes off and says a man is supposed to be a strong support system..if you can't spend money on me on the first date then that shows me your not a great support system :x :smh:..I told her thats whats wrong with girls in todays society its all about them..she says as it should be its a unwritten law were you prove to the female why your worthy of talking to them :smh:...I told my mom about it she was laughing with me lol crazy out here i tell you
tdogg and velle your both not alone...I had a few girls like that one was my prom date..we went to the club after prom she was all over me with her hands in my pants in front of everyone..im talking about her hands all the down my draws while im trying to have conversations with other people lol that was extremely uncomformtable to me lol...but the girl was a stripper on the side in hs..i think she is still stripping now in Cleveland..btw she was 18 and I was 19(freshman yr of college)

So im talkin to this female..im just talkin some **** Im like what can you do for me besides look cute on my arm..she goes off and says a man is supposed to be a strong support system..if you can't spend money on me on the first date then that shows me your not a great support system
..I told her thats whats wrong with girls in todays society its all about them..she says as it should be its a unwritten law were you prove to the female why your worthy of talking to them
...I told my mom about it she was laughing with me lol crazy out here i tell you
I would've cut her off right then and there. Talking about you can't spend money on me...but have the nerve to get mad when you call them out on being dependent on you
Fambs, this chick is extra thirsty :lol: :smh: Met her last night at a school formal and got the digits. I don't even remember her name :lol: I dodged her most of the night and just chopped it up with other girls at the party, even right in front of her with this 1 chick, and got several numbers :smile: Leave the party and tell her I'm heading to check the downtown spots. She hits me with multiple texts soon as I leave the party and tells me that we should hit this house party tonight. About 15 mins later, she then calls my phone and says she's tired at some bar by her apt and is calling it a night. Next day, Chilling around and she's texting me asking what I'm up to. I offered to take her out for drinks some time but didn't say when. I didn't text her back and she calls me a few hours later, asking if I'm available to chill tonight at this bar/lounge by my crib. I don't even want to hit it because I can see this girl might easily catch feelings but she does have that mass, if I remember correctly :evil: |I End well? I hope so.

Update: Didn't know her name so when she arrived at my place, I told her to make the security/concierge in my building call me from the main desk and I asked them who was down there :lol:. Get to the bar and find out she didn't bring her ID :rolleyes. how you forget that? unless she planned that or really forgot. head to my place and can't even get passed 1st base :smh: Every time I try to start kissing all on her neck she stops me. Asking me 100 questions, "Are you a playboy/ Mr. GQ? what are you looking for?" :lol: Always circumvent the question, fambs, to keep em guessing 8). I said "well, it depends on what the girl has to offer" and told her I'm not a playboy. "I'm just me, patentboy." Gets late and offer to let her crash. She seems indecisive and as she's calling the cab I'm just playing up her skirt and she's not stopping me until I get right by the kitty >: She heads out but is sold on me showing her this bar later this week and told her I'd check my schedule. She obv. wants to get cuffed but it's not cuffing season, fambs.
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famb. I've f d up. the girl I'm talking to I've been hitting raw. she's on BC but now she's caught feelings. I like her. but idk my future as far as staying in America. (I teach esl and travel to differwnt countries.) but she said she'd wait for me. she got a kid but he is under 2. which is the age I said I would allow cuz if I leave the kid won't remember but uf I stay I can I'm what he knows.
idk fam I'm 27 but not sure if I wanna settle down or still spread my oats....
spring time be having these chicks feeling freaky...i been having quick turnarounds with the joints i been meeting lately..i booked one at a house party on fri, hit shorty on Sat night with little effort :pimp:

Your an east baltimore legend man lol
Man just feels like my girl and I have been fighting a lot lately, it's tough cause most of the fights revolve around not spending enough time together, right now she works 6 days a week and I'm injured so I'm on workers comp and just chill all day every day, her hours are 7 am to 11 am cause she works double shifts 4 out of those 6 days, the days she's off early she wants to sleep which I don't blame her for cause our job is really mentally tiring but another thing is her family is really big on spending time together and they chirp at her when they don't spend enough time with her so balancing time between us and her family and work is just tough right now, I'm being patient but man it's tough to not want to spend time with her especially since I have a lot of free time

Anyone ever dealt with similar issues or an over bearing family?
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