TAY: thread about yambs...

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Small talk means the world to yambs so you better get to know and love that ****.

You could be talking about dog doo doo on the ground but if you have good eye contact and body language, then you're good.

If you're confident, then she's confident to open up to you.
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Small talk means the world to yambs so you better get to know and love that ****.

You could be talking about dog doo doo on the ground but if you have good eye contact and body language, then you're good.

If you're confident, then she's confident to open up to you.
This. Even if she knows that all you want is the yambs, you gotta distract her w/ small talk till the opportunity presents itself. Mastering small talk only helps you out in the long run.

Most girls don't like feeling like ohs.. So being blunt is almost always a no-go. The ones who give no damns about being ohs and throw it at you.. Those are the ones you need to watch out for.

Love this thread.
Half this thread needs to man the **** up...

I would quote you guys, but there are too many.

Embarrassment? Afraid of rejection?

Women like confidence, and if u don't have it, they will smell it all over you. Be confident, be yourself, and don't try to hard.

Most chicks just want a good dude that's makes them smile and laugh, and that is fun to be around. Not all chicks are after money and looks... That's great to have, but I assume you guys are younger, and generally women don't care about that stuff until your out of college, as long as you have goals and your doing something with your life. Specially your everyday chic.

You gotta get your confidence up and let them see that. I have a friend who's like 250 lbs, semi handsome or average at best...doesn't give a ****, wears crazy ****, never shaves, long *** hair...pulls mad yambs because he's confident, funny and is a blast to be around while partying, usually the center of attention. He doesn't even kick game, he's just himself and by the end of the night some chic has attached herself to his hip...

If your not walking in with confidence, the battle is already lost...
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went to the local gym earlier around 9:45pm(closes @ 11). saw about a dozen good looking honeys in yoga pants :smokin

none of them seem like they are interested in a conversation so i didn't talk to any, really just wanted to scope the place out since it was my first time >D

going back on thursday night...:smokin

now that I'm out of college i know it's going to be more difficult to meet women, i mean I met nothing but b-tches in college and never any girls of substance, not surprisingly i guess...:lol: :smh:

still can't find a decent girl for some reason, even the additional women i'm talking to @ bars, clubs etc. so i guess i just need to expand my horizons more >D
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went to the local gym earlier around 9:45pm(closes @ 11). saw about a dozen good looking honeys in yoga pants

none of them seem like they are interested in a conversation so i didn't talk to any, really just wanted to scope the place out since it was my first time

going back on thursday night...

now that I'm out of college i know it's going to be more difficult to meet women, i mean I met nothing but b-tches in college and never any girls of substance, not surprisingly i guess...

still can't find a decent girl for some reason, even women i'm talking to @ bars, clubs etc. so i guess i just need to expand my horizons more
meh, bars and clubs are probably not the best place to find chicks of substance. And no offense bruh, but your first sentence sounds thirsty and that scares away yambs.  Focus on working on yourself in the gym, ignore the yambs unless they talk to you first.
went to the local gym earlier around 9:45pm(closes @ 11). saw about a dozen good looking honeys in yoga pants

none of them seem like they are interested in a conversation so i didn't talk to any, really just wanted to scope the place out since it was my first time

going back on thursday night...

now that I'm out of college i know it's going to be more difficult to meet women, i mean I met nothing but b-tches in college and never any girls of substance, not surprisingly i guess...

still can't find a decent girl for some reason, even women i'm talking to @ bars, clubs etc. so i guess i just need to expand my horizons more
Pretty much answered your own question fam.

I really wouldn't consider any chick I'd bump into at those areas wifey material. Chill, get yams, and wait till you graduate to settle down. Enjoy your youth while it lasts.
Pretty much answered your own question fam.

I really wouldn't consider any chick I'd bump into at those areas wifey material. Chill, get yams, and wait till you graduate to settle down. Enjoy your youth while it lasts.

Dude said he was out of college, I think you misread.

Dirtybuhbuhnew made and excellet point, work on yourself and ignore the yambs unless the come up to you first. But most girls won't approach guys first... playing it cool and confident only gets you so far, the best way is let it casually happen, be patient. I've never really needed to TRY, always just kinda happened for me with females. I didn't go outta my way often, that's when the yambs come to you. Plus if your out in the club and other women see you approach another girl before them, it's a wrap... You look thirsty.

If I see a girl and her friends looking at me and talking/whispering, I pretend they don't exist and after an hour or two I'll let her see that I noticed her...then I'll wait for her to come up to me or sometimes their friends will come up to you for them. Granted this won't work for everyone, but it will if your a confident guy that looks fun to be around etc...

Dude sounds like he's looking for a girlfriend, which is a completely different game to me than looking for yambs to smash, I play the entire thing out differently.
Why do people so don't find wifey in the club....

As if everyone that visits the club ain't **** off top?

Pretty sure good girls go out too... No, you don't ask her to marry you right there

But if you meet her, get her number, maybe bump into her later on and really kick the convo off, what's wrong with?

I get how that's not a happy story... But you can't disregard EVEEY chick you meet at the club.
Totally agree. I've met straight relationship material girls in clubs, but I personally wasn't ready. Couple were just in there bc they haven't been out in forever or her homies pegged her out tonight.
Dont know of anybody else feels da same way, but i think i will never get married in my life. I like to live day by day and forget the past. That is some random thought that game to my head. Hope tommorrow i feel different
I personally don't see anything wrong with meeting a chic in the club. Wifey material is just that, regardless of where u meet em. I just can't stand those females that stay in the club... I'm down for going out once a week, usually Friday. The rest on the time I'm on my get money grind. If your not making me better as a person and helping me to my goals, I can't **** with em regardless of how hot they are...
Ain't even gonna lie I feel bad for you dudes. Most of you weren't around when the internet wasn't popping and females weren't as out of pocket as they are now. A lot of you aren't socially equipped to get at females in person because of the times you grew up in. Ya'll don't know about a time when chicks would go out and be excited just for a dude to holler at them and you had to write numbers down on paper and call their house and have to speak to their parents and ****. I'm only 28 but this **** these days is stacked up against you young dudes. If a girl is even remotely cute she has at least twenty dudes on her bumper due to all the exposure out there versus just ten years ago when a chick had to go out and have social skills and be open. It's scary how fast the world changed. As an older guy (28) relative to this board all I can tell you guys is I'm riding with you and I wish ya'll luck. If I were to give any advice from my late teen to early 20's experience I would say don't take any girl you're dating overly serious and date a lot of types of women. Chicks don't really know what they want at most points in life but especially 15-30. Get your player stage out the way so you can focus on taking care of YOURSELF. Most of you will pay this no mind but pulling women is almost a joke after you become financially secure and independent. Also know that your desirability and sex appeal goes up as you age and women's pretty much dwindles off completely unless they're a solidified dime. Happy hunting and stay strapped up!
Ain't even gonna lie I feel bad for you dudes. Most of you weren't around when the internet wasn't popping and females weren't as out of pocket as they are now. A lot of you aren't socially equipped to get at females in person because of the times you grew up in. Ya'll don't know about a time when chicks would go out and be excited just for a dude to holler at them and you had to write numbers down on paper and call their house and have to speak to their parents and ****. I'm only 28 but this **** these days is stacked up against you young dudes. If a girl is even remotely cute she has at least twenty dudes on her bumper due to all the exposure out there versus just ten years ago when a chick had to go out and have social skills and be open. It's scary how fast the world changed. As an older guy (28) relative to this board all I can tell you guys is I'm riding with you and I wish ya'll luck. If I were to give any advice from my late teen to early 20's experience I would say don't take any girl you're dating overly serious and date a lot of types of women. Chicks don't really know what they want at most points in life but especially 15-30. Get your player stage out the way so you can focus on taking care of YOURSELF. Most of you will pay this no mind but pulling women is almost a joke after you become financially secure and independent. Also know that your desirability and sex appeal goes up as you age and women's pretty much dwindles off completely unless they're a solidified dime. Happy hunting and stay strapped up!
Good ****..i remember when me and my mans used to post up at the mall or something or hit one of the young clubs with a pen in hand...aint even have to worry bout numbers back then cuz they never said no :pimp:
1st and foremost forget about yourself

Its all about her

Unless she ask

Don't tell her

Just continue asking questions about her

Women love to talk especially about themselves

there will be some woman who try to act like they dont wanna talk about themselves, and most dont, but in the beginning stages, they want to unload on you, or kinda tell you their life stories.
but you will be expected to retaliate later, but thats not whats important, the NOW is what's important.

Ain't even gonna lie I feel bad for you dudes. Most of you weren't around when the internet wasn't popping and females weren't as out of pocket as they are now. A lot of you aren't socially equipped to get at females in person because of the times you grew up in. Ya'll don't know about a time when chicks would go out and be excited just for a dude to holler at them and you had to write numbers down on paper and call their house and have to speak to their parents and ****. I'm only 28 but this **** these days is stacked up against you young dudes. If a girl is even remotely cute she has at least twenty dudes on her bumper due to all the exposure out there versus just ten years ago when a chick had to go out and have social skills and be open. It's scary how fast the world changed. As an older guy (28) relative to this board all I can tell you guys is I'm riding with you and I wish ya'll luck. If I were to give any advice from my late teen to early 20's experience I would say don't take any girl you're dating overly serious and date a lot of types of women. Chicks don't really know what they want at most points in life but especially 15-30. Get your player stage out the way so you can focus on taking care of YOURSELF. Most of you will pay this no mind but pulling women is almost a joke after you become financially secure and independent. Also know that your desirability and sex appeal goes up as you age and women's pretty much dwindles off completely unless they're a solidified dime. Happy hunting and stay strapped up!

I'm the same age and its ridic now with this social media and cell phones,
what makes it even worse its all women who are hiding behind this, i was dating a 30 yr old, and she couldn't talk to me on serious stuff unless it was through text. she got mad at me once for me being like, yo this texting stuff is weak. and im tired of wasting the energey texting you all this crap i can say to you in 5 secs or less, so if you want to talk serious then you can call me or we can meet.

That is one thing I'm happy about being an 80's baby. we grew up when technology was just taking off, but still got the social skills for when it was never really here.

Once again though I'm not typing this to you guys juyst to be like I talk to mad chicks cuz I don't I'ma quality over quantity dude these days.
but face to face, look a girl in her eyes conversation making them laugh is my specialty and that's because I was brought up that way..
Girls love that. because if you can't look them in the eye for more than 1 min and keep up conversation with smiling, then you've lost.

The whole playing it cool thing especially for in gym works. the yambs I see in gym, see me getting it in, so the bit that I have talked to know im not in there to prowl which makes them more comfortable,

The grocery store theory I'm hoping to try this weekend.
but defintely can't do WALMART that place just crawls with rachetness, or chicks with families or kids. Target, or your local grocery is better..

now for you younger dudes wanting ratchet Walmart may be perfect.

Any store you go to in all honesty that has a chick working at the counter, dudes shoot shots at, but believe me, they standing there for 6+ hours, they love the bit of attention and laughter if you can bring it, I mess around with cashiers all the time making little jokes, then just walk out
go back a few days later, and that person is kinda begging you to come in that line and pick up the number.

Getting women is a patience game when you're going at it in these places..

as far as club/bar scene, you can kinda seperate the good girls from the bad. the bad ones are the ones yelling and hollerin or having the most fun.
the cool calm collective ones are the ones you really want... I'm not much of a bar hoper but from the times I did go, you can just kinda tell which ones had b/fs, which ones were wild and ratchet and which ones were kinda just dragged there by her friends.....
you should always have a wingman in those situations when girls have their girls nights, because while he hits on the wild ones, you can hit the good ones with that story like, well its his bday and I usually don't come out, but thats my boy.. Much rather be chilling reading my book or watching a movie.
she will get intrigued by that.

quality chicks are all about that. you'll be surprised
Ain't even gonna lie I feel bad for you dudes. Most of you weren't around when the internet wasn't popping and females weren't as out of pocket as they are now. A lot of you aren't socially equipped to get at females in person because of the times you grew up in. Ya'll don't know about a time when chicks would go out and be excited just for a dude to holler at them and you had to write numbers down on paper and call their house and have to speak to their parents and ****. I'm only 28 but this **** these days is stacked up against you young dudes. If a girl is even remotely cute she has at least twenty dudes on her bumper due to all the exposure out there versus just ten years ago when a chick had to go out and have social skills and be open. It's scary how fast the world changed. As an older guy (28) relative to this board all I can tell you guys is I'm riding with you and I wish ya'll luck. If I were to give any advice from my late teen to early 20's experience I would say don't take any girl you're dating overly serious and date a lot of types of women. Chicks don't really know what they want at most points in life but especially 15-30. Get your player stage out the way so you can focus on taking care of YOURSELF. Most of you will pay this no mind but pulling women is almost a joke after you become financially secure and independent. Also know that your desirability and sex appeal goes up as you age and women's pretty much dwindles off completely unless they're a solidified dime. Happy hunting and stay strapped up!
cot damn, speak that gospel *****, ain't that the truth.  32 here, when i was 18-23 man yambs were SO much better behaved.  they had to work just as hard as dudes did, nowadays they post some doctored pics on facebook and have the whole internet wantin in....it's tough times outchea for youngins 
 but yo i remember this one thread here on nt where i stated lotsa dimes be findin older dudes fly and ol girl that posts on here was like, 'guilty 
Dont know of anybody else feels da same way, but i think i will never get married in my life. I like to live day by day and forget the past. That is some random thought that game to my head. Hope tommorrow i feel different

I think like this sometimes. See many of my friends having kids, getting married, moving in with their chicks, and I'm like :x

Different strokes for different folks. Some people are just ready for that life sooner than others.
Yea,I knew my true 80's babies could relate cuz we didn't have to put up with every girl wanting to be a model,actress,singer fashion designer growing up. These chicks these days have no perspective and I really feel bad for these dudes because its all they know so they have to deal. I remember when females were so thirsty to get hollered at hitting the mall or any public place was crawling with females begging to get hollered at because they had nothing else to do. Now these chicks just stay at home all day and are locked behind a computer screen. Yes they do love older dudes without question, I run through them early 20's chicks like its nothing. Women are attracted to experience and experiences and most young dudes cant provide either. They game is really a mess in the states right now in generak tho. I highly recommend that yall travel. My tolerance for American women is nonexistent after going other places and the dynamics being natural between men and women. American chicks are trash but most American dudes don't know any better because they haven't traveled. These birds want to text out the gate and not even talk on the phone because they don't have social skills.
Yea,I knew my true 80's babies could relate cuz we didn't have to put up with every girl wanting to be a model,actress,singer fashion designer growing up. These chicks these days have no perspective and I really feel bad for these dudes because its all they know so they have to deal. I remember when females were so thirsty to get hollered at hitting the mall or any public place was crawling with females begging to get hollered at because they had nothing else to do. Now these chicks just stay at home all day and are locked behind a computer screen. Yes they do love older dudes without question, I run through them early 20's chicks like its nothing. Women are attracted to experience and experiences and most young dudes cant provide either. They game is really a mess in the states right now in generak tho. I highly recommend that yall travel. My tolerance for American women is nonexistent after going other places and the dynamics being natural between men and women. American chicks are trash but most American dudes don't know any better because they haven't traveled. These birds want to text out the gate and not even talk on the phone because they don't have social skills.
born in '89...

late '89..

Good points about chicks and dudes that lack social skills because of social media. I find it funny how all the rules have changed. **** like you can't text too much or reply too fast.

On another note, it's just *****/yambs/nappy dugout/fat rabbit/Power U...whatever you want to call it. I know some of you younger guys are thirsty for it but dig this..you can buy yambs just like you walk in a store and get shoes. SO don't put it so high up on the list.

if a chick says no at the mall, park, club, class, wherever, it's just a word. Not the one you wanted to hear but still just a word. Its so much action out here. especially for yall in college.

get yo *** up and try. hit the beach hit the mall. shoot your shot every time you see a chick you wanna crack. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.

and please stop wifin every chick that hold yall hand. It ain't going anywhere. date around and enjoy your 20s. I'm 32 engaged with kids. Life changed fast for me...all I really got is memories out here bc I'm trying to do what I think is right. Don't end up 32 with no memories.
Ain't even gonna lie I feel bad for you dudes. Most of you weren't around when the internet wasn't popping and females weren't as out of pocket as they are now. A lot of you aren't socially equipped to get at females in person because of the times you grew up in. Ya'll don't know about a time when chicks would go out and be excited just for a dude to holler at them and you had to write numbers down on paper and call their house and have to speak to their parents and ****. I'm only 28 but this **** these days is stacked up against you young dudes. If a girl is even remotely cute she has at least twenty dudes on her bumper due to all the exposure out there versus just ten years ago when a chick had to go out and have social skills and be open. It's scary how fast the world changed. As an older guy (28) relative to this board all I can tell you guys is I'm riding with you and I wish ya'll luck. If I were to give any advice from my late teen to early 20's experience I would say don't take any girl you're dating overly serious and date a lot of types of women. Chicks don't really know what they want at most points in life but especially 15-30. Get your player stage out the way so you can focus on taking care of YOURSELF. Most of you will pay this no mind but pulling women is almost a joke after you become financially secure and independent. Also know that your desirability and sex appeal goes up as you age and women's pretty much dwindles off completely unless they're a solidified dime. Happy hunting and stay strapped up!

Didn't even think about how the era you grew up in could affect it. Good stuff. 2nd part is what I was trying to get out to illest in the other thread, but he had to feel that pain to see the light.

Why do people so don't find wifey in the club....

As if everyone that visits the club ain't **** off top?

Pretty sure good girls go out too... No, you don't ask her to marry you right there

But if you meet her, get her number, maybe bump into her later on and really kick the convo off, what's wrong with?

I get how that's not a happy story... But you can't disregard EVEEY chick you meet at the club.

Naw that's just words, alot of long terms I know started off in a party setting/sexually.
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Yea,I knew my true 80's babies could relate cuz we didn't have to put up with every girl wanting to be a model,actress,singer fashion designer growing up. These chicks these days have no perspective and I really feel bad for these dudes because its all they know so they have to deal. I remember when females were so thirsty to get hollered at hitting the mall or any public place was crawling with females begging to get hollered at because they had nothing else to do. Now these chicks just stay at home all day and are locked behind a computer screen. Yes they do love older dudes without question, I run through them early 20's chicks like its nothing. Women are attracted to experience and experiences and most young dudes cant provide either. They game is really a mess in the states right now in generak tho. I highly recommend that yall travel. My tolerance for American women is nonexistent after going other places and the dynamics being natural between men and women. American chicks are trash but most American dudes don't know any better because they haven't traveled. These birds want to text out the gate and not even talk on the phone because they don't have social skills.

I'm telling ya'll man, the glimmer in their eyes it's almost effortless. I do **** with them I wouldn't do with older chicks like mess with more than one in the crew, cuz more than likely I'm not losing either.
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And no offense bruh, but your first sentence sounds thirsty and that scares away yambs.  Focus on working on yourself in the gym, ignore the yambs unless they talk to you first.

wait, how is that thirsty? the fact that good looking women are there? :lol: :smh: and I did do that, i was there an hour working out :smokin

I agree with Rick, I've met a few nice girls @ bars etc. i mean the same women who work jobs, go to school, etc. are the same ones @ bars and clubs...:lol: :lol:

and yeah I would prefer a basic relationship at this point, sex is just random and too inconsistent..I don't want anything super serious right now, i'm only 23, but having a girl that I could take to the movies, events etc. and pipe afterward would just get me more consistently laid :lol: :nthat:

I mean the suburb i'm in is very limited in terms of single women. And playing the dolo bar/nightlife game is tough, like real tough :x even when getting #'s and trying to follow up, women just have tons of options that men don't.

That, and I also don't have a consistent crew of single guy friends, which I think makes a huge difference when talking to a group of girls. without a crew it really just seems impossible for a group of girls to respect me, even if I make them laugh and have a good time and pull a # :smh:
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I hope dudes don't come in here expecting to get pointers on how to find a wife...

Cz this is basically a tutorial on how to get ***** and then throw it in ******* faces that their "body count" is too high to wife up.
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