TAY: thread about yambs...

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If you haven't learned anything by now then you're never getting any quality yambs.
Not to mention real hair ....sho would be nice every once in awhile
We call them unicorns...

No kid. cool gig .. respectful... pretty... not thirsty for attention... little to no makeup... acceptable amount of weave...

Unicorns, b.

If you haven't learned anything by now then you're never getting any quality yambs.
my dude ...

Your avy gets me everytime. :lol:

Might go back to test the grocery store again tonight.
Yea,I knew my true 80's babies could relate cuz we didn't have to put up with every girl wanting to be a model,actress,singer fashion designer growing up. These chicks these days have no perspective and I really feel bad for these dudes because its all they know so they have to deal. I remember when females were so thirsty to get hollered at hitting the mall or any public place was crawling with females begging to get hollered at because they had nothing else to do. Now these chicks just stay at home all day and are locked behind a computer screen. Yes they do love older dudes without question, I run through them early 20's chicks like its nothing. Women are attracted to experience and experiences and most young dudes cant provide either. They game is really a mess in the states right now in generak tho. I highly recommend that yall travel. My tolerance for American women is nonexistent after going other places and the dynamics being natural between men and women. American chicks are trash but most American dudes don't know any better because they haven't traveled. These birds want to text out the gate and not even talk on the phone because they don't have social skills.
Even though I'm young, I've been to Europe and the Caribbean many times.  The bolded is fact. Finding a good looking AND sociable AND intelligent female these days is difficult over here.
Quick summary..
New girl at work. Hung out few times. Last time found out she was sick so I offered to come by take care of her. Get there and after few movies she asks me if I wanna spend the night. No smash but it was a fun night. No reply to a couple texts but she sees me today and still seems interested. Do I go for another sleep over FTW since we are both off Friday night/Saturday day or let it rock for now?
it depends on what you want. a GF then play it safe, a 1 night smash/reguar then go over there and break her apart. but after that maybe she will stop talking to you.
Even though I'm young, I've been to Europe and the Caribbean many times.  The bolded is fact. Finding a good looking AND sociable AND intelligent female these days is difficult over here.
Been out the country mutiple times and maybe its the American factor, but chicks out the states are SO different. Its so refreshing to see chicks with strong MORALS AND VALUES.
it depends on what you want. a GF then play it safe, a 1 night smash/reguar then go over there and break her apart. but after that maybe she will stop talking to you.

Nonsense, do not go over another time without attempting to smash, wife material or not.
Looks like I might be dating a chick with a kid for the first time, time to head over to that thread and get some tips
Looks like I might be dating a chick with a kid for the first time, time to head over to that thread and get some tips

Tried it, got tired of it... If your not ready to be a father, don't date a chic with a kid. Cus u just end up playing daddy.

I mean unless your legit ready for the responsibility and ready made family.
Originally Posted by ricky409  

We call them unicorns...

No kid. cool gig .. respectful... pretty... not thirsty for attention... little to no makeup... acceptable amount of weave...
man we around... oh but wait ya'll not looking at nothing that don't look like a video model.
No offense to you.. But if you claim you're all this and haven't been scouted out yet it's usually because of the bolded.

I've met hella female professors at HBCU's on college tours and through family that were all of this except pretty and were single parents mostly.

While it's not fair.. It's life. Gotta like what you're looking at. It's a true statement; looks draw people in, personality makes em stay.
Looks like I might be dating a chick with a kid for the first time, time to head over to that thread and get some tips

Tried it, got tired of it... If your not ready to be a father, don't date a chic with a kid. Cus u just end up playing daddy.

I mean unless your legit ready for the responsibility and ready made family.

I've never dated a chick with a kid so I'm kind of interested, she's a friend of a friend and wants me to go to vegas with them in 3 weeks, so I'll probably will >D

Chicks says "I love you" on the 3rd date.

We got something to eat, made out and what not in the whip.I take her to the university parking lot where her car is.

We get out of mine and we hug & kiss. She looks at me and says "I love you" I stare at her for an awkward 30-45 seconds, then say " Are you saying this just to say it?" (She looked like she was about to cry so I had to think of something).

She says " Why would I just say that for no reason?". I say "Say it again, so I can say it back", she says it again and I say it back.
She texts me 15 min. after I drive off, apologizing about saying it so early, and putting me in a corner.

Chick is a church girl, super strict parents, sick career , off to med school next year. She's cute and THICK.

I was originally flirting/ talking to her younger sister, then we went out on a friendly dinner date. One thing led to another, we ended up kissing that same night, while watching Django at my crib.

I don't love her, and I'm starting to think that I have no feelings. :lol: I do like her alot, though.

Thoughts on why she would say this so early?

Infatuation man, give her 4 months and she'll think a lot more clearly, but if you guys are still together before she leaves she might fall hard man, happened with an ex before started dating in June and when I took off to school at the end of August she was in love.
Chicks says "I love you" on the 3rd date.

We got something to eat, made out and what not in the whip.I take her to the university parking lot where her car is.

We get out of mine and we hug & kiss. She looks at me and says "I love you" I stare at her for an awkward 30-45 seconds, then say " Are you saying this just to say it?" (She looked like she was about to cry so I had to think of something).

She says " Why would I just say that for no reason?". I say "Say it again, so I can say it back", she says it again and I say it back.
She texts me 15 min. after I drive off, apologizing about saying it so early, and putting me in a corner.

Chick is a church girl, super strict parents, sick career , off to med school next year. She's cute and THICK.

I was originally flirting/ talking to her younger sister, then we went out on a friendly dinner date. One thing led to another, we ended up kissing that same night, while watching Django at my crib.

I don't love her, and I'm starting to think that I have no feelings. :lol: I do like her alot, though.

Thoughts on why she would say this so early?
:stoneface: to you for saying "I love you" and not mean it.

You were pressured. Now its going to be "but you said you loved me" and yadda yadda every time something doesn't go her way.

You gotta maintain your steelo bro. Guarantee she's gonna be on the next guy in a few months..

Next time that arises you say"look sweetheart. I really thank you, but I don't play around with that. I don't want you saying it cuz I'm not fully comfortable saying it back.

"But I really do love you"

"Aight... But this is just too soon. When I say that, I have to be 100% sure"

She's gonna trip for a minute...

A day later she'll forget about it...
man when new chicks/clingy chicks hit me with ily :smh:

ill be like "dont you think its too soon"

and they'll think about it/let me slide and i wont hear it again for a while :lol:

thats the perfect answer if you dont love her imo
Dont know bout you guys but if a med student, beautiful, independent, believes in god and no other religion. And if da parents love her too, im sorry but i love you is the minimmun i would do. This may offend some people but i would announce my retirement in da yambs proffesion.
I feel you. Sounds a lil heartless and disinterested, though. Even if I don't love her, I'm still trying to keep her under that spell. She knows I said it and didn't mean it, which is why she texted me apologizing.

She also knows that I'm digging her, since I went out of my way to say it, so she wouldn't feel bad. I'll update if she's on another dude in a few months, but I highly doubt it :lol: .

She still wants to see your boy almost every day :smokin . I stunt on her here and there, but maintain consistency.

Thanks for your input, fellas.
my dude.... :smh:

listen to me, and i hope others chime in... older cats....

straight up, these yambs are like a cat and mouse game. a long the lines of "give them an inch and they'll take a mile". I'm not saying you're in grave danger right now... but in my heart of hearts, i think you'd have been better off setting your BOUNDARIES and not letting her coerce you into saying something you dont feel.

I really think that she would actually gained respect for you if you kept it honest. you're letting her guide the relationship instead of being the leader. as a man, you're the emotional pillar. they lean on you for support. you cant let her guide the relationship. you have to take control of it because MOST TIMES... when women lead relationships, its very up and down. lots of mood swings and very high peaks and valleys. a man's presence stabilizes that so that the peaks and valleys arent as high.

"i did it so she wouldnt feel bad"... bro... women are emotional roller coasters. i can tell you that that HIGH that she got of you saying that will wear off. and if you really think in the future that you might start to love her, it wont have the same impact.

you cant say "aight baby. now i REALLY love you"

and how is it cold and heartless if that's how you feel? you lowkey let her guilt you into committing to her (cuz when you say that... that's committment terminology). just because you dont agree or dont approve doesnt make you wrong.

you talk about keeping her under your spell... if that's the case, what else does she have to look forward to? if we're looking at it from a [COLOR=#red]PLAYA *** DUDE's[/COLOR]point of view... women dangle yambs in our face... we dangle committment in front of women's face... you gave up your TRUMP CARD... while she still holds hers.

i'm just a guy on the internet that likes yambs. but one thing i do is soak up what people talk about as well as incorporate my own experience into the mix when i talk about it. and i think you made a mistake by telling her that.

yeah, its been corrected... but it still happened... you gotta make sure that **** doesnt happen again...

doing good by keeping her at somewhat of a distance though.

and if anybody disagrees, please let me know.
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Dont know bout you guys but if a med student, beautiful, independent, believes in god and no other religion. And if da parents love her too, im sorry but i love you is the minimmun i would do. This may offend some people but i would announce my retirement in da yambs proffesion.
depending on your point in life, then there's nothign wrong with that.

but for the majority of us, you buggin, b.
I feel you. Sounds a lil heartless and disinterested, though. Even if I don't love her, I'm still trying to keep her under that spell. She knows I said it and didn't mean it, which is why she texted me apologizing.

She also knows that I'm digging her, since I went out of my way to say it, so she wouldn't feel bad. I'll update if she's on another dude in a few months, but I highly doubt it :lol: .

She still wants to see your boy almost every day :smokin . I stunt on her here and there, but maintain consistency.

Thanks for your input, fellas.
my dude.... :smh:

listen to me, and i hope others chime in... older cats....

straight up, these yambs are like a cat and mouse game. a long the lines of "give them an inch and they'll take a mile". I'm not saying you're in grave danger right now... but in my heart of hearts, i think you'd have been better off setting your BOUNDARIES and not letting her coerce you into saying something you dont feel.

I really think that she would actually gained respect for you if you kept it honest. you're letting her guide the relationship instead of being the leader. as a man, you're the emotional pillar. they lean on you for support. you cant let her guide the relationship. you have to take control of it because MOST TIMES... when women lead relationships, its very up and down. lots of mood swings and very high peaks and valleys. a man's presence stabilizes that so that the peaks and valleys arent as high.

"i did it so she wouldnt feel bad"... bro... women are emotional roller coasters. i can tell you that that HIGH that she got of you saying that will wear off. and if you really think in the future that you might start to love her, it wont have the same impact.

you cant say "aight baby. now i REALLY love you"

and how is it cold and heartless if that's how you feel? you lowkey let her guilt you into committing to her (cuz when you say that... that's committment terminology). just because you dont agree or dont approve doesnt make you wrong.

you talk about keeping her under your spell... if that's the case, what else does she have to look forward to? if we're looking at it from a [COLOR=#red]PLAYA *** DUDE's[/COLOR]point of view... women dangle yambs in our face... we dangle committment in front of women's face... you gave up your TRUMP CARD... while she still holds hers.

i'm just a guy on the internet that likes yambs. but one thing i do is soak up what people talk about as well as incorporate my own experience into the mix when i talk about it. and i think you made a mistake by telling her that.

yeah, its been corrected... but it still happened... you gotta make sure that **** doesnt happen again...

doing good by keeping her at somewhat of a distance though.

and if anybody disagrees, please let me know.

They will respect you more for clear, defined boundaries and the possibility of growth into that territory. DO NOT let her lead emotionally, either it's an even playing field or you have the upper hand. It usually doesn't work in your favor otherwise, either you end up dumbstruck when she leaves due to her newfound emotional confidence, leadership and strength she built off you, or you end up bridezilla'd up.
Ricky is 100% correct.

Recently I had a chick say stuff like "I want to say I love you" and "I think I could be yours forever" in April after just meeting in March. Fast forward to June and we don't even talk anymore.

I learned in my early 20s that saying ily too soon or when you don't mean it is a fatal mistake.

It can be hard when the girl seems perfect and the P is amazing but don't get love confused with infatuation.

Whatcanisay, don't put her on a pedestal bc she's going to med school. Especially as you don't know how the stress will change her and if she will even finish.
Its never good to let tears control your decisions

Cuz now she thinks she'll have her way with you everytime she cries

Some chics used that as a weapon the same way they do sex

Like I keep stressing females deal in emotions

On another note saying I love you is not a big deal

She's a church girl so you can always say

I said I love you meaning I love everyone not meaning that I'm in love with you it takes time to be in love with someone and I don't mind walking that path with you

and that's only if she tries to use it against you

There's a huge difference between saying you love someone and actually being in love with them
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