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Ethiopians have bigger boobs. I prefer ethiopian women

ethi women :pimp: had one bad joint about a year back she was down for whatever and she had dat mass
I guess I was doing something right she would always offer to buy me the newest j's but I didn't connect I can't live that down :lol:
Damn, you guys are smashing and everything, and I'm still in the initiate conversation phase. :frown:


eh, don't worry... some of these fools might be lyin'...

[COLOR=#red]Dang why we got to be lying? It's not that hard actually when you know what you doing (well to be honest depending on what a guy is working with). Then again I was an athlete, and I have lived all over the U.S. and have travelled the world. I keep an Excel spreadsheet of my history. I also have numerous pics and movies but I respect the women enough not to post anything compromising.

:lol: peeps acting like smashing is some amazing feat...Fact is if you aren't getting them skins the way you want %85 is about your confidence. I'm 6'6 and in shape, yet my dude in ATL is like 5'8 and look like the last time he worked out was in H.S. yet this dude pulls some of the baddest broads consistently. You know why? Cause in his mind he's Lebron James when he approaches these broads. And it's not like they ratchets either.

Dudes get your confidence up...It will pay dividends I promise you. Less than 1% of all dudes are rich, tall, and good looking, yet dudes who are successful with the women find away to get theirs.[/COLOR]
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I think sometimes it's hard for women and dudes that don't get any to believe how easy and routine it is. :lol: @ spreadsheet though, I remember illuztrious posted his a while back, **** prolly doubled by now. Not a bad idea, I don't remember half the women I messed with this year. Then again I was cold out of a heartbreak.
Lmao how the hell do you even have that take back gf request convo :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

it was a while ago but i think the convo went like this

me: yea so about last night...although i do rly like u i dont think we should move that fast just yet.
her: ok

she was a real chill girl. she nvr got worked up about anything but i wasnt ever feelin her on the gf level lol
4 lokos took over my brain that night smh
found out white yambs was a bussdown.....came at her like she was a respectful chick  
 .....gotta change tune next time I run into her at work 

Keep her on the team...
How many tries yall give yourself?

I met a girl under some good/bad circumstances (met her in the library, she lost her final presentation on the last day, i convince her to talk to the professor...I get the #, she gets to present a week later...she's thankful that i convinced her, we hit it off via text)

two days later, she comes by after leaving a bar. But we sit in her car talkin an S!!! :rolleyes

I only had a week before leaving out of town for a few weeks, and she had a friends wedding.

I hit her up on Sat 15th (weddin day ) and we talk briefly and basically say hit me up when you done with everything...she never hit me up:nerd:

It was understood that she was to hit me up...

I dont chase girls AT ALL, but should i have hit her up? a lot of time has passed an im gone...basically what would yall have done/do?
any thoughts?
I think sometimes it's hard for women and dudes that don't get any to believe how easy and routine it is. :lol: @ spreadsheet though, I remember illuztrious posted his a while back, **** prolly doubled by now. Not a bad idea, I don't remember half the women I messed with this year. Then again I was cold out of a heartbreak.

I remeber that S!!! detailed an everything. lol
Describe showing confidence cuz only way I see it in my head is being cocky.
trial and error my g.

you wont read something on the web and off top become confidence.

when you stop being scared of rejection, and understand that you WILL fail, then talking to people becomes easier.

i realized this working retail. they'd come in and be acting all pissy... and i'll be nice...

then they'll just BREAK DOWN about how they're dog died, or got in a divorce, or stepped in a puddle. you never really know what someone else is going through.

when you realize this, you'll understand that its a lot easier to be yourself, then try to adjust to what others want.

confidence is without a doubt bolstered by success. REAL confidence doesnt let you get too low when things are bad, but it also doesnt let you get too high when things are rolling.

you have to be able to ignore that thump in your chest when you go to approach a woman, and stop thinking "i hope she doesnt shame me" or "i hope i'm not going to bother her"

i always keep in mind that if i'm sincere, and still get rejected, then to not internalize it.
Describe showing confidence cuz only way I see it in my head is being cocky.
trial and error my g.

you wont read something on the web and off top become confidence.

when you stop being scared of rejection, and understand that you WILL fail, then talking to people becomes easier.

i realized this working retail. they'd come in and be acting all pissy... and i'll be nice...

then they'll just BREAK DOWN about how they're dog died, or got in a divorce, or stepped in a puddle. you never really know what someone else is going through.

when you realize this, you'll understand that its a lot easier to be yourself, then try to adjust to what others want.

confidence is without a doubt bolstered by success. REAL confidence doesnt let you get too low when things are bad, but it also doesnt let you get too high when things are rolling.

you have to be able to ignore that thump in your chest when you go to approach a woman, and stop thinking "i hope she doesnt shame me" or "i hope i'm not going to bother her"

i always keep in mind that if i'm sincere, and still get rejected, then to not internalize it.
Customer service definitely helps, worked at a call center so it was my job to calm she devils down. Made me a bit of a sociopath, learned how to say anything like I mean it. But for real just stop reading and get out there.
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I was mess this weekend, drunk dialing like a fool. Woke up to a text from a chick that said we have communication problem, shorty in no way shape, form or fashion will ever be my girl. I Get drunk and start tell these chicks what they wanna hear then i regret it in the morning. Bc they wanna call and text all day the next day. When I know I'm bout to get faded I'm just gonna start cutting my phone off.
i feel you bro....i just be wanting to setup some *** until i pass out if the yambs dont come over. Then wake up like why the f did i text this chick or that chick giving them hope that something going to happen that will never happen. Sitting in the bed in the morning think to myself how can i cancel these plans without hurting her feelings. At times its a blessing that i dont have a lot chicks on the team but other times im loving a fully loaded team
i be waking up sometimes with like 2 movie dates, and another chick talkin bout "we still on for sushi" :lol: :smh:
I was mess this weekend, drunk dialing like a fool. Woke up to a text from a chick that said we have communication problem, shorty in no way shape, form or fashion will ever be my girl. I Get drunk and start tell these chicks what they wanna hear then i regret it in the morning. Bc they wanna call and text all day the next day. When I know I'm bout to get faded I'm just gonna start cutting my phone off.
i feel you bro....i just be wanting to setup some *** until i pass out if the yambs dont come over. Then wake up like why the f did i text this chick or that chick giving them hope that something going to happen that will never happen. Sitting in the bed in the morning think to myself how can i cancel these plans without hurting her feelings. At times its a blessing that i dont have a lot chicks on the team but other times im loving a fully loaded team
i be waking up sometimes with like 2 movie dates, and another chick talkin bout "we still on for sushi" :lol: :smh:

:lol: chick hit me up yesterday to do something today and tried to act all miffed when I told her I had plans

I like to rotate and I rarely have more than 3 or 4 in a current rotation. Right now the longest tenured one is 8 months and we didn't smash for like 4 of those due to travel.

I usually will get tired or the chick will catch feelings by a couple months so constantly switching them out and doing one hitter quitters during any dry spell
trial and error my g.

you wont read something on the web and off top become confidence.

when you stop being scared of rejection, and understand that you WILL fail, then talking to people becomes easier.

i realized this working retail. they'd come in and be acting all pissy... and i'll be nice...

then they'll just BREAK DOWN about how they're dog died, or got in a divorce, or stepped in a puddle. you never really know what someone else is going through.

when you realize this, you'll understand that its a lot easier to be yourself, then try to adjust to what others want.

confidence is without a doubt bolstered by success. REAL confidence doesnt let you get too low when things are bad, but it also doesnt let you get too high when things are rolling.

you have to be able to ignore that thump in your chest when you go to approach a woman, and stop thinking "i hope she doesnt shame me" or "i hope i'm not going to bother her"

i always keep in mind that if i'm sincere, and still get rejected, then to not internalize it.

[COLOR=#red]If I could rep you more than once for that brilliant statement then I would bro.[/COLOR]
I cashier for the summer.. how do I holla at them came in to pick 1 item, single, professional, black 30 somthing yambs?
anyone here in greek life?

90% of the girls i attract on campus or in bars are sorority skanks. Except i'm not in greek life and I dont want to "enter that world." Is it worth pursuing any of these biddies?

My mindset is that imma stay in my own lane and not mess around with that crowd. Most of these girls get passed around, im just tryna add to them team (working on that). I dont like being talked about (although i'm sure it happens amongst them). At the same time though these are some of the baddest ******* at school :evil: My problem is that I feel if i get with one it'll spread like wildfire amongst the rest.
I cashier for the summer.. how do I holla at them came in to pick 1 item, single, professional, black 30 somthing yambs?

I did this several times. Its easy if they smile and laugh at ur jokes.

Problem is after the fun is over and the awkwardness that happeens when they still come in the store and see you.
Ethiopians have bigger boobs. I prefer ethiopian women
ethi women
had one bad joint about a year back she was down for whatever and she had dat mass
I guess I was doing something right she would always offer to buy me the newest j's but I didn't connect I can't live that down
I can relate bro, if only I was more mature back then; she'd still be here. Welp, you live & you learn.
anyone here in greek life?

90% of the girls i attract on campus or in bars are sorority skanks. Except i'm not in greek life and I dont want to "enter that world." Is it worth pursuing any of these biddies?

My mindset is that imma stay in my own lane and not mess around with that crowd. Most of these girls get passed around, im just tryna add to them team (working on that). I dont like being talked about (although i'm sure it happens amongst them). At the same time though these are some of the baddest ******* at school :evil: My problem is that I feel if i get with one it'll spread like wildfire amongst the rest.
Them sorority chicks be some of the freakiest on Campus mane...use the fact that you not in a Frat to your advantage, i used to get em simply cuz i wasnt in they world..they all said that they like to have a couple dudes they mess with on deck thats not into Greek Life , so they can switch it up..should be easy yambs for you
well i texted this girl saying i was feeling her a little

all she replied with was a aww

im never texting her again lol
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