TAY: thread about yambs...

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Black women love the truth I'm not gone eem specify black but most women love the truth

Just like you told us how you feel about her tell her and stay smooth don't come off like you nervous or anything just keep it real that you diggin her and explain why

Idc if its her body,voice,the way she smells or whatever tell her why you're feelin her

Compliments and questions are always key

Get in her head she's already in yours
^^^The one good thing is that you work directly with her, so if you remotely have a sense of humor then you already winning. One day tho you gonna have to at least express interest and ask her out on a casual outing but show her that you do have some kinda swagger about yourself. Stay confident my dude.
Black women love the truth I'm not gone eem specify black but most women love the truth

Just like you told us how you feel about her tell her and stay smooth don't come off like you nervous or anything just keep it real that you diggin her and explain why

Idc if its her body,voice,the way she smells or whatever tell her why you're feelin her

Compliments and questions are always key

Get in her head she's already in yours
they only wanna hear the truth when its some good ish they doing not when they doing some ******* behavior so be careful lol.
they only wanna hear the truth when its some good ish they doing not when they doing some ******* behavior so be careful lol.


I made sure to say "most"

The lie game is for advanced players only and I think were dealing with rookies
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wifing up an african chick yay or nay ? not ethiopian but from ghana slim little bubble , flawless skin, but feet kinda ruff ( i really dont care about that )
loyal.....even if they're americanized they still act like they got sense (speaking for west africans)......can be a lil possessive 

def a different experience than a reg black chick
Man i feel like black girls are so much easier to close on. They give off a "no BS" type vibe, which I love. They know what they want. Atleast the ones i've chilled with.

With white girls there's always all these games. Some act dumb for no reason, give excuses, etc etc.

I'm white and heavily attract white girls, but for some reason I have more fun with a black girl.
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^^^^^^^ I agree......thats why I'm struggling w/ white yambs......black/latina chicks kinda give off what they want from jump

can't figure out a non urban white woman 

And that's why I changed from blk to most

I didn't want to get blocked or reported for race talk

But seriously blk chics smell bull from a mile away that's why you got to be straight up and down with her from jump
Yep was kinda hesitant about bringing up race and yambs, but this thread has been mature from the jump, so i just decided to give my 2 cents. Happy some of ya'll agree with me :lol:
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Seen a chick named YOM...

Sudanese... I was like ":wow:... What are you??"

Her: Sudanese.
Me: you are uncomfortably pretty.
Her: thanks. Lol

I'm not about gassing... But she was fine for no reason. And seemed super cool.

Worked at wal mart doe... And was married.

Gotta take a trip to the mother land.

Woooo fam is not lying

Super possessive

Same african I was talkn bout that was crazy loud

1 time she was callin trying to come thru and I was waisted dead to the world sleep not answering the phone

This bimbo kicked my door in off the hinges thinkn I had somebody in the bed with me

No joke my dude I can't make this shh it up

I had to let her go bcuz one nite we got drunk together and she got mad I was textn on my phone and wouldn't let her see

She slammed her foot on the gas and just started running lights she ran 4 or 5 lights until she smashed into a car and a pole

The air bag knocked the wind out me but I still manage to jump out the car and run for my life I swear to god never talk to her again stayed at moms crib and had to change my math til she got the picture

So yeah be very careful
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Woooo fam is not lying

Super possessive

Same african I was talkn bout that was crazy loud

1 time she was callin trying to come thru and I was waisted dead to the world sleep not answering the phone

This bimbo kicked my door in off the hinges thinkn I had somebody in the bed with me

No joke my dude I can't make this shh it up

I had to let her go bcuz one nite we got drunk together and she got mad I was textn on my phone and wouldn't let her see

She slammed her foot on the gas and just started running lights she ran 4 or 5 lights until she smashed into a car and a pole

The air bag knocked the wind out me but I still manage to jump out the car and run for my life I swear to god never talk to her again stayed at moms crib and had to change my math til she got the picture

So yeah be very careful

Funniest thing I read all day. :rofl:
Woooo fam is not lying

Super possessive

Same african I was talkn bout that was crazy loud

1 time she was callin trying to come thru and I was waisted dead to the world sleep not answering the phone

This bimbo kicked my door in off the hinges thinkn I had somebody in the bed with me

No joke my dude I can't make this shh it up

I had to let her go bcuz one nite we got drunk together and she got mad I was textn on my phone and wouldn't let her see

She slammed her foot on the gas and just started running lights she ran 4 or 5 lights until she smashed into a car and a pole

The air bag knocked the wind out me but I still manage to jump out the car and run for my life I swear to god never talk to her again stayed at moms crib and had to change my math til she got the picture

So yeah be very careful

"Eddieeee, Eddieeeee!! why you treat me like animal?"
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I got stories for days my dude

I'm gone bring'em up when I feel yall can relate

But if its 1 thing I know and have a expert opinion on its females
as long as she contributes i can deal with crazy lol, i once had a broad that set me up to get ganked and when it went sideways whelp ...
I can't seem to get over this one girl NT. How do you guys do it?
She's in my class so it's not like I can just stop seeing her all the time. She told a mutual friend in our class she knows I was trying to start something with her but she doesn't trust men due to family situations with her dad etc.
Due to her financial situation she doesn't get to enjoy much finer things in life so I bought a $400 bottle of Ace for our class barbeque knowing I won't get anything out of it. 

how i skip over this???

man lololol

some Ace to a BBQ? lolol
"Eddieeee, Eddieeeee!! why you treat me like animal?"

[COLOR=#red]Now why we gonna bring UmFooFoo into this :lol: :rofl:

Yes of course I smashed African chicks before...

Most notably in Iraq I banged out this Nigerian American soldier chick named Onyi...I don't know what was up with Ricky's African chicks but ole girl was stupid wet...so wet that my condom slipped off but I kept on going she came and I came not long after providing a creampie for the decades.

Imma find the pic of one of my other African smashes and post it. All in all my dealings with the motherland mami's have been spectacular. I swear I can hear drums when I'm getting all in it.[/COLOR]
as long as she contributes i can deal with crazy lol, i once had a broad that set me up to get ganked and when it went sideways whelp ...


Jack broad

Quick story

1 day I come up on random busser took her home nail in the truck in the back of her crib I had just got my range had it for bout a month

We finish handling biz she start telln me she knew how to rap beg me to put some beats on

I'm like ii8 put tracks on all while she keep talkn to somebody on the horn and the convo just sound like code to me

All of a sudden random car with like 3 dudes come out of nowhere

I reach under my seat and put Kukoc on my lap (#7=357) she immediately stop rapn hop out the truck get in the car with dude and'em

They drive off arguing

"Thought I was a donut she tried to glaze me"
african chicks are def wet as hell....n freaks....but usually all possessive women are freaks.....thats why I love 'em 
Thing is I can't just be like "yeah I like you" cuz if she don't feel the same, the rest of summer about to be awkward.

I had a bonfire that had drinking involve on Friday. She was there and we were chilling together the whole time. Only problem, she left early due to the fact that our boss was there too. But our boss is mad cool and was drinking with us, playing kings and ish. But since this is her first summer working here, she didnt know that and felt uncomfortable.

African yambs irrigated

The only reason I let the broke down door scenario ride

The yambs even with all the noise was mind blowing
How many tries yall give yourself?

I met a girl under some good/bad circumstances (met her in the library, she lost her final presentation on the last day, i convince her to talk to the professor...I get the #, she gets to present a week later...she's thankful that i convinced her, we hit it off via text)

two days later, she comes by after leaving a bar. But we sit in her car talkin an S!!! :rolleyes

I only had a week before leaving out of town for a few weeks, and she had a friends wedding.

I hit her up on Sat 15th (weddin day ) and we talk briefly and basically say hit me up when you done with everything...she never hit me up:nerd:

It was understood that she was to hit me up...

I dont chase girls AT ALL, but should i have hit her up? a lot of time has passed an im gone...basically what would yall have done/do?

no thoughts?
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[COLOR=#red]This is not the one I smashed in Iraq, this is one is from Liberia but she moved to NC...Man I miss that!!! I never wore a jimmy with this one...all day all-raw all good. Yeah dem African mami's is :smokin

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