TAY: thread about yambs...

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If I like hanging out with a chick I'll do movies or a decent dinner.

Strictly bullpen then only invites to the crib

Whats the max. You'd be willing to pay for the dinner.
There's no guarantee even if you give your best effort that you can close

And you can't tell the girl, you can't order this you can't order that.

I go to chill places like BJs or Yard House or a hole I tthe wall type spot. Most I've dropped is 50 total.

That's not on first dates though, that's after we've kicked it and they seem cool. First dates are usually drinks preferably happy hour
you go to FAMU or FSU? :nerd:
I work at a supermarket in the bakery/juice bar department with the 26 year old chick. Me and her have to work the "close" shift like twice a week, so that's how we have gotten really close. I've caught her checking me out multiple times already, but I heard she got a man. I haven't asked her myself if she has a boyfriend, neither has she brought up the fact that she has one. Apparently she lives alone in an apartment with her dog.

I really want this other chick that works at the wine and cheese department. She's slim, tatted(that **** turns me on for some reason, even though I have no tats) and got a nice bubble on her back.I haven't said anything to her though :\

aight... so here's my synopsis on chicks w/ small male dogs...

they want the D and they want CONSISTENT d...

i think this only pertains to black chicks b/c i'm not sure about the white and hispanics... but black people for the most part arent raised with animals in the house. they have a dog, and its strapped up outside.

have yall ever had a little dog...? they're so damb happy when you come home. they jump all over you, crawl right next to you, run in circles when you walk in the door. it gives them a sense of want.

i think that's really why most girls get dogs. b/c its the sense of being constantly needed and wanted...

the reason why the male part comes in is b/c it brings that masculine energy, allbeit a dog.

chicks w/ small dogs that want d need to have 3 things in common...


these chicks NEED a man in their lives... that's the ONLY reason why they got the dog. these chicks will cook for you, clean for you, and get lowkey clingy... and you dont eem hae to have sex with them. very soon, they WILL throw sex your way b/c its the only thing they havent thrown at their dog, and what works on the dog hasnt worked on you so far.

the satisfaction of keeping a man happy is a euphoric high that women get (when they feed men, make men happy, everything they do w/ the dog)... but its artificial when its with a dog.. so when you bring that out, it really comes out, and combined with delivering solid D, you got you a chick on the team that'll let you hit on a consistent basis for awhile.

as a man, you just have to show that youre happy to see them... THAT'S IT...

i'm telling yall... chicks w/ small male dogs want to give the D up to somebody, but they tend to be something a little different about them in the looks department. they may be super skinny, or really tall or short, and have a super flat butt. they're not ugly, but most guys would skip over them b/c they just dont fit into exactly what a man wants, especially a brotha.

think about chicks youknow with small dogs thatlives by themselves. they are giving the yambs up.... tell me if i'm lying...

ask about the dog, dog :nerd:
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This dude Keko Jones in the other thread be saying spending $100 ain't a thing to random broads

My question to the TAY famb, how much monetary value do you put on girls you meet once or twice. The ones that you aren't looking for relationships with or the ones you keep in the bullpen
Starbucks coffee or happy hour my friend before I met wifey...
Ain't nobody got time dropping bills on females you just tryin to smash
This dude Keko Jones in the other thread be saying spending $100 ain't a thing to random broads

My question to the TAY famb, how much monetary value do you put on girls you meet once or twice. The ones that you aren't looking for relationships with or the ones you keep in the bullpen
:x :x

$100? dahell??

$40 max for a first date.

whoever said that is bugging.
If I'm spending 100 dollars on a new chick its 60 on me and 40 on her to enjoy the night.

it's 2013 women need to step it up.

I remember some chick in college told me what she wanted to eat :lol:

Ordered my **** then waited for her to get her own.
I like coffee dates (nice dark lit coffee house, starbucks is fine, not dunkin donuts lol) or happy hour for first dates. You can get to know each other easy and caffeine and/or alcohol gets a person talking.

Edit-just saw someone on previous page pretty much posted exact same thing i did :lol: :smokin
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Is this a trick question, when your dude falls off and you have to pick it up.  SMILE.
he and i spoke about it earlier. my timing is just bad, i suppose. usually when i'm REALLY in heat, it's usually in the morning when he wakes up or too late to the point where he's exhausted. then he's also working while i'm in class. |I at the end of the day we just end up watching movies or some ****. :lol:

my drive is pretty high :lol:
the longest I've ever smashed was about 4 hours I was goooood for the whole day
i took my placebo BC pills this past week and my drive was BEYOND the wall..... but he didn't wanna play because the bloody **** freaks him out. :lol:
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This dude Keko Jones in the other thread be saying spending $100 ain't a thing to random broads

My question to the TAY famb, how much monetary value do you put on girls you meet once or twice. The ones that you aren't looking for relationships with or the ones you keep in the bullpen
On a girl I don't see in my future, a few dollars take her out to Applebees get the 2 for $20.  Take her back to the house and call it a wrap, after the first time you don't have to take her out as often.  She will just give them up on the regular, when you stop by.  Unless you ain't hit it right that first time.  If you don't take her to an expensive place then she can't rack up a high bill, you know how much stuff you have to get at Applebees, Friday's, Chili's to reach $100.  That is like 2 meals, and 5/6 drinks EACH.
Just buying a bottle of crown royal and bringing it to her crib, if no yambs or at least no intention of yambs are mentioned on the first night then its on to the next. 
Not trying to change up your plan, but if you haven't tried that Rose Couvasier, might be good to put in your arsenal.
yo to famu

got a number from this chick i believe to be hood(dont want to place a label on her just yet). I been eyeing her for the past week or two wonder do i really like her or not. kanye shurg 

she has about 5-6 golds in random places in her mouth. To stop from me from wonder any longer.i had to get her number after class since this one chick CB on me last class when i was trying to get with her as my project partner for the presentation next week(she has the highest grade in the class). Long story short since im about to leave out to go to this bar for more yambs. She is a rapper and i want to smash. I never had a hood chick before so im like im going to go all out (go big or go home). With her braids and golds she remind me of craig actually girlfriend in friday.
Gold teeth, it's ok bro.  She is hood.  Don't "go all out" hood chicks aren't used to guys spending a lot on them or treating them to nice.  I learned that early on sometimes you might even have to cuss her out for the smallest thing.  Don't be an a-hole though, it may sound confusing but stay right in the middle.
aight... so here's my synopsis on chicks w/ small male dogs...

they want the D and they want CONSISTENT d...

i think this only pertains to black chicks b/c i'm not sure about the white and hispanics... but black people for the most part arent raised with animals in the house. they have a dog, and its strapped up outside.

have yall ever had a little dog...? they're so damb happy when you come home. they jump all over you, crawl right next to you, run in circles when you walk in the door. it gives them a sense of want.

i think that's really why most girls get dogs. b/c its the sense of being constantly needed and wanted...

the reason why the male part comes in is b/c it brings that masculine energy, allbeit a dog.

chicks w/ small dogs that want d need to have 3 things in common...

That boy Ricky spittin the KNOWLEDGE.  The only thing I would add is chicks 25-30 that have kids, are basically in the same boat.  They aren't looking for a father figure for there kids, they just want the D as well.  They haven't come to gripes yet that the son's father is not going to have a change of heart and pick up the family.  You will probably never meet the kids unless you stick around for the long haul.
HOLY **** man you just blew my mind with this.

This POF yamb who lives by herself ive gone out with a couple of times JUST bought a small dog. Went out with her for the 2nd time yesterday and she's talking about how she's glad were werent back at her place b/c she'd be giving me a plate of yambs if that were the case (
). She lives out in the middle of nowhere so she's driving an hour to come out and see me. She even said that she knows i'm talking to other chicks and she has 0 problem fighting for that #1 spot

She matches your description almost perfectly outside of the looks ( she's a lil chubby, but well proportioned, ~7)

I can never say it enough to any youngster getting it in, whether alone or in college.  ALWAYS!!! ALWAYS!!! Be friends with a chubby chick, they will damn near bring girls into the bedroom for you.  They will cook for you, clean your house if you want, give you money.  ANYTHING and that is without you knockin it down, they just want a guy to hang out with and HOPE they have a future with.  If you know a chubby chick you will never go hungry.
aight... so here's my synopsis on chicks w/ small male dogs...

they want the D and they want CONSISTENT d...

i think this only pertains to black chicks b/c i'm not sure about the white and hispanics... but black people for the most part arent raised with animals in the house. they have a dog, and its strapped up outside.

have yall ever had a little dog...? they're so damb happy when you come home. they jump all over you, crawl right next to you, run in circles when you walk in the door. it gives them a sense of want.

i think that's really why most girls get dogs. b/c its the sense of being constantly needed and wanted...

the reason why the male part comes in is b/c it brings that masculine energy, allbeit a dog.

chicks w/ small dogs that want d need to have 3 things in common...


these chicks NEED a man in their lives... that's the ONLY reason why they got the dog. these chicks will cook for you, clean for you, and get lowkey clingy... and you dont eem hae to have sex with them. very soon, they WILL throw sex your way b/c its the only thing they havent thrown at their dog, and what works on the dog hasnt worked on you so far.

the satisfaction of keeping a man happy is a euphoric high that women get (when they feed men, make men happy, everything they do w/ the dog)... but its artificial when its with a dog.. so when you bring that out, it really comes out, and combined with delivering solid D, you got you a chick on the team that'll let you hit on a consistent basis for awhile.

as a man, you just have to show that youre happy to see them... THAT'S IT...

i'm telling yall... chicks w/ small male dogs want to give the D up to somebody, but they tend to be something a little different about them in the looks department. they may be super skinny, or really tall or short, and have a super flat butt. they're not ugly, but most guys would skip over them b/c they just dont fit into exactly what a man wants, especially a brotha.

think about chicks youknow with small dogs thatlives by themselves. they are giving the yambs up.... tell me if i'm lying...
Not claiming I got these yambs, just made me think of this post when I saw this in another thread.  Notice the little dog, lack of roommate, between 20 - 30, also probably seeing about 60K.  Also cooking for a dude to show how appreciative she is.
Any tips?
Summer school shouldn't be to hard, she isn't expecting to meet her next boyfriend at summer school.  You got enough game to get the number, keep that up.  Make sure you steer the conversation away from dating quick fast and in a hurry.  Hell she might want some D more than you want the P.  You have to give us some info on what all was said, for all we know the chick could be looking for a lab partner for chemistry.
ok finally got a bit of time to type how the past 2 weeks have been.
so met 2 chicks about a month ago. 1 turned out to be stage 5 clinger but it sucks cuz she is coolest chick ive met in awhile plus wasn't completely attracted
2nd one kinda flaked out o well.....

So remember that gym advice a few pages back...YO TAKE THAT ADVICE
got 2 gym chicks. just gotta be patient, when u see em, maybe throw a smile, or a helpful hint.. single chicks at the gym are usually looking for the attention. so a nice compliment. like "hey i think i've seen you in here a few months ago, you're improving"

you have to be consistent. show ur in there putting in work don't hover over a female or look remotely like you thirsty in a gym they sense that... u gotta remember our testerone is already raging in there.

and who doesnt want a gym yamb????
i don't think its trust issues

but when you've only met her or him (in the case of the other NTers) once or twice. when you bring them back to YOUR crib, where all your belongings, things you value; its all there for that person you just met

is it really worth it, for the yambz. you wouldn't give random strangers a tour of the house. o... hey, this is where i keep my jewelry, my cash, etc.
i don't think its trust issues

but when you've only met her or him (in the case of the other NTers) once or twice. when you bring them back to YOUR crib, where all your belongings, things you value; its all there for that person you just met

is it really worth it, for the yambz. you wouldn't give random strangers a tour of the house. o... hey, this is where i keep my jewelry, my cash, etc.
Moms knew what was gone on back when I was single gave me a safe. Locked my stuff up when I left the house, when you bring chicks back to your place they only need to see 4 maybe 5 rooms depending on how your place is setup:
Family room - chill watch TV and where you start makin your move
Kitchen - chicks always get thirsty when they come over, asking for some water
Living room - might be connected to kitchen
Bathroom - they either taking something out or putting something in
Bedroom - where it is goin down

If you have a townhouse she doesn't need to see the other rooms or what's in them.
Summer school shouldn't be to hard, she isn't expecting to meet her next boyfriend at summer school.  You got enough game to get the number, keep that up.  Make sure you steer the conversation away from dating quick fast and in a hurry.  Hell she might want some D more than you want the P.  You have to give us some info on what all was said, for all we know the chick could be looking for a lab partner for chemistry.

Ok here is a few things that led up to it.

- first day caught her a few times looking my way.
- she took my sit the next day, and apologized for doing so.
- we help each other occasionaly in class
- yesterday we're getting ready to leave,a nd we have a project due Monday. She gave me her number without me asking told me to contact her if I get stuck.
Ok here is a few things that led up to it.

- first day caught her a few times looking my way.
- she took my sit the next day, and apologized for doing so.
- we help each other occasionaly in class
- yesterday we're getting ready to leave,a nd we have a project due Monday. She gave me her number without me asking told me to contact her if I get stuck.
DAMN sound like they already in the bag, knock out the project then hit her up asking if she needs help. She goin to more than likely say yes she does if not ask her if she wants to link up for somethin to eat. Bring her and the food back to your place or hers if your spot don't work.
[COLOR=#red]Dam homie, she niiiice. I definitely give props where props is due.

Y'all nuns wait till school starts. I'm gonna be posting some epic broads and true stories :lol: It's gonna be a multi-cultural year. :rofl:[/COLOR]
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