TAY: thread about yambs...

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Can I get some help with the pick up process, I'm kinda slick with talking with girls I know, but when it comes to prospective girls outside my circle, I've had trouble initiating the convo.

What do yall do to start getting with a chick, and any tips for making my approach stand out amongst other dudes trying to mack?
i lurk this thread even though im married.. i saw someone post about how to keep a conversation going or getting it started.. i meet my cousins wife sister at a little get together at his house... she had a nice rack, i went solo, wifey was chilling at home.. i asked what area she stayed in, and what she did for a living, asked if she liked it, dream job or what not.. she went on and on and on. :lol:.. i wasnt trying to cheat or anything but some of this info does work..
post up, I need to learn from my elders mistakes :lol:

Y'all ever wanted to smash a ******? I was browsing tumblr and seen this white girl, dem chesticles :smokin

I will tomorrow. Bout to hit my boys party right now...I've been to three of them and the results are:

Dome in his garage
Smashed in my car
Smashed a girl bout a wk later

Mostly asian girls, idk what it is :smokin
texting is easy because you're not on the spot. you can kinda make up and say the wildest ish u want.
what in particular are u looking to do initiate get yamb mode
or just casual convo. ?
Im looking to initate yamb mode, I always get girls numbers but I dont really push my agenda of getting the yambs.
Nothing major but she's done in my book.

The sad thing is these chicks so saturated by the game, that a dude that telling them what it really is throws them off. Don't hold your tongue for these chicks, the older I get the more I realize I don't have time for the play around. Either you with it or you not, deal with it.

Went out last night with my stunner and some homies and ran into a chick I smashed Wednesday night. I seen her but really didn't see her.(I was faded) her homegirl walked by and I caught her looking like she wanted to say something but didn't. Can't wait to get her next text, wonder if she'll be heated. O Well, she not my girlfriend.
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So me and my boy met up with this girl I've been smashing on the regular for the last 3-4 weeks. Chill with her and her friends at this lounge/club and my boy is on her friend while I'm simping on chick lol.

After the club we hit this taco stand without them and I see this bad *** Asian chick and go to work and when I'm entering the number in my phone old yamb spots me and looks pissed

Texts me "I'm going home, f u"

I respond "I was just winging for _"

Then she says her friend wants to kick it with my boy so when we get back home they come over and we both smash

Disaster averted
The most recent situation: I'm gonna refer to her as Brittany.

Me and "Brittany" went to a party together, separate cars tho. Brittany looks bored the whole time. I'm sitting with her and i'm bored out of my mind. I go out back and grab a drink and sit down. A girl I work with comes to talk to me and gives me a hug, and taps me on the chest, (kinda like how dudes tap each other on the shoulder saying what's up or w/e.) The girl leaves and Brittany comes outside and freaks. She says "why is that girl touching on you?" I said she didn't do anything and I know her. I go back inside 15 min later and sit w/ Brittany on the couch again. Brittany looks bored so i tell her to go home. She forces herself to stay now to watch over me after the girl I knew "touched me". We argue outside about this, and eventually Brittany goes to her car to leave and I go back out back to chill and drink. Brittany storms back in 5 minutes later and sits on the couch staring at me talk to my homeboys. (The girl i previously mentioned is next to me again, but talking to my homeboy) She then comes up to me and freaks, and I tell her i was talking to my boys. My boy cosigns my story and says "No really, we were just talking about the baseball game." (which we were)

This is the most recent situation but there are more annoying stories than this one.

Follow up to this..absolutely disgusted:
I'm on a family camping trip right now. I brought her along because each one of my cousin's brought a girl/guy with them (friend or significant other) One of my cousin's is going to school in San Antonio. I tell him I'm going to come visit him one weekend while she's at the table. The chicks mood completely flips. I ask her what's the deal and she goes "the deal is your trip to SA. I'm concerned because I know you're going to be a bad situation where you will talk to other girls. You're gonna do something. I know it." I say "what? I'm going to visit my fam..." The chick completely killed the mood of the whole trip.

Everybody is having fun fishing, drinking, and hanging out and enjoying the scenery but this chick is just extremely angry.

I'm deading her as soon as I get back. I can't even stand to be around her because her vibe kills my mood. I'm happy and enjoying my time away from the city and this chick is UPSET about me saying I wanna visit my fam? Disgusting.

Some chicks you can't even keep around as friends, lesson learned. :lol:
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Man i can't shake one just off basic smashing where I died and she didn't even try to help rescuscitate. Also an awful person btw, just can't get into her but will smash one more time. I know some chicks just have trust issues from their history, but if you're crazy you're crazy.
Man i can't shake one just off basic smashing where I died and she didn't even try to help rescuscitate. Also an awful person btw, just can't get into her but will smash one more time. I know some chicks just have trust issues from their history, but if you're crazy you're crazy.

you go to FAMU or FSU? :nerd:
I work at a supermarket in the bakery/juice bar department with the 26 year old chick. Me and her have to work the "close" shift like twice a week, so that's how we have gotten really close. I've caught her checking me out multiple times already, but I heard she got a man. I haven't asked her myself if she has a boyfriend, neither has she brought up the fact that she has one. Apparently she lives alone in an apartment with her dog.

I really want this other chick that works at the wine and cheese department. She's slim, tatted(that **** turns me on for some reason, even though I have no tats) and got a nice bubble on her back.I haven't said anything to her though :\

aight... so here's my synopsis on chicks w/ small male dogs...

they want the D and they want CONSISTENT d...

i think this only pertains to black chicks b/c i'm not sure about the white and hispanics... but black people for the most part arent raised with animals in the house. they have a dog, and its strapped up outside.

have yall ever had a little dog...? they're so damb happy when you come home. they jump all over you, crawl right next to you, run in circles when you walk in the door. it gives them a sense of want.

i think that's really why most girls get dogs. b/c its the sense of being constantly needed and wanted...

the reason why the male part comes in is b/c it brings that masculine energy, allbeit a dog.

chicks w/ small dogs that want d need to have 3 things in common...


these chicks NEED a man in their lives... that's the ONLY reason why they got the dog. these chicks will cook for you, clean for you, and get lowkey clingy... and you dont eem hae to have sex with them. very soon, they WILL throw sex your way b/c its the only thing they havent thrown at their dog, and what works on the dog hasnt worked on you so far.

the satisfaction of keeping a man happy is a euphoric high that women get (when they feed men, make men happy, everything they do w/ the dog)... but its artificial when its with a dog.. so when you bring that out, it really comes out, and combined with delivering solid D, you got you a chick on the team that'll let you hit on a consistent basis for awhile.

as a man, you just have to show that youre happy to see them... THAT'S IT...

i'm telling yall... chicks w/ small male dogs want to give the D up to somebody, but they tend to be something a little different about them in the looks department. they may be super skinny, or really tall or short, and have a super flat butt. they're not ugly, but most guys would skip over them b/c they just dont fit into exactly what a man wants, especially a brotha.

think about chicks youknow with small dogs thatlives by themselves. they are giving the yambs up.... tell me if i'm lying...

ask about the dog, dog :nerd:

Not claiming I got these yambs, just made me think of this post when I saw this in another thread.  Notice the little dog, lack of roommate, between 20 - 30, also probably seeing about 60K.  Also cooking for a dude to show how appreciative she is.

That's a great thesis on independent girls with dogs. :pimp:

I just wished my co worker looked like the chick posted :wow:

I work with her tomorrow, I'm going to ask about the dog :lol:
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