TAY: thread about yambs...

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If I had to guess, I'm thinking Downtown Fullerton.

It is indeed.

And to dude who just got off work asking bout next move...More or less invite urself over. Ask, "So when can I meet the lil lady/ guy?" And throw in a joke about dogs love you or something and have never even come close to biting you.
Leave them games for the birds and silly bishes and nut up and be a man(not a playa) but a man... I know it sucks to walk away( I have been there sooooo many times, especially the ones you click with) but save your sanity and heart because like someone said" temporary people do leave a scars" but to counter act that," you have to know as a man when to play the cards your dealt or get up and walk away from the table to eat another day"...giving these women way too much power over you...
You do know he is 24, kind of early to be settling down.  Continue to be a player, the right one will come along and beat you over the head.  You will know she is the one, this one ain't it though.  I could see stepping into the already made family at 29/30, but not at 24.  For some reason I think your out in Cali, HELL you know how many chicks are walking around out there around your age just looking for fun.  This chick got those blinders on you, wake up and go get you a young chick who is looking for the same thing you are.
Going out this upcoming weekend but I'm still clueless. I just took the advice didn't rush or pressure. I figure this weekend I'll just tell her straight up what's the deal and just put some work in this week. My boy said him and his wife think that she has no idea that I'm trying to get at her that she's probably really clueless to what I'm doing so he said this weekend to just put it out there.
Did I miss this original post?  Shy girl?
I detest double-dates, but I've been lucky enough to be on ones where compared to the other dude, I'm the perfect dude. Pure comedy
Not a fan of double dates either, but sometimes you have to be the wingman for your boy.  Met one of my ex's through a double date.
Ya the other couple were our friends that just got back from their honeymoon so they wanted to grab a beer, any other time I would've definitely said no to the double date.
YIKES, you dodged a bullet on that one.  NO WAY am I double dating with a married couple, especially one who just got back from honeymoon.  They are all goofy and sharing food with each other calling each other "cutie" names.  Girl you are with might see you that way or be completely turned off.  I want to double date with a couple that is still dating when things can go sideways if one says the wrong thing, then me and girl can go off and do our own thing.
So I went out with one shorty this weekend and ran into another while in the club. The chick I ran into actually played it cool. I hit her up tonight and she's still down. Just said what up. She'll be over this week, for tacos and some meat.
And I turned her on to Red Strips and Mad Men.
Keep that phone charged youngbuck, can't get the yambs if the phone is dead.  I keep an iPhone charger EVERYWHERE, work, car, 2 at the house and I am not even tryin to get any.
dam i got a boner just reading that text.
dudes taking road trips for yambs
Took road trips, and flights back in the day for some.
I had to work the closing shift with the coworker who I think is feeling me. I go ahead and ask her about her dog. I find out she has a female Yorkie that she's had for a while. Since my little sister got a puppy a few months ago we start up a conversation about how to train dogs early. We then talk about how our dogs react to meeting new people. She says that her dog has to sniff me out first and that I have to see her. What's my next move?

What happened to the T mobile job? you quit? where you working at now?
Have the dog sniff you out, then you have her taste this LONG D.  LMAO
I know this is TAY. but I don't think because dude is 24 means he shouldn't be looking for wifey....
is 24 young. ? yes.
but isn't the end game to get that special chick.
I'm all about women and getting the yambs....
but consistent yambs and a chick u can vibe with is what a lot us want... plus tomorrow isn't promised.

not teying to sound like a simp but I'd never deter someone from pursuing love tho especially at mid 20s
Damn, that screencap Young ThunderCat posted on the last page was straight to the point
Nothing like a chick knowing from jump what it is.
I know this is TAY. but I don't think because dude is 24 means he shouldn't be looking for wifey....
is 24 young. ? yes.
but isn't the end game to get that special chick.
I'm all about women and getting the yambs....
but consistent yambs and a chick u can vibe with is what a lot us want... plus tomorrow isn't promised.

not teying to sound like a simp but I'd never deter someone from pursuing love tho especially at mid 20s
Once you start looking to settle down you come across the wrong one and settle down with her.  Just play the field do what you do and wait for the right one to show up.  I don't think based off what he has told us about her, she is the one.  Really a 24 year old should be putting in work as a step dad, HELL NO. 

He will look up and be an old man filled with regrets.
Nothing like a chick knowing from jump what it is.

Once you start looking to settle down you come across the wrong one and settle down with her.  Just play the field do what you do and wait for the right one to show up.  I don't think based off what he has told us about her, she is the one.  Really a 24 year old should be putting in work as a step dad, HELL NO. 

He will look up and be an old man filled with regrets.

oh yea don't get me wrong, im very very anti step daddy, and im 27.
I just meant in General.
I already told him go ahead and put the ball back in her court and just be easy.
road to resurrection...

1 for 2... first chick was hook line and sinker. confident yambs will be had. not a cutie... but the rump was semi serious and I needed to start from somewhere.

when I missed... I missed bad.

second girlie seemed very classy. 31, no kids, very in shape, mixed.

me: I would like to exchange numbers, so we can talk some more
her: hmmmm... no thank you.
me: is there a reason why?
her: because I don't want to...

in the most sincerest and politest way possible...

it was so straight to the point in a nice way...

when I walked away, I thought DAMB... shorty was brutally honest... I could have used that for some brutally honest feedback.

should have asked "well, its clear your being honest and I respect that... so I think you'll be truthful when I ask this: when I walk away, I'm going to go holla at another cute chick I see. and you're gonna get approached... so let me know how I can improve for the next time" or along those lines.

you'd be surprised how many chicks respect that... I've done it several times, and often times, it results in us being cool or yambs being had

seems kinda lame, but its worked... and when you find a girl that turns you down but is real cool about it, take that time to get honest feedback. its made me better when dealing with women.
So young chick i'm seeing lost her phone, i'm like cool, I got one i'm not using since I got a new one, it's yours I don't care. My mans is like "nooooooooo don't give this *** the phone". If a bum on the street had asked me I would've said yeah I got one and gave it to him, am I wrong for giving this to the bird no expectations?
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road to resurrection...

1 for 2... first chick was hook line and sinker. confident yambs will be had. not a cutie... but the rump was semi serious and I needed to start from somewhere.

when I missed... I missed bad.

second girlie seemed very classy. 31, no kids, very in shape, mixed.

me: I would like to exchange numbers, so we can talk some more
her: hmmmm... no thank you.
me: is there a reason why?
her: because I don't want to...

in the most sincerest and politest way possible...

it was so straight to the point in a nice way...

when I walked away, I thought DAMB... shorty was brutally honest... I could have used that for some brutally honest feedback.

should have asked "well, its clear your being honest and I respect that... so I think you'll be truthful when I ask this: when I walk away, I'm going to go holla at another cute chick I see. and you're gonna get approached... so let me know how I can improve for the next time" or along those lines.

you'd be surprised how many chicks respect that... I've done it several times, and often times, it results in us being cool or yambs being had

seems kinda lame, but its worked... and when you find a girl that turns you down but is real cool about it, take that time to get honest feedback. its made me better when dealing with women.
CONGRATS on the rebound YAMBS, post some pics of that rump when you next see her.  Regarding second one, don't even sweat that, it is cool she was at least nice about it.  Hindsight, she could have a good person to give you some info on your approach.  Ask her what didn't she like, if you on the train or something, get her talking.  Next thing you know her stop comes up and you say somethin like I really appreciate your comments on my approach, can I get your number to continue this.

Even Jordan got criticism on his game, no different from us.
So young chick i'm seeing lost her phone, i'm like cool, I got one i'm not using since I got a new one, it's yours I don't care. My mans is like "nooooooooo don't give this *** the phone". If a bum on the street had asked me I would've said yeah I got one and gave it to him, am I wrong for giving this to the bird no expectations?
You nicer than me, I don't want to give up nothing I own.  Nobody is going to treat something of your's as nice as you.  They aren't invested in it, it is free to them.  Also if she lost her own phone what makes you think she is going to be more careful with hers.
he said he got a new one. don't maTter what she do with oldone. .. she can use it as toilet paper as far as he's concerned
he said he got a new one. don't maTter what she do with oldone. .. she can use it as toilet paper as far as he's concerned
So I have an iPhone 5, should I just give my 4 to a girl because she asks?  If you all about throwing away money, do what you want.
Females got more game than us nowadays. Just like we have a team they have theirs too. Protect your neck bro's; don't get played.

Mayne I just seen some porn and the girl said she was getting married next year, had a lie about her grandma ready, and talked to dude on the phone in between the smashing.
Mayne I just seen some porn and the girl said she was getting married next year, had a lie about her grandma ready, and talked to dude on the phone in between the smashing.
Married women throwing it at me in grad bruh...
So young chick i'm seeing lost her phone, i'm like cool, I got one i'm not using since I got a new one, it's yours I don't care. My mans is like "nooooooooo don't give this *** the phone". If a bum on the street had asked me I would've said yeah I got one and gave it to him, am I wrong for giving this to the bird no expectations?

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