TAY: thread about yambs...

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Shorty ain't worth ****. Cut that bull**** out homie before she get you in some drama.
hell yeah man...

you know damb well if she talking like that to you... she's going to go for the jugular w/ her dude when they argue..

"and i dont suck ya **** cuz i be suckin lamekilla ****..."

Real **** homies. I love this thread because of all the different insight. It's definitely a brotherhood in here especially amongst the OG posters. That broad def ain't **** and she's my reality check when I think about women. Really cute smart girl. Could go places if she wasn't so cock hungry. Knew her from my old job at Marshall's and kept in touch. Smashed at the beginning of this year then she told me she had a dude that was on and off :smh: :smh: I felt bad and told myself I wouldn't mess with her anymore but every so often when I'm on a dry spell I'll hit her up and she'll throw the yambs at me. Chicks 21 and cutthroat. Definitely had to beat this urge and flake on her. Between NFO and this dry spell I'm going through I feel crazy...but turning her down just made me feel empowered a little
Why the hell y'all think I mess with older women?
Word. My oldest was 57... I was 25 at the time. Sitting at 15-20 over 40. Most mid-40's to early 50's. Love'em!
Real **** homies. I love this thread because of all the different insight. It's definitely a brotherhood in here especially amongst the OG posters. That broad def ain't **** and she's my reality check when I think about women. Really cute smart girl. Could go places if she wasn't so cock hungry. Knew her from my old job at Marshall's and kept in touch. Smashed at the beginning of this year then she told me she had a dude that was on and off :smh: :smh: I felt bad and told myself I wouldn't mess with her anymore but every so often when I'm on a dry spell I'll hit her up and she'll throw the yambs at me. Chicks 21 and cutthroat. Definitely had to beat this urge and flake on her. Between NFO and this dry spell I'm going through I feel crazy...but turning her down just made me feel empowered a little

As long as u know better but that chick is playing with fire . I never get why most chicks don't or can't comprehend you get what you deserve in life . I won't call it karma but its just what type of energy you put out is what you'll surround yourself with .
Bruh where the hell are you and jay hood getting these gilfs at ?

:lol: Majority of mine have been POF. One at the beach, one is a Director at my company, another at a Martini bar, a couple flight attendants from flights I've been on. Not to change topics, but Airports are gold mines for picking up chicks.
:lol: Majority of mine have been POF. One at the beach, one is a Director at my company, another at a Martini bar, a couple flight attendants from flights I've been on. Not to change topics, but Airports are gold mines for picking up chicks.

Airport are definitely good money especially the hotels around the airports that's where all the flight attendants stay at any way. On pof you just set the age at like 35-99 ? I just need an older woman to slide in through the night and leave for work in the a.m.
^Bingo. Yeah I used to just search for late 30's - late 50's within like a 25 mile radius and go to work on'em. POF changed it up a few months ago and put an age restriction on who you can message. I think its 12 or 13 years within your own age now. Some BS! I travel a lot for work so POF was super clutch for finding broads in random cities. I see you're in TX. I ran threw a few in McAllen :lol: The strip clubs down there... Man!
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The girl I chilled with last night is pushin up too hard now..she asked to come over n I said yea even though I don't want her too..I'm kinda pissed at myself for not keepin it funky b tellin her na I wanna sleep alone tonight..I really don't wanna have sex either I just wanna go to sleep I got work in the am
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^Bingo. Yeah I used to just search for late 30's - late 50's within like a 25 mile radius and go to work on'em. POF changed it up a few months ago and put an age restriction on who you can message. I think its 12 or 13 years within your own age now. Some BS! I travel a lot for work so POF was super clutch for finding broads in random cities. I see you're in TX. I ran threw a few in McAllen :lol: The strip clubs down there... Man!

Houston is 2 . 5 hours away for strip clubs and McAllen I can just go down there in the Beamer and roll down the window and wave and some chick will jump in my car .
Tips on spitting at chicks that have class with you in college. 

prolly the easiest ones

1. approach, smile, sit next to
2. introduce
3. talk about year, major, class, events around university, so many options here
4. we should go get coffee/ or whatever else you want to use
note: make intentions clear, don't go the study buddy route or anything (as covered few pages back)
5. big bang boom
Nt , any know how's on getting over a "the one" type chick. I never knew a chick could make you feel these types of feelings man. Every chick I talk to, never really brings that chemistry and connectivity like she did. Even when I want some yambs, all I can really think about is her all day. I know I sound simpish , and I'm trying to get past her , but I think I'M might have let the wrong one go.

Any help would be appreciated.
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Cut her out of your life completely temporarily. Just do your thing and you'll move on at your own speed

Once you're over her let her back in if you want
Airport are definitely good money especially the hotels around the airports that's where all the flight attendants stay at any way. On pof you just set the age at like 35-99 ? I just need an older woman to slide in through the night and leave for work in the a.m.

:lol: :rofl: :rofl: 99 like the highest create a player stats in Madden/2K :lol:

Tips on spitting at chicks that have class with you in college. 

Spittin G to chicks in college is the easiest it will ever be. Yall are in the same class, just talk to her about the class, ask if she got the notes, say you might need help studying for tests or help with homework and if she can help you out. Maybe study once in a while but once you've built the rapport you can finesse that into other activities.

There are so many bitties in college, you can finesse with even a basic game. "Ay what did you get on the test? Oh I got a (grade), that question about (something on test/quiz) was tough. Hey, what are you doing this weekend? I'm (activity that you plan to do with or without her), you should (do previously mentioned activity) with me (and any friends, if applicable)."

When I was in college I usually tried to get chicks and their friends to hang out with my dudes and me. More sense of comfort with their friends and the homies can win. Or do something free/cheap on campus. We had free movies they showed on campus like every week so prosperity was possible that way, or just chilling in the main campus activity center.
Man I am going to be tired at work..
My boy is in deeper then I thought, all night me and my girl just shook our damn heads at this *****...
I'll relay the story sometime this weekend but lets just say instead of bringing the daughter to our spot he brought the mom and this ***** was driving the "KFC Chicken Box" Mercedes the husband bought for her.. Some ****** just have to learn the hard way. Smgdmfh...
My TAY brothers...I got a lot I wanna tell y'all, this thread has helped a young dude immensely. Y'all are like wizards to this....breaking down the process of receiving yams to a science. I'm still rough around the edges :lol:

I saw that girl I told y'all was giving me the indecisive ish...turns out tonight she was all up on some other dude. Yo this female had the nerve to light punch me every time she saw me but was boo'd up with some Juan Alvarez looking cat. :lol: I'm a little faded, but guys I need the wisdom more than ever.
My TAY brothers...I got a lot I wanna tell y'all, this thread has helped a young dude immensely. Y'all are like wizards to this....breaking down the process of receiving yams to a science. I'm still rough around the edges :lol:

I saw that girl I told y'all was giving me the indecisive ish...turns out tonight she was all up on some other dude. Yo this female had the nerve to light punch me every time she saw me but was boo'd up with some Juan Alvarez looking cat. :lol: I'm a little faded, but guys I need the wisdom more than ever.

:lol: I remember those days. You are looking into a chick being a little flirty with playful punches way too much.

And you'll never know what the deal is til you make a move..
:lol: I remember those days. You are looking into a chick being a little flirty with playful punches way too much.

And you'll never know what the deal is til you make a move..

It just irks me, why flirt with me if you clearly aren't going to cooperate? The thing is, I've tried to make the move, I told her I was feeling her & wanted to see what could happen & the same thing every time, she'll run around in circles of stop replying to get out of answering. But she'll hit me up on the weekends for parties or run up to speak. Smh, I'm a little disgruntled with the game these days lol :lol:
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U got it all wrong.
When you meet them be the ALPHA of ur group. You dictate the conversation, touch them during conversation, and say their name at least 2x during this.
you're right about all but touching. don't touch a chick among first meeting them. they don't like being touched first meeting they find it weird. everything else is on point.

I feel everything you guys are saying. Keep it 100. You miss every shot you don't take, etc.

But I feel like my objective is kind of different. I want the chick to know I ain't like every dude that's trying to holla. I want her to be comfortable and get to know her. Long story short, be friends and get together that way if possible.
there is nothing wrong with this. exactly how I was/am. but like others said you do have to assert your dominance and inner ******* to get them. but you can do that while being a good dude.
for every two nice good things you say about yourself. throw in one assholish or dark thing.. that shows them that you have good in you. but then it leaves them with that 1 thing they can try to fix/help with you. and you're not all about rainbows and butterflies. works to get the relationship or the yambs honestly.

Nt , any know how's on getting over a "the one" type chick. I never knew a chick could make you feel these types of feelings man. Every chick I talk to, never really brings that chemistry and connectivity like she did. Even when I want some yambs, all I can really think about is her all day. I know I sound simpish , and I'm trying to get past her , but I think I'M might have let the wrong one go.

Any help would be appreciated.
I was going to type something lengthy. but this quote sums it all up
"out of sight, out of mind"
sorry I have to double post. but for the dudes that keep saying...
"this isn't the place to...."
TAY is a sanctuary for acquiring women. whether it be to find a one night stand.
a weekend piece
a bench player.
or a wifey.
everyone in this thread should help out with whatever problem or situation someone has.
we've helped girls in here and have a few that help us out in this thread.

at the end of the day all questions/statements/opinions about women are welcomed in here.

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