TAY: thread about yambs...

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Nt , any know how's on getting over a "the one" type chick. I never knew a chick could make you feel these types of feelings man. Every chick I talk to, never really brings that chemistry and connectivity like she did. Even when I want some yambs, all I can really think about is her all day. I know I sound simpish , and I'm trying to get past her , but I think I'M might have let the wrong one go.

Any help would be appreciated.

Time and space my dude. You're going to have to cut her out of your life for now, I'd say atleast 6 months and keep yourself busy, improve. It just takes time.

My TAY brothers...I got a lot I wanna tell y'all, this thread has helped a young dude immensely. Y'all are like wizards to this....breaking down the process of receiving yams to a science. I'm still rough around the edges :lol:

I saw that girl I told y'all was giving me the indecisive ish...turns out tonight she was all up on some other dude. Yo this female had the nerve to light punch me every time she saw me but was boo'd up with some Juan Alvarez looking cat. :lol: I'm a little faded, but guys I need the wisdom more than ever.

You're on a string, you gave her control. Waste no time on women like that. Show some strength and walk away. Confusing women that do **** like that only lead to heartbreak. Usually just means she's not feeling you enough to be decisive. I'll bet she met Juan Alvarez after you, boo'd up in public while you're wasting thoughts on her. Always try to maintain the flow of a courtship, if it starts to get frustrating it's time to go. Don't lose your cool over a ***.

Man I am going to be tired at work..
My boy is in deeper then I thought, all night me and my girl just shook our damn heads at this *****...
I'll relay the story sometime this weekend but lets just say instead of bringing the daughter to our spot he brought the mom and this ***** was driving the "KFC Chicken Box" Mercedes the husband bought for her.. Some ****** just have to learn the hard way. Smgdmfh...

Yikes. I cop a whip like that for a chick that p is mine, and only mine. A shotty to the chest is nothing.

sorry I have to double post. but for the dudes that keep saying...
"this isn't the place to...."
TAY is a sanctuary for acquiring women. whether it be to find a one night stand.
a weekend piece
a bench player.
or a wifey.
everyone in this thread should help out with whatever problem or situation someone has.
we've helped girls in here and have a few that help us out in this thread.

at the end of the day all questions/statements/opinions about women are welcomed in here.


I ignore those cats, they haven't even read the thread and one pops up every now and then. You think the thread is going to be this long full of bull ****?
They don't know what they're talking about.

There's posters in here who are in successful serious relationships
I want to get other's opinions on this...


I'm ashamed to admit it... but i holla'd at a fat chick the other day... now, the body was out of the Volumptuous Thread... but her overall presentation was :x...

i was literally LOOKING AROUND and seeing if anyone was looking... b/c i was like "i cannot believe i'm getting this birds number"... :lol:

when i got it... i didnt eem call... b/c it hit me...

I passed up a few beautiful chicks from earlier that day.. but had the confidence to stop the fat girl... b/c i thought it was a layup. i stopped the fat girl cuz i felt there would be a better chance that i would fit inside of her expectations. i passed on the cute girls b/c i came up w/ every excuse in the book as to why i'd be unsuccessful. i passed on the cuties b/c i didnt feel like they would be feeling me.

that is a indicator that my confidence reflected getting at a fat hoodie rat... that wasnt eem fly... :lol:

really perform a self assessment on yourself and try to see WHY you will pass on the cutie to get at the average to below average chick... or even pass on all chicks...

self reflection time...

now, this is coming from a guy that has a healthy amount of yambs under the belt... so for those below my level, and even above my level... be honest... self assess...

:nerd: :nerd:
I want to get other's opinions on this...


I'm ashamed to admit it... but i holla'd at a fat chick the other day... now, the body was out of the Volumptuous Thread... but her overall presentation was :x...

i was literally LOOKING AROUND and seeing if anyone was looking... b/c i was like "i cannot believe i'm getting this birds number"... :lol:

when i got it... i didnt eem call... b/c it hit me...

I passed up a few beautiful chicks from earlier that day.. but had the confidence to stop the fat girl... b/c i thought it was a layup. i stopped the fat girl cuz i felt there would be a better chance that i would fit inside of her expectations. i passed on the cute girls b/c i came up w/ every excuse in the book as to why i'd be unsuccessful. i passed on the cuties b/c i didnt feel like they would be feeling me.

that is a indicator that my confidence reflected getting at a fat hoodie rat... that wasnt eem fly... :lol:

really perform a self assessment on yourself and try to see WHY you will pass on the cutie to get at the average to below average chick... or even pass on all chicks...

self reflection time...

now, this is coming from a guy that has a healthy amount of yambs under the belt... so for those below my level, and even above my level... be honest... self assess...

:nerd: :nerd:

I can attest. I've psyched myself out on numerous occasions with beautiful girls because I just thought I wasn't on par with them or was afraid of rejection or just second guessed myself completely but you have to realize that its all about inner confidence. If you've ever talked to, dated or smashed a beautiful girl trust me you can do it 1,000,000 more times
Definitely true Ricky

Remember the amount of yambs acquired doesn't mean a lot in terms of ones "level"

I'm not saying this is you but if one's confidence comes from other's responses rather than within that confidence will come and go
Yeah I had to make a conscious effort not to do that. The last fat chick I smashed that I wasn't even really feeling (not even as a friend, ugly inside and out) p smelled. I wasn't feeling good and just had to get my **** wet. After I curved her she kept texting me, texting my boy, posting wild **** on instagram. Sent me a pic of her p with what looks like a tampon, almost threw up. So basically I got a stalker I can't even say i'm proud of, wasn't even worth it. If it was a dime it wouldn't even be so bad. Go for what you really want.
every chick i been with been within 2 years my age

im just picky as hell i guess. really young or really old is a waste of my time even for just smashing i guess

i feel a chick around my age can just relate to me more. i dunno. a chick my moms age group is just disgusting to me.
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I want to get other's opinions on this...


I went through this after a really bad break up. didn't think I was good enough for the good chicks if my ex just dumped me.
so ibwas going for the thick umms and meh yambs.
after I cut her off got my confidence back I started pulling much better.

don't get me wrong I like chubby girls as long as their presentation is set up well.
It's true Ricky. My confidence been on the decline lately. In the past I was getting at the baddest chicks. Now I'm passing on them & settling.
I definitely need to get back where I used to be. And Mark that Post Nut Depression is real. May do the TAY Challenge this month to aid in the process.
Women can literally smell if your dripping in confidence. I went bar hopping last night with my boy and my confidence and sex drive levels are through the roof mainly cus I lost these 15 lbs I put on these last 2 years :smh: and I haven't fapped all week (word to the No Fap October thread). So for those reasons I was in the zone last night. I was out there just talking to whey cute/decent chick I saw and ended the night with 5 numbers. ****, I even had one girl come up to me and asked me if she could gimme her number. Confidence is key. I was on my Brandon Jennings swag yesterday and straight volume shooting as the girls and most of them were digging it. Of course other factors go into it but that confidence will set you over the top
im gonna get a little off topic but its still on topic

since were on the subject of confidence and smell

Pheromones............................yes. I think I made a thread about them in my younger NT days.

really work (there are many frauds out there though). i have a raw unscented i mix with my cologne. they work for the business world also

without spamming the thread if youre at least interested hit my inbox
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im gonna get a little off topic but its still on topic

since were on the subject of confidence and smell

Pheromones............................yes. I think I made a thread about them in my younger NT days.

really work (there are many frauds out there though). i have a raw unscented i mix with my cologne. they work for the business world also

without spamming the thread if youre at least interested hit my inbox

Real ****, we were just talking about this the other day in my Psychology class haha
im gonna get a little off topic but its still on topic

since were on the subject of confidence and smell

Pheromones............................yes. I think I made a thread about them in my younger NT days.

really work (there are many frauds out there though). i have a raw unscented i mix with my cologne. they work for the business world also

without spamming the thread if youre at least interested hit my inbox

Le PM'd
Regarding the height/weight thing pages back..

That don't mean a damn thing.

I'm 5'9", 140 lbs and I hold my own.

I'm trying to gain like 20 lbs. :lol:

I've smashed chicks bigger than me, and chicks smaller than me.

It's really all about your approach and how attractive she thinks you are. A lot of chicks are willingly to make an exception on your size if she thinks you're attractive in general.


edit: guess a lot of ppl do lurk this thread, didnt expect that many PMs. if you wanna gain some knowledge google "steve o and pheromones"

and no, i know what youre thinking...........its not the steve o from jackass, from there ill send out the links to the guy i know an use an i can vouch for his raws/source that i use personally

also real quick, you have to know how to deal with the partcular woman first and foremost, the pheromone is just a "supplement" to help. you will be shocked. the more you are around women the better your chances, an yes it can work at the gym also. thing with pheromones.......less is better not more is better. you have to know how to apply etc. it takes learning.

im just a body chemisty/supplment junky so yea outside of NT this kinda stuff is what i do/hobby
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wait do you sell or just know where to get it.

I'd love to try that in the gym...just a science experiment of being in workout mode then talk to a yamb after a good sweat.
Before I retire for the night let put my two cents in...
Walk Away..
This girl is not "shy" as you think because she's talking to another guy at the same damn gym brethren...Step back and analyze the situation for what it is... If a girl is truly feeling you, she will go all out, no games played, no wondering and no questions... Only time a girl plays hard to get is when she sees you as an option or plan b.... We have all been strung along by girls or got so caught up in "liking" somebody and ignore the signs of she is just using you for attention at the gym...
Put it this way, if she really was about that life and wanting to know about your vacation, etc and she was really feeling you, she would have gotten out of there with you that night..
I have been that dude wondering or played that bs game of "chasing" but stop that, again I will reiterate, when dealing with females keep it 100 and tell them what it is and if they are down for the play, they will respond... Life's too short to wonder, ponder, text.... When you go to the gym just pull her to the side and say,"It was out of character for me to give you the cold shoulder. Look I am kinda feeling you and I would like to get(insert beverage choice,activity choice here) sometime. if we are just gym buddies that's cool, but I just don't play games and I definately don't chase"..
Okay maybe that's harsh, put your own spin to it but "Closed Mouthes Don't Get Fed", and I after being played more then once(even when I met my current) I made a promise to myself to be as candid and brash so I wouldn't be playing the guessing game.. It weeds out those "fairy tale" minded girls out quickly, that are no fun to deal with anyway...
Call me a Realist, but seriously dude just grab the bull by the horns... What do you have to lose...Good Luck

while I don't agree with all he said--- I do agree with the underlying them that if she wanted to really get at you for real, for real she woulda done it. Even if she did have plans she woulda followed through with another date/time.

Looks like that weekend you was outta town she found some new booty :lol: :lol:
Def had a no scrub moment where cuz tried to holla at me from the passenger side of his boy's ride :smh: :lol:

Ya'll don't EVER do that. Only exception (MAYBE) is if ya'll leaving from a club/concert etc. But just driving down the street? No.

Quick question. I'm tryna get yambs from an ex right? Usually she's the one who keeps tryna contact me... But now I feel like I'm going way too hard to try to get her to chill with me. We were supposed to meet up yesterday but she stood me up and rescheduled to tonight at the last second. **** is unusual. :smh: My sex game with her is on point too, she knows I'm about that life. :lol:

Got me confused as hell. What does this ***** want? Part of me is thinking she wants me to cuff, but I don't even really want to go down that route unless I have to to smash. The other part is telling me that she doesn't wanna **** with me anymore, but why would she even hit me up if that was the case?

Help a young grasshopper out :lol:
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Im drop some helpful info if I can... cause honestly its clockwork if you just remember a few things.

(this is if you just trying to smash asap with a clear mind and an empty heart)

Tailor YOU to HER.

she likes certain music, research that music and cram some helpful tidbits that only "real fans" would know even if u dont like it at allll.

tailor your attitude to the kinds of guys she likes. she likes "nerdy guys" then goddamnit you better get some clear lenses and show that ***** a book.

she like alpha men, then you boss up on her. she like blah blah blah...

scenario- girl is lowkey hippie. cares about the gubment and obama and reads paperback books and newspapers and drinks kale smoothies.

solution- pop up with 2 healthy green smoothies, a old *** book from the salvation army in your backpocket, and watch CNN all night the night before.

ive had sex with 14 women just like this. as your experience grows you'll start to notice an alarming trend of women acting the exact ******g same.

eventually you'll have have experienced the same kinds of women so many times you immediately recognize them and are able to almost reflexively react to what they want you to be.

this works especially well if youre above average looks, but hell , I have bummy homies who have pulled it all of. even without cars and stuff.

its about how bad you want it.

Quick question. I'm tryna get yambs from an ex right? Usually she's the one who keeps tryna contact me... But now I feel like I'm going way too hard to try to get her to chill with me. We were supposed to meet up yesterday but she stood me up and rescheduled to tonight at the last second. **** is unusual.
My sex game with her is on point too, she knows I'm about that life.

Got me confused as hell. What does this ***** want? Part of me is thinking she wants me to cuff, but I don't even really want to go down that route unless I have to to smash. The other part is telling me that she doesn't wanna **** with me anymore, but why would she even hit me up if that was the case?

Help a young grasshopper out
ive been thru this so many times.. matter of fact its goin down right now lol

I'd personally cut contact completely. like no phone calls, no texts. if she hit you, its hi and bye.

give it 2 weeks and then you'll really get your answer of if she want the baloney pony.

8 days into this current situation we share, i just got some tittie shots at like...4am friday night.

i got my answer... dont mean she deserve this gift from God. she an ex for a reason.

remember that YG
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I want to help but I have run out of advice juice after seeing my homeboy doing this crazy ish last night lol, now wifey doesn't even want him as a groomsmen,lol
I just wanted my man to get back out there and get his feet back up under him after how his ex did him but the ish is NO BUENO...
If you ever have been to the H there is a place called Scott Gartners Sports Bar and then there is this jazz club called Red Jazz Cafe... Anyway wifey and I go to the sports bar to start off to watch The A's game, homeboy calls me up and says just meet him downtown for drinks, whatever, okay cool... Get downtown, busy Friday Night we hit up the jazz bar, don't see him, text him and he tells me to meet at this "hipster" bar I frequent( dont judge me), anyway we get there and park but I don't see his mustang, so I turn to wifey and say "This ***** playing games, lets get a couple of drinks and call it a night", she's a trooper so she is down... As we walk towards the door I see The Chicken Box Mercedes and its blowing hard," I am like who the **** is this over privileged lame"... My dude is in the car( we are both 32) and I am like TF... He pulls up and stops and I look in to give him dap and its this older Caucasian lady(50ish) smiling like a mug and that's were **** got real... He's like" Let me park and we will meet you inside", My Fam, when I tell you wifey gave that "look" I felt like I was in trouble... We go in and she just completely went ham on me...
Me: "I didnt set this up, I had no idea this ***** was telling the truth
Wifey: " TF you mean , this *****( she never curses or uses the N word) is with this old *** lady and smashing the daughter at the same time and you had nothing to do with it
Me: Look I told you this ***** was triflinn and all I told him was to pursue the young tenderoini(we met her at a place called Torchys Taco one day after playing hoops)..
I never told this ***** to **** with a married woman..
Now my lady is fuming at me because of this ****** poor decision and she just can't believe it...
This night was the most awkward **** I have gone through with this man... But like I said my girl is a trooper and she did her talking thing but the drive home, this was our first huge argument but man the make up sex afterwards, LAWD...
Anyway at one point I pulled him aside
Me: Dude TF is your problem? I didn't believe you, and here you are with this chicks Ma Dukes like its the business
Brotha: You told me to get back out there, So I am outchea
Me: ***** I said get out here, run through these young chicks, get your swag back, not go do some Jerry Springer ****..
Brotha: I am doing me and this is my life, deal with it...
I was ready to smack the **** out this ***** like Rae did to Joe Buddens..
Me: okay cool, you made this bed, now don't call when this **** blows up in your face...
Remember you are doing you...
I got my girl an immediately left... Man now I am questioning advice I give... Like are ****** misconstruing what I am saying and going to do this type of nonsense..
Sorry for this long *** post, just needed to rant... I just don't even know anymore...
Just going to lurk for awhile
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