TAY: thread about yambs...

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I ask the same questions to females when I first meet em. Sort of warms em up to more personal convo. How was your day. What kind of guys you like. What turns u off. What turns u on. When was last relationship. Etc. works for me. Pm if u got any questions man.and read the art of seduction by Robert Greene. Will help your mindset a lot.
Alright, so me and my chick been together for a minute. Since 2008 to be exact and im 23 now. Im tired of her. My homegirl is tryna hook me up wit her 20 yr old cuzin who is fiiiinnneeeeee and more down to earth. Now im not askin a question cuz my mind is pretty much made up but im def tryna get rid of mycurrent girl and get wit this other chick. I think wit the wrong head a lot but i think im sure of this move. I mean why not? Im still young.
Im for meeting new people while you are young but the grass is not always greener on the other side.

If you have been thinking about leaving her for a while then it probably best that you do so instead of wasting time.
on top of that I wouldn't leave a chick of 5 years, just to jump straight into something else.
Plus yambs are never guaranteed, remember women mainly want what they can't have.
so who's to say once you leave her, other girl isn't as interested anymore.
Alright, so me and my chick been together for a minute. Since 2008 to be exact and im 23 now. Im tired of her. My homegirl is tryna hook me up wit her 20 yr old cuzin who is fiiiinnneeeeee and more down to earth. Now im not askin a question cuz my mind is pretty much made up but im def tryna get rid of mycurrent girl and get wit this other chick. I think wit the wrong head a lot but i think im sure of this move. I mean why not? Im still young.

Hook you up as in you're going to wife or just smash?
Honestly, its prolly gona take a while to smash. She aint the type thatll throw the box at whoever whenever. Ive known her for a while just havent seen her in a few years.

And yeah i have been thinkin bout leavin my current GF for MONTHS and we live together so im not even sure how to break it off.
I commend you in a way.
I'm a firm believer in time DOESNT equal Love. (which girls cling to)
I just wouldn't jump in to another one so fast
These last few pages have been the best so far, I mean the gems mugen dropped should like be in the archives or sticked somwhere.
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Alright, so me and my chick been together for a minute. Since 2008 to be exact and im 23 now. Im tired of her. My homegirl is tryna hook me up wit her 20 yr old cuzin who is fiiiinnneeeeee and more down to earth. Now im not askin a question cuz my mind is pretty much made up but im def tryna get rid of mycurrent girl and get wit this other chick. I think wit the wrong head a lot but i think im sure of this move. I mean why not? Im still young.
Leave her ASAP. Its just gonna get worse.
Alright, so me and my chick been together for a minute. Since 2008 to be exact and im 23 now. Im tired of her. My homegirl is tryna hook me up wit her 20 yr old cuzin who is fiiiinnneeeeee and more down to earth. Now im not askin a question cuz my mind is pretty much made up but im def tryna get rid of mycurrent girl and get wit this other chick. I think wit the wrong head a lot but i think im sure of this move. I mean why not? Im still young.
Coming from someone that has lived with two previous girlfriends(and now a third), you really need to sit down and catch your breath and think things through.
If you are serious about leaving your current, you need to look at if you can afford the rent on your own, ask if a person can be taken off the lease and you have to be firm in your decision and no playing house afterwards because that gives the other person hope of getting back together.
It's not fair to your current or potential to string either one along, and this is what I am talking about when jumping into another situation so fast..
You are a young man of 23 and you need to take sometime, get your business straight, recover from your break up and then proceed to acquire yambs after introspection and thought has taken place...
This is where ninjas get caught up in the sauce and make huge mistakes that can potentially ruin future goals and expectations.
You said you have thought about it for months to break up with your current, are you even sure this is the action you want to take???
Have you tried talking to her about your feelings and the direction of the relationship?
If you are truly tired of her, you need to boss up, have a frank and candid conversation about your feelings and how you do not desire to be in the relationship anymore and proceed in a professional manner because you definately don't want her to come back and try to sue you on some petty, heartbreak ish.
Second if you have known this "new" chick for a while, explain your situation and let that take its natural course. Running and jumping or even contemplating a new situation in the stages of raw emotion is going to do more harm then anything else. What's the rush in acquiring yambs if you where in a relationship with somebody you "loved".. This girl will understand(but at the age of 20, no girl has that kind of insight, it's more off of rogue energy and fairytales they conjure in their head)...
Listen yambs will always be available and plentiful but get your home in order first as a man and cross all your I's and T's...
Too many ****** fall victim to the rebound without having a contingency plan of what they want to do or where they want to go in life.
Slow down young man, THINK and proceed with your gut and heart and whatever you do be honest with both of these ladies and take CARE OF SELF FIRST BEFORE YOU WRECK YOURSELF
smfh at me.... been rawdogging toooooo much lately

same animal different beast thoooooo......:smh:
smfh at me.... been rawdogging toooooo much lately

same animal different beast thoooooo......
Don't be silly wrap your willy.
smfh at me.... been rawdogging toooooo much lately

same animal different beast thoooooo......:smh:

This is the longest I've been single and idk how some dudes can go raw consistently in random girls :smh: even with some chicks I've been dating for a minute I still can't go raw, just don't trust these girls at all.
This is the longest I've been single and idk how some dudes can go raw consistently in random girls
even with some chicks I've been dating for a minute I still can't go raw, just don't trust these girls at all.
Man it's NIKEtalk, some dudes JUST DO IT.
yo illest I can't take you serious after watching some of your YT videos :lol: but I want to know if you're in a LDR with the same chick who lied about being a virgin?
I wanna end it with this girl because of how much i like her and how much control she has over my mood. It's real unhealthy. Especially for it to be this early and long distance. The only thing stopping me is the thought of what "could be." I dunno what to do. :[
I wanna end it with this girl because of how much i like her and how much control she has over my mood. It's real unhealthy. Especially for it to be this early and long distance. The only thing stopping me is the thought of what "could be." I dunno what to do. :[
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Yambily, I got a job offer to go back out to Korea.
(I was out there for 2 years 2010-2012) and the yambs were plentiful.

If I accept, i'ma just throw the NT International summit out there and I'll take care of the drinks!

Man i miss that place. being an athletic handsome dude (sorry for humble brag). it was fairly easy. and I still keep up with 5 previous yambs out there still. If this site was safe I'd post pics.

Man I'm excited just not sure I'm going to take the job. Still looking for something out here in America also.
Shout out the homie JayHood. We rolled thru the cougar spot last night.

On some GTAV **** I was Trevor and he was Cletus, just scouting, putting me on game showing me how to hunt.

It was definitely a different crowd, but nothing unconquerable.

If any Atlanta NTers tryna roll, we hitting it again on Friday!
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