Sup Fam!....only right that my 5,000th post is made in here since 90% of my posts have been in here
lot's of dopeness....AM Light 3's, Plus', Bursts, Leather Slates, Carson ID's, Patta's at a great price, undrury and og greenID's....
Originally Posted by GetYaShinebox
Does anyone know if DS 2003 AM90 Hot Limes would be ok to wear (cracking, etc)?
also, about what would you pay?
they should be good to wear.....i haven't heard of any 90's from that year, or even the few years before, giving up on anyone. ideally thelimes should cost you $175-200 which is what they have been going for but some might try to get you more towards $250 since they are a DS gem in a size 12
Austin - goodlooks on the info, but of course no 12's...still don't have those or the orange ones.
Ron - in there like swimwear
part of me wants to order some red QS's JUST cause they are cheap
you guy's out west (Shaun, Aaron, Hameed, Denver) should have your patta packages delivered today