TEAM AM FAM aka AIR MAX FAMILY THREAD (New Application Process)

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Good morning everyone....

^^^rafsjays those are one of my faves...

If anyone knows where i can get some laser blues in a 9.5 it would be greatly appreciated i've seen some in size 10 but not 9.5. so if your a size 10 hitme up and ill direct you to them...
Originally Posted by 255forLife

Originally Posted by kevin2nd

friend had a pair of dqm hypers in my size and "forgot" to tell me that he sold them recently

there are literally tons of great air maxes out there though. i can go on, skit, napsize, even ebay and find a bunch of stuff that i'd love to own. crapload of air max 95's out there calling my name - especially women's 95's - pretty much all of them are pre-2003 though.

you and your women's shoes..

, j/k though.. i would be down if they made more women's 13s..

i know, finding womens 13's are so rare in air maxes. i saw a pair of turbo pink 95's in a 13 end on ebay for about retail begining of this year andi missed the auction because of work, i don't think i've ever been that close to crying over a shoe
Originally Posted by corwinator3407

Jerrod- where was that spot at? Close to your neck of the woods or more by me in Cincy? I don't wanna steal your spot just curious.
It's alot closer to my neck of the woods, but is still in the middle of nowhere. Idk if they even have anything I want. I did see couple of olderkicks in small sizes such as some older Flights and Jordan VIs in a like 6y
. I just want some more access to their storage. It might be better if I never get to look, and can keep imagining it as a treasure chest
. I gotta start expanding my search to more rural spots.

Raf- Real dope.
haha .. i was just curious how much they go for. i dont have that kind of money to spend on shoes
thanks anyway
BJ, great stuff! Cant wait for your new collabo's!

Raf! cap is in btw..a million thanks!! its creased like a mutha though!!

Kev, any new fitteds at Kicks/Hi?
bah! i'd wear those....if i had a pair

Kev, any new fitteds at Kicks/Hi?
not really. new leilow x honeyee cap with a snow leopard pattern is kinda nice though. imma grab lunch today with one of the owners so i'lltake a look.
Young Turbo - Those are from the Powerwall air max release about 2yrs ago. I believe it was discussed somewhere in this thread earlier. Prolly kind of hard tocome by.
Originally Posted by micmorales

Raf! cap is in btw..a million thanks!! its creased like a mutha though!!

For real? Damn, my bad Mic. That punk that was working at the post office promised me that it would be fine.
Hello FAM well had a rough day, but now im
I came home and this was waiting for me....

Highlight of my day!! X Mas came early for me today...

Nighty Nite...
^ You bastard!
Those are too ill. Hook up for sz9 anyone?

Anyways wore these to a long day at the animation lab.

Is anyone else having problems uploading pics to yuku?
Raf I got them from the bay if i see any around ill def let the FAM know....
CRIS I know you have been busy but I was just wondering about the FAM tees, any word yet?
To the people who have been PMing me... Sorry, but I have absolutely no money on me, I've been killing my family's money and I don't thinkthey'd let me use it to get someone else stuff even if they paid me back.
Very nice deals too, Huf AM1s have just been found for 92$, no tax, but they didn't have my size.
*stumbles into the thread, kinda dillusional, not realy knowing whats going on....

looks left, looks right.... hmmmm.... lot of shoes in here.... and other strange stuff....

and some wkd ppl too....


ah well....

waves around and -woosh- disapears into a cloud of smoke again*
^^^ raf i got it from ebay.....
JDM wow great price for huf am1s i was wondering what size are you... did they have 9.5 or 9?

Oh man Was that the SHOE PO PO?

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