TEAM AM FAM aka AIR MAX FAMILY THREAD (New Application Process)

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sup fam!

never posted a WDYWT pic in a while... haha, polka square 87's to take my last final! i hope i get into UW soon just like trunks206... haha

Really, did you? I asked Spacej23 and you if I could re-join that list and you all said you were okay with that.

Missing out on my grails, ohhhhhhhhhhhh well.

(And I still have the mail in my sent box, so I'm sure!
Hey all,

Life has been real hectic lately, my father just passed away, then my aunt died, all within a week. So needless to say I have been busy, but I just got sometime and wanted to come through the thread and say "what up". On a different note, there have been some really nice pics posted. The Fam stays withheat

Be well,
jerrod: my condolences to you and your family.

nice nom 180's up there. pretty simple cw. how much do they go for?
Jerrod, sorry to hear...Stay up my man...they are in a better place
If you ever need to talk..Im here, we here for you.

i wish you all the necessary strength and support from your family for a difficult time like this jerrod. very sorry to hear that and condolence from my side.we are with you
random 79 - sorry about your loss, man. i can't imagine what you're going through. stay strong and cherish the memories you have with them.

Tyler, Warren, Steve, Chris, Tim, Mike, Tibor, and the rest of Team AM Fam thank you for your comments and support. It is truly appreciated. Ihope that I did not bum anyone out, that was not my intention. Hopefullly my next post will be about airmaxes and include pics

Has anyone seen or heard information about these??

They look good except for the very little patent on them.

And sorry to hear about your loss random
just a browser in this thread, but i wish you the best jerrod, youll make it through man.
on a different note, great stuff guys, and those lights posted at the top of the page aren't half bad, possible cop because of the lack of decent am'sstateside.
Random 79- Tough times just keep your head up and stay strong you will be able to get through it.

On a side note Can somebody from Team Am Fam give me a quick price check on DS Womens size 12 grape 95's.

sup guys,
Jerrod sorry to hear that man ... keep you head up buddy
Oli killer 99ers B, they´re so freakin dope

Steve nice Storms man, Gusto is definitaly a really good AM dealer
Guy 25C niiiiccee ... I can´t wait for the summer

No AMs for me over the past few days, the weathers sucks most of the time over here
Jerrod.....I send my condolences! Keep your head up buddy.

What's up FAM! Hope everyone is well....on a side note, this auction is VERY disturbing. W-T-F is going on?! are u serious??

faaaaaaar from $85 shipped huh mike?!

On a side note Can somebody from Team Am Fam give me a quick price check on DS Womens size 12 grape 95's
after seeing the final price of this acution, you're bound to get some ridic amount of $$$....good luck!
Whats up Fam, just passin through on my study break
Only 2 more daysuntil I'm officially on spring break!

Jerrod, sorry to hear about your situation bro, stay strong and keep your head up homie. Like Mike said were hear for you if you should need it.

Well back to studying, have a good one Fam.
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