TEAM AM FAM aka AIR MAX FAMILY THREAD (New Application Process)

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Appreciate the respect. Dont want to come into other peoples space and be a ++%$ ....... So excuse me if i dont know my manners haha
If you have questions pm me or email me [email protected] i dont wanna fill this place with aim chat.

But i would like to know some prices on certain things if thats cool ??
Try to get to the AMP's and misc stuff later on. Excuse the non runners ......
^ Sup Corgi........

Oli...what's gooooooood my friend??? Damn, 3 Atmos', nice.

Dope all around as always..........

UKBased - 98s looking FRESH.

Finally got these off Justin this week even though I bought them when I was still in the UK:


I think these need a Stash 95-esque midsole splatter to finish them off. Very happy with them though.

Thanks for holding them for me Justin. And for the sore head today
here's those custom AM1's i was telling you guys about.
the leather really killed it for me..i think if i was able to create these on iD using mesh and suede with a pink midsole, they'd come out nice..
anyways they were put up for raffle at the Brisbane Swap & Cop a few weeks ago and they received pretty good i thought i'd give you guys alook.
please excuse the poor camera quality.

Those stash AM1s are sick.
Just stopping to show some of my pick ups over the last few weeks. Time for me to slow it down for awhile. Enjoy the pics!!


Had to cop a second pair of these


These were DS when I got em but were a little yellow. No cracking yet!


Been waiting forever for a pair of these in my size! Would rather have the gray/royal tho.



These are pretty much grail status for me. Didn't think i would find a pair in such good condition in my size.




Dan, a good splatter job would look sweet on those.

Kid, i think the splatter on yours is a bit over the top, smaller splats dude, smaller splats.....

Frank, nice, nuff said.

Today, it's raining, recycled.
Originally Posted by Modzzilla

Kid, i think the splatter on yours is a bit over the top, smaller splats dude, smaller splats.....

yea mate i agree...kinda got lost in it..i'll know better next time
everything for sale 9.5-10.5 hit me up Scream Green 96, Black/Red AM Light, Grey/White/Pink AM1, White/Black/Red AM1 all sold
FrankMatthews - wow. those are fresh. nice pickups
112s for me this evening

great stuff everyone. hope the fam is having a good weekend!
this thread moves fast......

Cris - JordAM's are classic
Steve - Nice pick up and those ID's are dope! oh yeah Navi's auint too shabby either
Gusto - I see those Milers sold quick
Oli - Congrats on the the triple up. I always ask myself when it comes to doubles, when do I retire the first pair and when do I break out the next
Regent - Sup Price! nice to see you in here.
^^^ I can vouch for this cat. He's straight up and easy to deal with. Buy from him
FrankMatthews -
G - Thanks once again!

Broke out some ID's today

Regent- Can you pm me a list of runners/ air maxes in a 9-10.5? Thanks.
Chris- Can't get enough of those id's. Wish I would've done at least one with buffalo print.
FrankMathews- All are quality pickups.
Originally Posted by BubbaEla1

regent love those Max 96 and 98s,

Thanks BubbaEla1 , ive read alot of what youve said over the last lil while and my attitude is about the same as yours .......
Id rather these things be with people who will enjoy them cause i sure dont ....... Not anymore atleast.
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