Eastla- They are holding up fine no separation. Thanks for asking Chris. How are your two pairs holding up? And very nice pickup on those AM racers 
. If those are a 9.5/10 and want to get rid of them. lmk. lol
why ?? i thought that posting direct links to live auctions wasnt allowed,
never heard of that rule before that you cant post links from someones ebay profile
and sdubl is a mod but he didnt say anything when ive posted the link,
and personally i dont think that i am violating the rules i just bypass them lol
btw is it allowed to post the auction number from ebay or is that also not allowed ?

posting direct links to live auctions is the same things as posting direct links to a seller who has live auctions. It's against NT policy to do so, and if you're posting those links in an attempt to help fam members and contributors, you're also posting it for the thousands of lurkers out there. It's not that big a deal either way and there's no need to get defensive about it, I'm just telling you how we have done it here, historically. and posting item numbers is the same thing as posting a link. mods might not get on you for it, but it's something we've always tried to keep out of this thread. If you have something you want to share with the fam, PM one of us the link and we can post it to our private FB group where there are no lurkers and no rules against posting links.
Spirigan - Those are some nice shoots! I have to agree with rpeme with urawas

Rpreme - huaraches look Fiyah!!!

Lemon - just in time huh for the release! Nice pair man! And those 93! I wish I didn't beat my pair up!

Higuy - lookin solid in those "dizzies" :tongue:. pretty cool how truest let his mom pick the winner. Never thought Dr. feel good sbs would win. Haha

Filthy - solid iDs!!

Denverairforce - oooo those custom came out clean!

Msgt - I need me those Quakes!

Vander - nice pic!

Tak - oooo those are nice and simple!
EastLA - great pick up, i love the bright orange on those!

Tak- another lovely pair of 90s

I am a very happy camper today, found one of my favorite 90s and send off $ for them(a pair that made my top 5 list too!). Pics when they arrive!!!!
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sorry if I took your response the wrong way. I wasn't trying to be a jerk. the big reason is really just trying to keep auctions and such from getting blown up publicly. I don't really care that much about "rules" so much as trying to look out for the fam and keeping things from prying eyes. again, not that big of a deal, thanks for understanding.
Too busy to do a roll call but good stuff from the usual suspects. Not too many AM wears or pickups for me lately but I did wear these a few days ago:


Sadly sole separation has started on both. :smh:

Another shot from that day:


A mini sneaker summit with some OG NT heads including Team AMFAM's very own JordanLovah aka Laune in the Kid Robots. I was hoping for more So Cal FAM to come through so I could meet some in person. Perhaps next time. Hopefully we can try to set something up for the future. Before any hate begins on the Fubu, it was a joke and all in good fun lol OH and sorry for the non-AMs Sir TAK
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let me have those Huas if the soles are separating then haha, i know those are my size
Geces & Lemon- Thanks.

Manjumps , SB's , Flyknits, Wovens, Norts, Hua's, Hurleys, FUBU's & KR's. Isnt Arvin still on probation? SMHL leave it to one of our own to post misc. stuff in here:smh:
Geces & Lemon- Thanks.

Manjumps , SB's , Flyknits, Wovens, Norts, Hua's, Hurleys, FUBU's & KR's. Isnt Arvin still on probation? SMHL leave it to one of our own to post misc. stuff in here:smh:

I'm pretty sure my probation is done(unless you extended it just for me) lol I just thought it was cool to share a pic since Laune hasn't posted in here in a while. I can delete it if you'd like Sir TAK
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Arvin - you good. Even BG made a quick mistake posting Manjumpers in here lol (for a split second)
Tak- Very clean 90's! 

Arbys2k- Oh goodness those are some clean 93 Ultramarines Arvin!
 Separation is common, but they will be wearable for the years to come! Just hit it with some e6000 and it should be good to go!
Arbys - them norts!!! So nice! Very nice on them huaraches, was thinking about picking up the frees too
Dammit! Can't believe I missed last Saturday.

Nice shots Arv! my guess was right on who was wearing those kr's

what u talkin about tak?!?!?!? :nerd: don't ever want this to pop up on my screen ever again

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