Team Marvel check in ... We Are Accepting Applications!

Originally Posted by The Minister

Originally Posted by AJMasta

So no wants Doppelganger?

weres that from?
He was created somehow but i donno what series hes from. I know he was in the Maximum Carnage series. Hes basically an 8-limbed spiderman but muchstronger, has deadly razor webbing, razor sharp teeth and hes faster. The only downside about him is that hes kinda stupid and cant speak, he can only makenoises like and animal. Hes still available i cant believe it.
Originally Posted by Physicx

Originally Posted by AmberElise04

Ms. Marvel checking in briefly before going on vacation! Hi ya'll!
where are you going?

This time I'm just going down to B'Ham, October I'm going to Pittsburgh, PA. I'm going to the Steelers
vs. Chargers game
Started reading Dark Reign, don't really like it..

i'm now reading the Thor series over again. have you guys seen who is going to play Thor in the movie? Some random Australian guy, notably from a soapopera called 'Home and Away' (they show it over here in the UK
) however, although he was only in Star Trek for a few minutes I thought he waspretty good in that.
Originally Posted by omgitswes

so instead of a bunch of randomness being posted. why dont we actually talk about whats going on with Marvel now or some of the stuff that's been released already.
any topics?

what movies does marvel have coming out?
i know we got iron man 2, thor and captain america.. but what else are they working on or considering?
Originally Posted by AmberElise04

@HeavyHitta10, I'm going with my aunt/uncle/little cousins to Alabama Adventure for a couple days.
Never been but if you consider BHam a vacation spot
Originally Posted by itsaboutthattime

Originally Posted by omgitswes

so instead of a bunch of randomness being posted. why dont we actually talk about whats going on with Marvel now or some of the stuff that's been released already.
any topics?

what movies does marvel have coming out?
i know we got iron man 2, thor and captain america.. but what else are they working on or considering?
Spiderman 4 and Avengers I know for sure.
In another thread I saw something about Thor: Son of Asgard animated film being made. which should be pretty entertaining if you like Thor
I read a little bit of it but just stopped for some reason
Originally Posted by itsaboutthattime

Originally Posted by omgitswes

so instead of a bunch of randomness being posted. why dont we actually talk about whats going on with Marvel now or some of the stuff that's been released already.
any topics?

what movies does marvel have coming out?
i know we got iron man 2, thor and captain america.. but what else are they working on or considering?
Spider Man 4


X men : First Class
More about Venom

At this point, it's a foregone conclusion that Marvel's former president and chairman Stan Lee will have a cameo in every single movie based on aMarvel Comics character whether or not he had any direct association with that character during his lengthy career. But how many of the upcoming movies canclaim that he's already been written into the script?

When we spoke to Zombieland creators Paul Wernick and Rhett Reese a few months back, they were hesitant about saying much about the Venom script they'dbeen working on. (You can read what they could say here.) As we were going through our lengthy interview with them, we found a little missed tidbit that mightthrill Marvel fans, as they admitted to us that Lee will appear in the Venom movie and that they've even already written his part!

"Oh, yeah. Stan Lee is in it," Reese told us. "I feel like that's the one thing we can say. He does appear in our script, and we're veryspecific about where he is and why. May he live forever. Let's hope he's in many movies to come."
This news practically makes my week!

Deadpool Will Break the Fourth Wall
July 5, 2009

Empire chatted with Ryan Reynolds and asked him an interesting question about the upcoming "X-Men" spin-off, Deadpool, in which he'll reprise hisrole from the "Wolverine" movie.

Reynolds says Deadpool will breach the fourth wall: "Break the fourth wall? Oh yeah, he's got to. I want to see him break the Great Wall"..."The studio's working on a script and trying to find a director. The main goal is to make sure it stays close to the source material."

A release date has not yet been set for the film.
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