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Originally Posted by thekryptonite

just print screened this..



Spoiler [+]
They was mad stupid to make that fake Thor and not expect the real Thor to come back pissed, made Tony look like a real punk too. talking about "technically since Asgard is floating about the ground it's not technically on US soil so you don't have to register" ***** made Tony Stark
Originally Posted by omgitswes

Originally Posted by thekryptonite

just print screened this..



Spoiler [+]
They was mad stupid to make that fake Thor and not expect the real Thor to come back pissed, made Tony look like a real punk too. talking about "technically since Asgard is floating about the ground it's not technically on US soil so you don't have to register" ***** made Tony Stark

Spoiler [+]
he got dealt with though by Thor, i found it funny that Stark thought he could f with him
are we talking individual teams?

as I stated before, VILLAINS UNITE! Lets go ACTS OF VENGANCE on these "heroes"... =)
More about Venom

At this point, it's a foregone conclusion that Marvel's former president and chairman Stan Lee will have a cameo in every single movie based on a Marvel Comics character whether or not he had any direct association with that character during his lengthy career. But how many of the upcoming movies can claim that he's already been written into the script?

When we spoke to Zombieland creators Paul Wernick and Rhett Reese a few months back, they were hesitant about saying much about the Venom script they'd been working on. (You can read what they could say here.) As we were going through our lengthy interview with them, we found a little missed tidbit that might thrill Marvel fans, as they admitted to us that Lee will appear in the Venom movie and that they've even already written his part!

"Oh, yeah. Stan Lee is in it," Reese told us. "I feel like that's the one thing we can say. He does appear in our script, and we're very specific about where he is and why. May he live forever. Let's hope he's in many movies to come."
Todd McFarlane needs a cameo in this instead of Stan offense to Stan.

I'm getting kinda interested in Hawkeye.
where should I start reading
Dark Reign Hawkeye isn't about Clint Barton at all...its about Bullseye dressed as Hawkeye...So its not a good starting point. He's a NewAvenger so you can pick up that, #54 is a solid read, but not much goes as a whole. The best for you I guess would be to go toa comic shop and ask your guy to locate and find you New Avengers: The Reunion #1-4 (There will be more coming I think I cant remember), that is if hedoesn't already have them. Its got alot to do with Clint and his woman...Kinda like a superhero Mr and Mrs Smith.

Empire chatted with Ryan Reynolds and asked him an interesting question about the upcoming "X-Men" spin-off, Deadpool, in which he'll reprise his role from the "Wolverine" movie.

Reynolds says Deadpool will breach the fourth wall: "Break the fourth wall? Oh yeah, he's got to. I want to see him break the Great Wall"... "The studio's working on a script and trying to find a director. The main goal is to make sure it stays close to the source material."

A release date has not yet been set for the film.
Sweet...Hope once he's in the mask he remembers its about a guy who uses his dark humor to hide his life of insecurities and failures. WadeWilson had a real twisted and depressing life...This ain't Van Wilder here with his rich daddy and it was all good and nothing was really wrong in hislife. This movie HAS to be the definition of Dark Comedy.

Guys we really need to get a weekly Comic Book thread going...there's too many people into them and too many peopleinterested in getting back into them. I can't count how many people come up to me and ask a question like..."What's going on with _______(Example: Gambit) right now in the comics?" and then I get into it like "Lemme see, he just had a one shot called X-Men Origins: Gambit and he'sin the X-Men Forever & X-Men: Legacy series' " and then they go buy it and text me...'Thanks I wouldn't have known if it wasn't foryou'...So we need to get something popping off. I'll start it tomorrow when I got day off...This week is real light on comics so Its a good week foreveryone who wants to catch up on new stuff and discuss old stuff.
Sabretooth Checking in
Just finished reading the whole Messiah Complex....

I gotta read the whole M-Day and Divided We Stand
Yo, could someone recommend some essential Iron Man reading? I've always liked the character, just never knew what his main storylines were.
What kind of teams will be forming? Good vs Evil?

All this Future Marvel Movies talk gots me all excited.

*Patiently Waiting For A Silver Surfer Movie*
Originally Posted by Rick2345

NayokoChan i put what you sent and its still not centering
go into your account section > edit signatures > paste that into the text box and click on the little icon at the top that centers the's the 10th icon in the row that starts with the capital A hovering over the colorbar.
Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Sabretooth Checking in
Just finished reading the whole Messiah Complex....

I gotta read the whole M-Day and Divided We Stand

I thought M-Day was pretty garbage. You need to read Messiah War if you just finished reading M.C. and D.W.S. is a pretty good read.

Originally Posted by shaft

are we talking individual teams?

as I stated before, VILLAINS UNITE! Lets go ACTS OF VENGANCE on these "heroes"... =)

Team Dark Reign
Sabretooth Checking in
Just finished reading the whole Messiah Complex....

I gotta read the whole M-Day and Divided We Stand
I have the whole series sitting in the trunk of my car...I been so busy I have not read even one. SMH at me.
Yo, could someone recommend some essential Iron Man reading? I've always liked the character, just never knew what his main storylines were.
You're gonna get a headache trying to figure out and read everything about his life from scratch so I suggest starting with more recent stuff.Go to your local library and request these for free or buy them from Barnes & Noble, whatever you want (and read them continuously in this order if youcan)....I hope I didn't forget anything but if you miss a book or two you'll be fine..

Iron Man: Extremis
Iron Man: Execute Program
Civil War
Civil War: Iron Man
Civil War: Captain America
Iron Man: Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Secret Invasion
Invincible Iron Man: The Five Nightmares
Invincible Iron Man World's Most Wanted (Book 1)
If anyone wants to read comics online or wants to just DL them check out some torrent sites
I see, what you see, what you're doing there...

I hate digital comic books & scanned pics on the Torrents. And pretty much everybody I know does too...IDK. Everybody is different meh.
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