Team Metal Heads thread : Keep metal alive join the team!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by BCF06

Waiting for that Metal Masters on the 24th. I bought tickets two days ago. This is going to be another awesome concert Priest, Motorhead Testament, and Heavan and Hell. By the way Jammed out to Manowar and Exciter today.

I wish I had the funds to go see this show. Some of Metal's best.

By the way, does anyone have any idea why my sig isnt being shown? All of a sudden its gone. But when I check yuku it says it should be displayed... Anyoneknow why?
Rust hit me up with your mailing adress maybe ill just send you a cd copy of it. Its a badass cd very very rare. Its their first cd and its been oop for areally long time. Ton of great shows coming up dudes origin is comin here september 1st probably gonna check that out as well as the overkill and toxicholocaust tour.

Helloween - Keeper of the seven keys
Kreator - Pleasure to Kill
Exciter-Long Live the loud
Cacophony- Speed Metal Symphony
Originally Posted by BCF06


Helloween - Keeper of the seven keys

Kreator - Pleasure to Kill
Exciter-Long Live the loud
Cacophony- Speed Metal Symphony
I cant believe I forgot about this CD. I used to listen to it all the time. lol.

At The Gates
Black Flag
Dropkick Murphys
Sorry for the lack of posts just moved into my dorm up at westchester shts been hectic. I don't have internet up here yet so I'm using my sidekick fornow.

Nothing but razor and sodom for me lately since their the only cds I can find in my car lol. Been rocking some destruction too and some judas priest as well.

Just found out Municipal waste is doing a date in philly with the casualties and obituarys playing here in october too should be two badass shows . I hopeobituary plays just from slowly we rot and cause of death it won't happen though.

Once I get all my $%*% straight ill send you that cd rust ok I didn't forget about you lol.
Hey Johnstayfresh did you just start college? I been in college 3 years now and I know where your coming from but music gets you away from it a bit. By theway that Priest concert was awesome and unexplainable.

Judas Priest - Painkiller
Metal Church - Metal Church (never get tired of this album)
Iron Maiden - Best of the B-Sides= King of Twilight, Reach Out, I've got the fire, Burning Ambition, Invasion, Juanita, Sheriff of Huddersfield, RainbowsGold,
BCF -- im jealous you got to hit that show up. Were you able to snap any photos? If so, you should post them up. Im sure we all would appreciate it.

Haste The Day
Circus Maximus
Hey rust I didn't get to take any photos because my camera messed up a while ago and I didn't get to get a new one due to lack of funds because ofschool just starting (books are crazy expensive). I only had enough for the tickets but check out some videos from youtube. Just type in judas priest sanantonio. There are a few videos there. This year some great groups came my way I was hoping metallica would get here but they are only going to Houston. That new album sounds pretty good.

Metallica - The Apocalypse, The Day that never comes
^^Sucks about your camera man. Sorry to hear it. I'll definitely check out the vids on youtube though, thanks for the heads up.
Yeah BCF this is my second year I just transfered to west chester. Due to lack of rooms though they've coupled me with 2 other dudes in a tiny room theonly thing keeping me from going nuts is my comp loaded to the teeth with music lol. I also just got this really rare municpal waste dvd off a friend of minewhich has been keeping me busy.

I just found out about 2 great bands

Pc death squad and demolition hammer. Pc is kickass crossover with an element of comedy very similar to S.O.D everyone should check out their video hella sickon youtube. And demoltion hammer is a brutal #!+ thrash band I found out about on a great forum for anybody interested in thrash andoldschool death metal.

Yeah rust I'm only in a temp room so I don't have a mailbox yet so once I get one ill be able to send you a copy of the cd.
Thats cool Johnstaysfresh stay in school dude I promise it would help out in the long run. I will definitely check out those groups. I been wanting to hearsome hardcore thrash. By the way Rust check out those vids there pretty good. I dig your taste in music man you listen to a variety of metal and old schoolrock.
JSF-- Good luck with school man! Try not to ditch on class too much, I made that mistake my first semester freshman year and I ended up on academic probationright out of the gate lol. And thanks for the music recommendations, I will definitely check it out while im bored at work today. lol.

BCF-- Thanks for the compliments man. Yea I have a pretty wide musical palette. I listen to pretty much everything. After watching a few of the youtube videosfrom san antonio, its making me want to see them even more. hahah.


Judas Priest
Molly Hatchett
Motorhead (ace of spades has been stuck in my head since yesterday cause of that damn at&t commercial
Led Zeppelin
sorry i havnt been posting here like i said i would

i always said to myself "post in that metal thread before you call it a night" and i ALWAYS fall asleep


iron maiden
bodom of course
motorhead-ace of spades is stuck in my head too

skyfire. i just got into them recently and love it. spectral was dope, and so was mind revolutions.
that new metallica ballad.

btw, anyone else going to see metallicalive?

contrary to most, i dont like their tourmates lamb of god that much (it must be the anti-christ ****i see on band shirts, otherwise theyre ok i guess)

also, is that new dragonforce any good? im not a HUGE fan of power metal but ill listen to it occasionally. theyre also coming to town and im debating whetheri should go or not.
prolly be a waste since the venue sucks, and herman li cant play, let alone walk on stage without being plastered.

gwar is coming too. their on-stage antics are
Gwar is a must see live band I've never really gotten to into their albums but their live show is amazing. Last year I bought this awesome shirt that'sall white with a white logo you can only see the logo if you get drenched in the blood they spray off stage lol. For some reason though I washed it by accidentand its clean and white again. I've heard horror stories of peoples hair being died blue and they skin being green for months I guess they tamed down theamount of food dye they use.

I'm pretty stoked to finally see municipal waste their one of the bands I've been dying to see for a long time. Its in a pretty small venue too sohopefully its fckin chaos just stage diving with boogie boards and beach balls getting thrown around not to mention giant circle pit in the middle lol.

Oh and to the guy asking about dragonforce save your time their not that great if you want to listen to power metal I suggest checking out blind guardian.
I actually like Dragonforce. I dont listen to them much anymore, but they're ok in my book.

Gwar is a bunch of wierdos. But their live show is pretty nuts. Entertaining to say the least. But the music blows IMO.

JSF-- You're lucky that MW is coming around your way! Should be a sweet show since its a smaller venue. I love smaller venue shows. Lets things get alittle crazier.

Today at work thus far:

Iced Earth
Iron Maiden - Beast over Hammersmith(live) "Bruce at his finest"
Rush - 2112
Panter- The Great Southern Trendkill
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