Team Metal Heads thread : Keep metal alive join the team!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nile - Annihilation of the Wicked
Agalloch - The Mantle
Bloodbath - Nightmares Made Flesh
The Faceless - Planetary Duality
Fleshgod Apocalypse - Mafia
Arch Enemy - Doomsday Machine
Aeon - Rise to Domination

Summer Slaughter on Saturday
Its was 103 degrees last night at 1030pm in Charlotte. Ridiculous.

It sounds like you had a pretty schweet time Ninja. and yes, HD is the bomb. lol
Summer Slaughter Tour tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'M GOING TO KILL A %#$*#%* GOAT!!!!!!  @*%# YEAH, FEELS GOOD!!!!
Seriously though I'm excited.
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Summer Slaughter Tour tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'M GOING TO KILL A %#$*#%* GOAT!!!!!!  @*%# YEAH, FEELS GOOD!!!!
Seriously though I'm excited.
Damn dude I haven't felt that feeling in a while now and I missed it when it came my way due to lack of funds.  However enjoy it man and tells us how it went.  Now that I think of it your really killing these shows.  This is the most I've heard you've gone to concerts.  I assume your concert buddy will be going?
Originally Posted by BCF06

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Summer Slaughter Tour tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'M GOING TO KILL A %#$*#%* GOAT!!!!!!  @*%# YEAH, FEELS GOOD!!!!
Seriously though I'm excited.
Damn dude I haven't felt that feeling in a while now and I missed it when it came my way due to lack of funds.  However enjoy it man and tells us how it went.  Now that I think of it your really killing these shows.  This is the most I've heard you've gone to concerts.  I assume your concert buddy will be going?
Well once again I forgot my camera, and my phone's camera sucks so no pics again.  My bad

Any who, for the most part the only bands I really enjoyed were The Faceless and Decapitated.  We missed Vital Remains because we didn't feel like being shut up in the Roseland for that long

Most of the bands are the typical metal by numbers, grindcore type.  Not bad, but nothing special.  Oh and when All Shall Perish hits that deep bass they @%$@*%* go all the way with it.  That $%+% was intense!

The Faceless was so @%$@*%* good live!  I know they played Xenochrist, Coldly Calculated Design, and Sons of Belial
  The lame !*$ mosh pit really got going as soon as they came on stage.  Decapitated was also @%$@*%* awesome even with two new members!  Oh good lord having those two bands back to back almost did me in.  Seriously it was so much awesome I almost didn't make it!  Decapitated logically ended their set with Spheres of Madness

On a side note these so called "hardcore" dancers need to @%$@*%* die a horrible, slow, painful death.  @%$@*%* idiots
i have returned, FROM THE PAGAN, VASTLAAAAANDS!!!!!

aka europe

ill write some sort of review tomorrow since im not gonna go to work. then i gotta find out how to upload pictures from my camera

im jet lagged, but its great to be back and see everyone. we were actually contemplating changing our flights and going to norway for another festival but i was beat

anyways, im tired so this will do for now:

Originally Posted by Physicx

i have returned, FROM THE PAGAN, VASTLAAAAANDS!!!!!

aka europe

ill write some sort of review tomorrow since im not gonna go to work. then i gotta find out how to upload pictures from my camera

im jet lagged, but its great to be back and see everyone. we were actually contemplating changing our flights and going to norway for another festival but i was beat

anyways, im tired so this will do for now:

Welcome back, home skillet!

Physicx, Welcome back buddy. We missed you here but damn dude you are one lucky mfer.
ok, lets do this. im gonna do this in parts because everything would be just too, too long. not for those who dont like reading

first up, wacken!

Spoiler [+]
so we arrive at the hamburg central train station to go to itzehoe where we will take a shuttle bus to wacken. as we go down the escalator, we see metalheads galore. all i see are jean vests covered in patches, leather jackets, band shirts, you name it. everyone is chanting (in german):

"1, 2, 3, 4, WACKEN, WACKEN, WACK-EN! 5, 6, 7, 8, WACKEN, WACKEN, WACK-EN!"

alot of stares from other people on the other platforms, but what else is new?

so the train is crammed with metalheads. we were fortunate enough to grab a seat. everyone is drunk and singing in their cars (public drinking is allowed in so people had 24 packs of beer that were soon diminished by the end of the ride
). we arrive in itzehoe and take the bus that said "wacken open air" on the sign that usually says bus number and destination and stuff. wish i was smart enough to take a picture of it smh

we get off the shuttle to the holy land where we receive our full metal bags and wristbands. as we look for a spot to set up we notice pathways named around the campgrounds: bodom boulevard, sodom street, hammerfall highway
. so we decide to camp at site A, right on to iced earth road and just off lordi lane.

set up our cheap #@% tent complete with canada flag we were planning to use for kataklysm who cancelled for *!**$*! ozzfest (*!**$*! ozzfest...). now for the fun part, to the metal market! as we walk up there is everything you can think of. viking shops with drinking horns for sale, merch and record stores EVERYWHERE (official nuclear blast tent, emp tent, cugdel, seasons of mist, everything!), a jagermeister sponsored ride, food and most importantly, BEER! we make our way to the official wacken merchandise shop. we wait in line for 40 minutes only to realize that there is nothing in m or s. in fact, there is nothing below xl. i was actually gonna buy a women's shirt in xl, but they were sold out too. oh well...

being upset, we go back to the beer, the solution to everything

later on in the evening we head to the wet stage for metal karaoke with mambo kurt. quite frankly, he sucks. he was doing a south of heaven cover when we walked in and it was awful, a little humorous like its intention, but awful. next he let the crowd choose who gets played next b/w two choices. examples included: ratm vs lady gaga, vanilla ice vs van halen, ac dc vs scooter. basically euro pop trash/hip hop/techno vs classic metal. lets just say that classic metal was on the losing end most of the time
. we had enough then left for movie night at the big screen where we watched until the light takes us. horrible film btw

we drink a bit more then head to bed for the first day of music. kind of hard with people (mostly drunk. very very drunk yelling "WACKEEEEEN!" "WACKEEEEEEEEEEEEN!" "WACKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN". if you hear someone yell it, you yell it back and so forth and so forth. %*%* dont stop man. its awesome lmao. also everyone is playing music loud. hard to sleep when all you hear is ensiferum and amon amarth being played right next to you.

we have our metal breakfast then head out to explore the holy land some more. eventually, we get to check out our first bands of the festival: u.d.o from accept and doro. it was good dont get me wrong, but i wasnt REALLY feeling it. so we leave to check out the folk metal band svartstot at the medieval market. great band, but the flute got old and the folk riffs were very generic. i enjoy their studio work and they were good live, but it felt like it dragged on for a bit.

as we head back to the main stage area, alice cooper had already begun his set. holy friggin crap it was packed. im not the biggest cooper fan, but man was his show entertaining. i only know a couple songs like schools out (duh) and poison (duh duh) but the %*%* that was going on on stage was fun as hell. he ends, then 15 minutes later motley crue starts up on the other side of the main stage. not the biggest crue fan either (plus their show couldnt hold a candle to coopers") so we take a seat on the grass by the true metal stage for iron *!**$*! maiden. we meet some great people as usual who are stunned when they find out we are from canada. we are right by the middle then crue (finally) ends and the real show begins.

same setlist as the final frontier tour. wicker man hits and it is WILD as expected. i mean yeah, the show in edmonton was insane, but this %*%* was unreal. 80 000 hardcore metalheads at the biggest stage on the planet, as opposed to a couple thousand casual fans with a few hundred hardcore fans on the floor in rexall place

we are around the middle and i cannot take the pressure and non stop crowd surfers so i back the hell out and lose my friend and little brother in the process. i watch a bit from behind where the fans are still plentiful. what more can i say? even though i could barely see %*%*, the show still kicked #@%. it ends with running free again and theres still time to catch the last bit of gojira at the wet stage. i watch from outside cause the tent is full. i ask a random drunken headbanger what time it was then 2 minutes later he taps me on the shoulder and signals that he wants me to come with him inside. he helps muscle me through the crowd for a fair spot to catch the last 3 songs. my goodness they were heavy live. i chat with the random guy (everyone is so nice!) and take a picture together and head over the the viking burger which was the meeting spot with my friend and brother whenever we got separated.

as we walk back to our tent after a couple beers we encounter more "WACKEN!" chants. they do get annoying after a while

*sigh* that took awhile to type, dammit. that just the first day too. i still have to write about 2 more days and 2 more full festivals. its a process ladies and gentleman. pictures from day one up in a bit, give me a second

sorry about the wall of text, but yall aint read nothing yet
before i get an further into my reviews, id like to wish nergal from behemoth a speedy recovery from leukemia. as you may have heard, he cancelled the summer breeze performance (which really, really sucked) and upcoming north america tour with watain because of is illness

he is a very kind person, and does not deserve this

get well nergal
GUISE! I'M BACK! Sorry for being gone so long. Internet Failsplorer and Firefawks refuse to open on my computer, and I've been busy drumming. I've got Google chrome to work now, so I won't be disappearing anytime soon.

Physicx, I'm super jealous of you. Though, I did go see Brad Paisley earlier this month and that was the bomb dig. Man, he's a good guitar player.
Damn Physicx I can't wait for part 2. Dude I though UDO would have kicked +%%. I'm sure he played some old school Accept songs. And Gojira is awesome. I saw them on the Metallica tour and no one knew who they were. I was into the music and everybody was freaking out. Anyway that must have been awesome but insanely scary at the same time. I would panic. I do need to go there one year.

Heard about Nergal. They were actually coming my way too. I saw them a little bit on that Mayhem Festival and they were electric.
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