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so singer of As I Lay Dying pollted to kill his wife, arrested, then posted bail?

[h1]As I Lay Dying singer Tim Lambesis released on bail[/h1]
Tim Lambesis faces up to nine years in jail if found guilty

The singer of Grammy-nominated US metal band As I Lay Dying, who is accused of plotting to murder his estranged wife, has been released on $2m (£1.3m) bail.

Prosecutors allege that Tim Lambesis handed $1,000 (£650) to an undercover police officer posing as a hitman.

The 32-year-old singer was released from jail in San Diego on Thursday.

The judge said Mr Lambesis, who denies the charge, must stay away from his wife and children, wear a GPS monitor and observe strict travel restrictions.

Mr Lambesis' solicitor Thomas Warwick said the singer had been using steroids and that they had a devastating effect on his mind.

He faces up to nine years in jail if convicted. Last week, a judge reduced bail from $3m to $2m.

Tim Lambesis's band As I Lay Dying have called off their latest tour

Mr Lambesis was arrested on 7 May at a shop in San Diego after a meeting an undercover agent. He was recorded saying he wanted his wife killed, according to prosecutor Claudia Grasso.

The undercover operation was staged after the singer told a man at his gym that he wanted his wife killed, Ms Glasso told a court hearing in Vista, California.

He had allegedly complained that she was making it difficult for him to see their children and to complete their divorce, the prosecutor added.

"He is substantially motivated to kill his wife,'' Ms Glasso said.

The singer's wife filed for divorce last September, according to San Diego Superior Court documents. The couple adopted three children from Ethiopia in recent years before separating.

As I Lay Dying, who formed in San Diego in 2000, have sold more than a million albums. Last year, the band - who take their name from a 1930 novel by William Faulkner - released their sixth album, Awakened.

In a message posted on the band's website earlier this month, Mr Lambesis' bandmates said they would call off a forthcoming tour.

"Given the circumstances, we feel that it is best for the band to be off the road while the current situation gets sorted," they said. "We'd like to thank all of our fans for their ongoing support at this difficult time."
Oh holy ****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


They sound great though. Can't wait until Aug when they come to Philly.
Oh holy ****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 i want to see them when they come to San Francisco
kinda getting back into metal after a twoish year hiatus, still bummed about the black dahlia murder sucking after nocturnal 

kinda getting back into metal after a twoish year hiatus, still bummed about the black dahlia murder sucking after nocturnal 

clean your ears bro cuz they are still godlike ....Deflorate, Ritual were amazing and Everblack came out today so I gotta listen to see if they're still on a roll

but no hate just playing Ox, also I am going to Mayhem, if I'm going to see Rob Zombie once in my life I guess I gotta sacrifice the co-headliner of the very terrible Five Finger F***
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Listened to the sabbath album and I have to agree... it's a blast from their golden era past.

If someone ever asked you "Hey do you know any Greek black metal bands that has a member of the band in Greek Parliament,who is quite a celebrity on TV himself and the band itself has affiliations with an ultra right wing group that's organizing the riots in Greece that also have  guidelines to kick the illegal immigrants out of Greece to 'purify' it?"

Well now you can answer with "Why of course good sir!, Naer Mataron is one such band and the affiliation group they are part of are called the Golden Dawn. The more you know! Have a nice day!"
congrats bro! make sure you play your favourite music while being with your favourite people, as all birthdays should be
^ I am, probab;y gonna see them soon in some festival, can't remember which, got a lot lined up for the summer already

I don't know if Black Dahlia ever had a bad 1st track on an album ever. this is theirs from their newest
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clean your ears bro cuz they are still godlike ....Deflorate, Ritual were amazing and Everblack came out today so I gotta listen to see if they're still on a roll

but no hate just playing Ox, also I am going to Mayhem, if I'm going to see Rob Zombie once in my life I guess I gotta sacrifice the co-headliner of the very terrible Five Finger F***
deflorate was eh and ritual was whack to me but everblack is pretty dope from what i've heard so far.




at what our music videos have become, Love it
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