Tebowing??!!?? c'mon son.

if someone does this in a church,imma be on the floor
borderline or full blown offensive to a lot right?

i see the humor in it...i really do. Cuz its Tebow and he is popular its suppose to be all in fun but its really pushing it.
I think this is pretty funny... better than planking imo

I'm rooting for tebow to succeed on the field as well, i wasn't a big fan but that E:60 piece def changed my view of the guy... dude works hard
If he and his Mom's hadn't run the whole Pro-Life add and he had just kept the God-knob slobbing to a minimum like most athletes, I don't think he would catch as much hate.

On a side note, I dislike the righteous douche bag simply on principal and he was a Gator.
Originally Posted by bjm5295

i hope denver wins the superbowl...
the hate this kid gets is ridiculous.

I'm saying though.. people are just salivating at the thought of him failing..like he personally did something bad to them.

You guys should get a life.
[Jay Z] "Can I he live?" [/Jay Z]
sillyputty wrote:


Funny, with respect to our present SNs, we practically joined NT at the same time, and yet you've somehow managed accumulate a post count that is about 8x more than my own. Point being, you've spent a great deal of your time on NT doing God knows what--hours upon hours that YOU could've put to better use.

A better use like what? IDK, say actively and consciously committing yourself to ending Genocide, or perhaps embarking on a global endeavor to fight and end torture; or how about alleviating poverty, and/or working to eliminate slavery in the present time, and in future.

You could honestly commit every second of you free time to these worthwhile and virtuous pursuits; instead, however, you sit there and COMPLAIN about how God is ______ (fill in the blank with those usual negative connotations you often reserve for God in your religion bashing threads). In reference to your above post, in particular, you calling God a lazy and unsympathetic being, among other things, all the while slothing precious time away on NT. Irony x hypocrite much?

And frankly, why should God go out of His way to help the less fortunate when we as a species, a social species, do very little--if at all--towards that aim? We have more food now than we have ever had at any point in human history, and yet global hunger is also correspondingly greater now than at any point in that past. Why is that the case?

In the present era, we have more individuals ascending the ranks of the global financial elite than at any other point in human history, and yet, also in the present era, more than a 3rd of the world lives in poverty. Why is that?

In an age of supposed human social evolution, awareness, and refinement, we still hear, talk, and see slavery, genocide, and torture. This very country, which prides itself on being the epitome of all that is good and proper, condoned and perpetuated acts of torture and terrorism against those viewed to be suspiciously different. Why is that?

Why should God give a damn about us when we don't even give a damn about us? We've ****t-ed on ourselves as a species, and continue to do so on a constant basis. Worse yet, as a species, we have both the resources and the knowledge to make it so that everyone lives comfortably, but doing so has never ever been an option or in the works.

So once again, why should God save you or the next man when you yourself would only do so--that is, save the next man-- on a conditional basis?

Frankly, you're a whiny child and your act and tune is getting old. Only when you've single-handedly ended genocide, poverty, slavery, and torture, will you have the right to proclaim that God aint do ishhh. 'Till then, keep up the hypocrisy, fraud.

^ My man sillyputty posted a pic in this thread. A PIC! and got mad replies as if he was arguing against this. Think you care too much man, just enjoy the lulz
Originally Posted by cartune

Atheists wont like this

*waits for the usual suspects
I don't get it, why would atheists not like this? If this Tebow guy is on one knee praying at uncommon moments wouldn't everyone who is "Tebowing" be mocking him and by extension prayer? Since we all know Tebowing is just a variation of the fads before it like batmanning and planking. Which I always thought was about getting a funny pic where you make an +!@ of yourself.
Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Wasn't a rb from the KC Chiefs doing that every time he scored a td? His name slips me at the moment.

I'll admit I don't get it cuz I don't give two $$*!% about Tebow.
Priest holmes?
Yeah but now when I really think about it he didn't pray, he did something else like drag his feet and do something with the ball.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

^ My man sillyputty posted a pic in this thread. A PIC! and got mad replies as if he was arguing against this. Think you care too much man, just enjoy the lulz

But see, that's the thing, why even post a pic--that specific pic from a meme aimed at ridiculing believers of God/Christ--in a thread about a football player and his favorite stance. Just because said Fball player is religious, is reason enough to start with the banal trolling?...comon son.

Me, care to much? Not really, my post record is evidence of this. Him/Her on the other hand (sillyputty), well I think it's more than obvious now that he cares ALOT about this stuff.

^ You do care too much. He posted that meme to make fun of what he sees as irrational beliefs. The meme is funny and does bring attention the silliness of some beliefs. I'd guess he caught on quicker than the other atheists that Tebow's stance has something to do with prayer and/or his faith.

I don't understand how that one pic caused you to type of those paragraphs. A damn diatribe I doubt many will read. It's kinda obvious you dislike dude or his views and have felt this way for quite some time to come out the blue with a long %*$ specific and detailed response to one of his posts.
Originally Posted by AJChick23

Originally Posted by bjm5295

i hope denver wins the superbowl...
the hate this kid gets is ridiculous.

I'm saying though.. people are just salivating at the thought of him failing..like he personally did something bad to them.

You guys should get a life.
[Jay Z] "Can I he live?" [/Jay Z]
biased opinion is biased
Originally Posted by LUKEwarm Skywalker

You seem mad.
I didn't post anything besides that ONE picture. You took it in that context so you had all that pent up in you...I didn't start this. YOU did. You made something out of nothing. 


Funny, with respect to our present SNs, we practically joined NT at the same time, and yet you've somehow managed accumulate a post count that is about 8x more than my own. Point being, you've spent a great deal of your time on NT doing God knows what--hours upon hours that YOU could've put to better use.

So you're going to tell me how to spend my post time? maybe I should be doing what you want me to do with my time.
Aside from the fact that I'm getting PAID to sit here right now. 

A better use like what? IDK, say actively and consciously committing yourself to ending Genocide, or perhaps embarking on a global endeavor to fight and end torture; or how about alleviating poverty, and/or working to eliminate slavery in the present time, and in future.

Ah, another random suggestion to attempt to legitimize the lack of an actual argument that you have. 
Why aren't you spending your time Occupying WallStreet? Or packing up turkeys for Thanksgiving? Are you sending your old shoes to a 3rd world country for xmas?

Nah, but you're reading a thread about Tim Tebow on NikeTalk.

How is that for perspective? 

You could honestly commit every second of you free time to these worthwhile and virtuous pursuits; instead, however, you sit there and COMPLAIN about how God is ______ (fill in the blank with those usual negative connotations you often reserve for God in your religion bashing threads). In reference to your above post, in particular, you calling God a lazy and unsympathetic being, among other things, all the while slothing precious time away on NT. Irony x hypocrite much?

Tell me, what am I doing exactly RIGHT now? 
It seems that out of addressing anyone else in this thread, why are you so bent on getting excited when I post? Do you like me? Do I make your spine tingle? Do you feel that rush of blood when I whispher in your outer ear lobe? What is it that I do for you? 

I didn't call god a lazy, unsmypathetic being. None of those words were on that picture. YOU did. See how that works?

And frankly, why should God go out of His way to help the less fortunate when we as a species, a social species, do very little--if at all--towards that aim? We have more food now than we have ever had at any point in human history, and yet global hunger is also correspondingly greater now than at any point in that past. Why is that the case?

Because consumption has changed in developed countries and explotation is more prevalent due to globalization...
but of course your sophomoric take on these issues doesn't get past your own front nose.

You see, i've actually studied some of what you're trying to allude to. 

Maybe you should start reading the Economist or something...anything other that thinking its wrong to make fun of an entity that DOES NOTHING even when people many times more faithful than you depend on it. But of course, you're offended so you feel justified in basically complaining. 

In the present era, we have more individuals ascending the ranks of the global financial elite than at any other point in human history, and yet, also in the present era, more than a 3rd of the world lives in poverty. Why is that?

Exploitation as a result of globalization. More people are affected. Thats just it. 
Are you seriously asking this question? 

In an age of supposed human social evolution, awareness, and refinement, we still hear, talk, and see slavery, genocide, and torture. This very country, which prides itself on being the epitome of all that is good and proper, condoned and perpetuated acts of torture and terrorism against those viewed to be suspiciously different. Why is that?

I didn't say we were perfect, but if you want to try your luck in Saudi Arabia and be given 100 lashes for not praying 5x a day then by all means, please go ahead. 

Why should God give a damn about us when we don't even give a damn about us? We've ****t-ed on ourselves as a species, and continue to do so on a constant basis. Worse yet, as a species, we have both the resources and the knowledge to make it so that everyone lives comfortably, but doing so has never ever been an option or in the works.
This seems like your personal problem. 
Why did you even click on this thread? It was about Tim Tebow...an overhyped ATHLETE that only exists as a result of modern world entertainment that is composed of individuals who are over-paid and idolized.

Yet you know who Tim Tebow is. Thats why you came in here. 

Isn't it?

Funny how it works when you try to make a point against the very system you benefit from. 

on top of that, why is it wrong to ask for god to help those poor people? If you're going to get so upset with us as a species for not completly fixing everything then isn't that basically a justification to say that God can't even help? 

I mean hell, if we have to do all the work then why ask god?

So once again, why should God save you or the next man when you yourself would only do so--that is, save the next man-- on a conditional basis? 

I do what I can actually. I'm trying to pursue a career in service steeped in the medical tradition...but you've made the assumption that I don't...so Thanks.
But since you want to pray for it, I hope I don't see you in the ER with an ailment. I'd rather you stay home in your living room and form a prayer circle when cancer strikes or when you break a bone.

Don't ask me for stitches, don't ask me for a cast, don't ask me for an x-ray. Just ask for god to come and help you fix yourself.

Frankly, you're a whiny child and your act and tune is getting old. Only when you've single-handedly ended genocide, poverty, slavery, and torture, will you have the right to proclaim that God aint do ishhh. 'Till then, keep up the hypocrisy, fraud.

If god is all powerful and knows everything then god is responsible for that very genocide, poverty, slavery, and torture. Thats a very simple point you've over looked...unless of course god does NOT know everything and can NOT do everything and does NOT know everything...in which case, your "god" isn't even a "god"...its just another thing that can't even control the conditions it supposedly created!
You foolish little boy. 

Here is a question for you...

Originally Posted by LUKEwarm Skywalker

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

^ My man sillyputty posted a pic in this thread. A PIC! and got mad replies as if he was arguing against this. Think you care too much man, just enjoy the lulz

But see, that's the thing, why even post a pic--that specific pic from a meme aimed at ridiculing believers of God/Christ--in a thread about a football player and his favorite stance. Just because said Fball player is religious, is reason enough to start with the banal trolling?...comon son.

Me, care to much? Not really, my post record is evidence of this. Him/Her on the other hand (sillyputty), well I think it's more than obvious now that he cares ALOT about this stuff.

I don't care that dude is religious.
He is just as misled in thinking his "god" matters as much as those that wear those stupid PhiTen necklaces or "Power" bracelets and think that they "help" in any way.

God is just a much of a placebo as a sugar pill 

Its all a crock and yet people buy into it because they're just too silly to think about these things. And yes, they ARE ridiculous. 

If Tebow wants to thank god when he wins, he should thank god when he loses, when his girlfriend cheats on him, when he gets yelled at, and when he spills his milk.

Thats why I think its stupid. It doesn't make any sense.

As for the "Tebow Stance" I think it represents and propagates this sort of insanity. We might as well run around on broom sticks and play quidditch. 

I don't understand this mentality that you all have adopted lately...it is as if EVERY POST must be in support of the topic instead of discussing the topic...

For instance, as much as I disagree with KSteezy on occupy wallstreet, I respect him for expressing his opinion, even if contrary to mine. It validates the necessity of the discussion in general. 
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