technology replacing some minimum wage workers

I'm learning about this in econ right now. This is also another reason why the government is hesitant to raise minimum wage. If it gets too high, companies will find machine based alternatives to replace workers in order to avoid paying higher wages :smh:
There used to be a booth in the mall that sold proactive skin products. The workers never seemed enthused and were usually on their phones or something. I was in the mall yesterday and saw that the both was replaced with a huge vending machine selling proactive. On the side was a screen playing the brand's infomercial. Machines don't need lunch breaks or days off. Smh
I posted an article a while back on here, pretty soon robots will replace 60% of today's jobs. One day it will be even higher. Keep sleeping on robots.
i think ur being sarcastic but ill give a serious response.

i was talking more about the design of the robot
i think ur being sarcastic but ill give a serious response.

i was talking more about the design of the robot

It was semi-serious.

At one point or another, there isn't going to be a need to design the robots. And if there is, it will be reserved for some really high up there people. Robots will build robots. Eventually people won't be able to make those either, seeing that once the robots that make robots are made. They won't need people.

Down with Skynet.
If anything this will simply boil down to complete change in economy because of this and Globalization but I just see alot of Boycotts if this really boils down.
Humanity has to about more than saving a few bucks, right?

I mean we're in this made up system, with made up currency, but so many are poor. System of power. This world man :smh:
Humanity has to about more than saving a few bucks, right?

I mean we're in this made up system, with made up currency, but so many are poor. System of power. This world man :smh:

the business owners are watching out for themselves.

its a dog eat dog mentality they rather drive a benz then help u out and have to opt for the camry
My intro econ classes explained how things like tariffs, taxes, rent control, and minimum wage suck. I think I agree.
Lol, that's way different from the prevailing view of the econ faculty at my school. But then again, my school has a reputation for being ultraliberal. 
Didn't read the article, so this post is based off the thread itself.

I'm only surprised this hasn't taken off sooner. Some companies already have automated voice systems that are far superior to any human customer service I've received. Quick, clean, and easy.

That's just like the machines I saw that give you the eye exams. The only thing the doctor has to do is sign off of your prescription once you come out the booth. Sort of like those blood pressure monitors in Wal-mart.

It'll be interesting to see how it plays out. It has the potential to force a smarter workforce, but then again Unions stand to disrupt the legislature. Uhm, we might actually revert back into nuclear/extended families living in one house.
This happens whenever there is advancement in technology.

I swear human kind never learns from history.
shouldn't we be lamping all day with robots doing all the work and serving us drinks by now? why can't we work towards that instead of tryin to increase GDP? this continuous economic growth paradigm needs to go.
I think its a good thing i completely agree with TeamJordan79....if we can get machines to all the meaningless small tasks (not to downplay some of these jobs) but it may force people to be smarter. And come up with other things to do....just some evolution, only the strong survive type natural selection at work.

but side note: There was a ceo that was interviewed on that HBO documentary about poor people in Portland. Talking about minimum wage and how it is a pointless thing. He said if minimum wage goes up....who do you think covers it...he was like i just increase taxes to my employees to cover the new higher minimum wage. So the rich stay richer and the middle class just ends up poorer further increasing the wealth gap. He also discussed how trickle down economics has failed and the only real way to stimulate the economy was to get new consumers.
Here's the thing

If people actually start boycotting these companies, they will either go under or they will fold to public demand.

If you are just settling and still buying theses guys Burgers, using their atms and products then you have nothing to complain about cause you're part of the problem.
Here's the thing

If people actually start boycotting these companies, they will either go under or they will fold to public demand.

If you are just settling and still buying theses guys Burgers, using their atms and products then you have nothing to complain about cause you're part of the problem.

im not about that mcdonalds life

but yea ppl boycotting mcDs will never happen
Here's the thing

If people actually start boycotting these companies, they will either go under or they will fold to public demand.

If you are just settling and still buying theses guys Burgers, using their atms and products then you have nothing to complain about cause you're part of the problem.

im not about that mcdonalds life

but yea ppl boycotting mcDs will never happen

Its a circular argument really. Boycott these places that outsource....why do they outsource....because its cheap. Boycott Mcdonalds....Walmart...and you will have to spend more to get what you want/need. This makes you poorer...and its increasingly difficult when the people that shop at these places are on welfare/food stamps already because they are on minimum wage.

I don't have a job because technology replaced me now im poor ------>boycott these places----->but these places have the cheapest goods that i can afford-----> ?????buy more expensive things and struggle worse then i am now or settle for the cheap stuff and try to find a means to survive.
Not when the food is $1 :lol:

Designing robots, that was funny. Pretty soon the only thing we'll be needed for is... what will we be needed for again? :nerd:
Can't see it ever happening full steam. Especially service jobs. An iPad can't replace the chick at hooters, the cute sales chick in the retail store.... so on and so forth.
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