technology replacing some minimum wage workers

You don't know what my job entails, I was just giving the example of the customer service aspect as certain people will mess up things no matter how foolproof you make them, even as simple as making a .bat file they can just double click and then you'll have people who from a company rank perspective are going to want to have people do things for them or feel they are that important. Then there's the whole U.A.C/permissions aspect, regardless of if someone knows how to do something, everybody's user profile won't have the admin priveleges to do so. So they'll still need to call into someone to either remote in and install something or advertise it through run advertised programs. I can't just go to the library right now and install a bunch of **** on the computer, that'd be suicide on their part to allow it.
your basing the current state of affairs and the people to the future generation and like i said it isnt comparable. Its like for example...factor work such as building furniture, etc...was a highly skilled, very difficult thing to do about 40 yrs ago. Look at it today...a simple stay at home mom can put together a toy chest from ikea.

Hell since speaking on cpu fields. It was once upon a time you had a job and it was a skillset just to print/fax and email. And just like yu im pretty sure they said....hey this job will always be here. It took me an associates to do way anyone any oh blow joe will be able to do this...... Now i want you to go look at any job site/employment sites.... and show me a professional faxer,emailer... Show me a current school that has a curriculum in which you will get a degree/certification to print on a printer? Fax....

Exactly because it become so common place, and so every day to technology made it so simplified, mixed with a new generation who grew up and evolved with the technology that there is no need to pay a person...hire a person to be a professional scanner or faxer or emailer.

Like i said in my last post...hell in the 90's you could get a degree from a top tier college and a high paying learn skills and have the ability to do what basically a 7 year old does when they post on facebook, make a gif, set up a page ie like myspace. Um i seriously doubt your gonna get a upper 5 close to 6 figure job having the ability to be able to post a pic online, post on facebook, dress up a myspace page....add music to page. If there is please let me know cause ill have my kids do this 6 figure job from the house remotely.

And you mentioned higher ups/govt officials...well i did this as a 25b/u/q in the united states army....fulltime. So i know what your saying, But most of those basic...hell all of those basic questions asked where by older generations who did not grow up and evolve with cpus and technology. I can honestly say (and i still do help desk admin etc... part time in the reserves) I have never once got a person of this current generation ask me how to email? How do i open a file in a folder, how do i save a file... how do i open a file on a flash drive/disc etc.... Why because they grew up with this technology and it became almost essential to basic day to day life. Therefore they can do these things as oppose to some 40 50 y/o etc... who are completely oblivious to the tech world.

Hell it was a time when you had to no msdos...binary code... a full cpu language just to surf the web. you literally had to go to the prompt command and enter ip addresses/mac binary code for a site... write full commands just to do something as simple as open up And its not like this was eons ago...this was the 90's and hell had to have a masters in c.i.s to do it. Fast forward today... and with the change of technology/evolution...and a new generation who grew aand evolved with it, I know there are millions of ppl who can go to without having to go to a top tier school and obtain a masters.

Look at it like this...whose more likely to learn a foreign language like iuno spanish...? A 80 y/o american who itries to teach himself using only a book...or a kid who grows up in a spanish speaking household, in the middle of madrid? One is going to be so close-minded and set in it subconciously...thus not as subceptable to learning... plus living so long without the need of knowing spanish. The other who is in a environment whose day to day life revolves around spanish young and pretty much a sponge.

Why do you think a certification in surfing the web...emailing, making gifs... faxing, d/l and u/l files... posting pics is nonexisting? Because as a new generation came and grew and evolved with the change in technology and it became a need for day to day life... those it certifications and the jobs that went with them are no longer in existing. To say evolution in both ppl and technology is, especially in the it computer field is going to halt...just because you want it to, or because you like your job or w/e the reason maybe is preposterous
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