technology replacing some minimum wage workers

Machines can't spit in my food or give me an attitude at the register just because they've been having a crappy day.
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It's going to happen eventually. Imagine the world 10, 15, or 20 years from now.
I'm okay with that too. Automated services are more efficient.

Just look at grocery stores, there really shouldn't be a need for cashiers, except for people who wait until the last minute and buy 2 carts full of stuff. I never go to a regular register though, all about the self checkout. Hopefully there will be a way for that concept to move into many other places

But where are high school kids supposed to work?
buy candy bars and 32oz Gatorades at Sam's Club or Costco and resell them to classmates.
It all sounds good, until you have a 16 year old child that wants a car.
What people don't realize is if IT doesn't become our job industry and not some major where people just think deals with fixing computers we are in trouble. I understand doing what you love but people that want to be an English major because they live writing can't be crying because there are no jobs when we simply don't need them. Technology is out future yet we force our best and brightest to think finance and law is the only way to make it when law is so saturated and finance is so selective because there is such a small need of people. IT is so big that you can find a niche area that is in desperate need of people but can't find employees because people think IT is fixing computers. Oh well more jobs for me.
You cant replace service. Talking with a person / ipad. I hate being forced into self check outs. I want someone to bag my groceries someone to use a store discount card if i dont have one, someone to notify me on a sale i might've missed, an simply handing someone a 20 instead of repeatedly jamming it into a machine awkwardly . People > machines. Some jobs may go but you cant replace people
You cant replace service. Talking with a person / ipad. I hate being forced into self check outs. I want someone to bag my groceries someone to use a store discount card if i dont have one, someone to notify me on a sale i might've missed, an simply handing someone a 20 instead of repeatedly jamming it into a machine awkwardly . People > machines. Some jobs may go but you cant replace people
Unfortunately, there's not much difference anymore between a lot of people who do those jobs and machines. I'm pleasantly surprised when someone actually acknowledges me with a smile and acts interested instead of just putting their head down and scanning the items. If that's all I'm going to get, there is little incentive to choose the self checkout over the cashier.
^ go to Japan. They already do all this
yep and been doing it for quite a while....way i see it especially with economy...there will only be upper class and lower class. middle/average etc...will be obsolete. Thats because most service jobs are middle/lower class jobs. So either you gonna be the rich ppl owning these automated companies...or a high tech person maintaining operating the technology and be rich...or self employed....or your going to work menial jobs ie janitors etc. or jobs like barbering/plumbers/mechanics/child care services teachers things of that nature.

the service/help desk/admin etc type of work in which average middle class workers do will be replaced by programs software. With the exception of small companies and companies who have a chick doing it just because she looks good...aka having a front desk/secretary etc.. because her looks draw customers..or boss is a simp etc.
^ go to Japan. They already do all this
the service/help desk/admin etc type of work in which average middle class workers do will be replaced by programs software. With the exception of small companies and companies who have a chick doing it just because she looks good...aka having a front desk/secretary etc.. because her looks draw customers..or boss is a simp etc.
can u elaborate??
how will the help desk admin and service jobs be replaced by programs/.??
can u elaborate??
how will the help desk admin and service jobs be replaced by programs/.??
because there will be programs that can essential work in the same capacity as remote desktop does...with the exception of a person doing the operations software that can anaylize and assess the problem/issue and automatically solve them based on preprogramed algorythms. Basically call in voice recognition deciphers the issue into a code/language the computer program understands...the runs the program that will resolve the issue.

That or just have a voice program that answers general questions based on matching...(again under the same principals). Basically create a data pool of answers to all inquires and based on user end response and questions, the software performs accordingly. As far as service jobs like cashiering etc...many countries already do it. And there is technology available now that can replace a fast food entire crew...with the excpetion of maybe a manager etc.. Its just not feasible and affordable at the time,,,plus the general population is just like a baby...give them change in small spoon size doses.

Hell even construction is being replaced. Example there is software and technology that builds walmarts. They dont use construction crews etc... heavy equipment operators anymore, Hel they have otr 18 wheelers that can go to point a to b without the need of a driver. Factioea/assembly workers will be replaced by essentially the same thing 3d printers do but on a more sophisticated, grander scale. They have remote non man operated forklifts etc... now. 20-30 years from now it will be very affordable even for the not so large conglomerates aka walmarts etc..

I could go on but these are the mid level average middle class jobs. So you have to be able to A. Be a owner or big dog in companies like this, have the technical know how to maintain/build.advance these things. or be self employed doing non tech jobs like barbering, plumber, handyman, funeral homes etc.... child care.
I know from experience with help desk many people would rahter deal with a person and aren't smart enough to even know what their problem is much less articulate it to a person or machine. Then there's the whole user error class of problem like people plugging things into the wrong port, etc. Help desk will always be people and then obviously things that we can do more efficiently via automation. You can literally advertise software downloads/updates right to their computer, send them a link where they just click it and it maps them to the share drive, make things as foolproof as possible and still get a call back 10 minutes later like, "Umm I think I clicked the wrong thing," and you go see them and they're in the wrong menu, especially when dealing with high ranked individuals whether it be Military or otherwise. They'd much rather the "computer guy" come do it. It's a somewhat diminishing market, and thus salary, but there's always a market for touch labor
I'll say this.

In-N-Out's around here pay like 11 bucks an hour. I don't even like In-N-Out like that but I do like that every time I set foot in that place they chipper as hell. Even at 12:50 at night.

I go to In-N-Out when I'm blasted over McDonalds because I know my food will be hot and they act like they give a damn.
I'll say this.

In-N-Out's around here pay like 11 bucks an hour. I don't even like In-N-Out like that but I do like that every time I set foot in that place they chipper as hell. Even at 12:50 at night.

I go to In-N-Out when I'm blasted over McDonalds because I know my food will be hot and they act like they give a damn.

In n out employees don't play around..
I know from experience with help desk many people would rahter deal with a person and aren't smart enough to even know what their problem is much less articulate it to a person or machine. Then there's the whole user error class of problem like people plugging things into the wrong port, etc. Help desk will always be people and then obviously things that we can do more efficiently via automation. You can literally advertise software downloads/updates right to their computer, send them a link where they just click it and it maps them to the share drive, make things as foolproof as possible and still get a call back 10 minutes later like, "Umm I think I clicked the wrong thing," and you go see them and they're in the wrong menu, especially when dealing with high ranked individuals whether it be Military or otherwise. They'd much rather the "computer guy" come do it. It's a somewhat diminishing market, and thus salary, but there's always a market for touch labor
the first part of your comment is true for now...the reason is you still have ppl who essential didnt grow up alongside the evolution of computers and technology. 20-30 years from now the most basic software/hardware knowledge etc... will be almost common place. Hell you have kids....mines included that even at preteen and small children age, can do most of the most simplistic things many ppl nowadays call into a help desk to seek help/assistance.

Basic/beginning knowledge aquired in the technology/cpu fields is almost common by your average kid set up a printer, common user errors, set up modem router, software updates.... how to backup cpu/drives. Things of that nature. So in 20 30 years or so those ppl will be adults...the current adults, and older ppl who you are speaking of in your earlier sentences will be dead. And our current gen of kids will be having preteens/young adults who will be more tech/cpu savvy than them. By that time the average kid would have the same knowledge as a person who has a a+. network+, security+, just off shear growing up and learning/adapting to technology.

Just think about it... you damn near had to be a computer genius to do what you are doing now...20 years ago. Now you (no offense) can do the job your doing know with no experience...and possible a few months to a year of early cpu courses...or entry level cpu certifications

it was a time you had to be college educated just to make gifs, set up a webpage, use html, adobe photoshop...etc. Nowadays your average kid can do all this setting up a online profile, posting on a blog, etc.....

So the very basics/entry level type of things needed to be a help desk admin, will be basic/common knowledge by vast majority of ppl. And anything else can be/and will be resolved by programs/software.

So i get what your saying and agree, in terms of the current older generation, but when i see again,,,no offense to your job...but my 10 year old daughter whose only education in tech/cpu field is nothing more then user experience/growing up with it being a day to day part of their lives, can do pretty much all the things your job entales. I have no doubt my kids, kids will be even more advanced than that, thus those simple basic user level questions that keeps you employed will be no more.
people need to adapt. get more skills or get left behind. it's part of evolution if you think about it. those that can't adapt get left behind....

Even if everybody "adapted", there wouldn't be enough work for everyone, because methods like this erase jobs even though there aren't already enough jobs to begin with.

Reminds me of Jon Stewart making fun of the idealistic, but ultimatelly ridiculous notion that anyone can become part of the richest 1% if they work hard enough, which of course is mathematically impossible.
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people need to adapt. get more skills or get left behind. it's part of evolution if you think about it. those that can't adapt get left behind....
Even if everybody "adapted", there wouldn't be enough work for everyone, because methods like this erase jobs even though there aren't already enough jobs to begin with.

Reminds me of Jon Stewart making fun of the idealistic, but ultimatelly ridiculous notion that anyone can become part of the richest 1% if they work hard enough, which of course is mathematically impossible.
word, you can't have this entire country turning into cubicle drones....hell THOSE jobs are being outsourced too
the current economic/financial system is flawed and based on infinite growth with finite resources, which is completely absurd. The system needs to be redesigned according to people's needs instead of wants of the select few.
I know from experience with help desk many people would rahter deal with a person and aren't smart enough to even know what their problem is much less articulate it to a person or machine. Then there's the whole user error class of problem like people plugging things into the wrong port, etc. Help desk will always be people and then obviously things that we can do more efficiently via automation. You can literally advertise software downloads/updates right to their computer, send them a link where they just click it and it maps them to the share drive, make things as foolproof as possible and still get a call back 10 minutes later like, "Umm I think I clicked the wrong thing," and you go see them and they're in the wrong menu, especially when dealing with high ranked individuals whether it be Military or otherwise. They'd much rather the "computer guy" come do it. It's a somewhat diminishing market, and thus salary, but there's always a market for touch labor
the first part of your comment is true for now...the reason is you still have ppl who essential didnt grow up alongside the evolution of computers and technology. 20-30 years from now the most basic software/hardware knowledge etc... will be almost common place. Hell you have kids....mines included that even at preteen and small children age, can do most of the most simplistic things many ppl nowadays call into a help desk to seek help/assistance.

Basic/beginning knowledge aquired in the technology/cpu fields is almost common by your average kid set up a printer, common user errors, set up modem router, software updates.... how to backup cpu/drives. Things of that nature. So in 20 30 years or so those ppl will be adults...the current adults, and older ppl who you are speaking of in your earlier sentences will be dead. And our current gen of kids will be having preteens/young adults who will be more tech/cpu savvy than them. By that time the average kid would have the same knowledge as a person who has a a+. network+, security+, just off shear growing up and learning/adapting to technology.

Just think about it... you damn near had to be a computer genius to do what you are doing now...20 years ago. Now you (no offense) can do the job your doing know with no experience...and possible a few months to a year of early cpu courses...or entry level cpu certifications

it was a time you had to be college educated just to make gifs, set up a webpage, use html, adobe photoshop...etc. Nowadays your average kid can do all this setting up a online profile, posting on a blog, etc.....

So the very basics/entry level type of things needed to be a help desk admin, will be basic/common knowledge by vast majority of ppl. And anything else can be/and will be resolved by programs/software.

So i get what your saying and agree, in terms of the current older generation, but when i see again,,,no offense to your job...but my 10 year old daughter whose only education in tech/cpu field is nothing more then user experience/growing up with it being a day to day part of their lives, can do pretty much all the things your job entales. I have no doubt my kids, kids will be even more advanced than that, thus those simple basic user level questions that keeps you employed will be no more.
You don't know what my job entails, I was just giving the example of the customer service aspect as certain people will mess up things no matter how foolproof you make them, even as simple as making a .bat file they can just double click and then you'll have people who from a company rank perspective are going to want to have people do things for them or feel they are that important. Then there's the whole U.A.C/permissions aspect, regardless of if someone knows how to do something, everybody's user profile won't have the admin priveleges to do so. So they'll still need to call into someone to either remote in and install something or advertise it through run advertised programs. I can't just go to the library right now and install a bunch of **** on the computer, that'd be suicide on their part to allow it.
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