Teen Girl In Florida Kicked Almost To Death By Teen Boy She Has Never Meet Over Text Messages

Originally Posted by Deuce King

I think people are forgetting that this is a 15 year old boy that committed this act.  I wouldn't call him some calculated killer and write him off only for him to spend the rest of his life in jail.

Are you kidding me at 15 i knew that if you kicked someone in the head with steel toe boots I could kill them don't make excuses for this scumbag.

 If that girl dies that kid better sit in jail for the rest of his life. 
stevesteve72 wrote:
Originally Posted by Deuce King

I think people are forgetting that this is a 15 year old boy that committed this act.  I wouldn't call him some calculated killer and write him off only for him to spend the rest of his life in jail.

Are you kidding me at 15 i knew that if you kicked someone in the head with steel toe boots I could kill them don't make excuses for this scumbag.

 If that girl dies that kid better sit in jail for the rest of his life. 
Seriously. Why do people always think if they are under 18 they are like an innocent little cant do any harm baby? Think back to when you were 15 and your knowledge and mentality. I think you could figure out this was wrong. He does have problems he needs to work out. I will admit that, but don't excuse him because of his age. Drinking, driving, voting, sex, etc yes I do think kids are still do young at that age to make responsible decisions, but you learn at a very young age stomping on somethings head is wrong and will kill it.

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by neverflopped

Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

you guys are silly.
do you start every reply like this?
cause everyone in here is silly and it makes me laugh heartily so.

i laugh at the pre-programed masses.
who want equal rights and separate rights.
i laugh at these people who selectively read and make assumptions and guesses and conclusions that are beyond silly.

i think the boy was in the wrong for the boots. thats like having a bat.
but if he woulda just beat her up without all that... i would be fine with it.

What? are you serious.  The report read that he smashed her head into the concrete 6 times
then kicked her head 'soccer ball style' 5-7 times.  Is that getting beat up to you???  She never fought back once.
How do you repeatedly beat some one like that when she is not even defending herself.  If you think that is fine then
something is wrong with you.

Honestly shorty would be dead if that was me.
I aint saying I would be right either, but those words are reckless beyond belief.
My dude doesnt deserve to rot in jail but he needs help. What are we as a society if we dont do the man that justice?
Yeah i bet you would have killed her alright.  How many people have you killed in your lifetime? I am guessing more then one since you know you would have killed her.  Please.  No WORDS deserve to have someone beat to death.  The girl is in a coma and could die.  Idc what was said that is not right.  I have said many messed up things to people and people have said them to me too before too.  If you get so heated that you decide to beat a girl to death a good 30 mins after the altercation occurred (text message) then you deserve to rot in jail.
bro. stop it. i meant what i said litterally.
and you're right. ive never killed anyone cause i never had to.
i watch my mouth. cause people are unpredictable and things that may be just words to you and I, may have physical emotion behind them, like in this case.
but no one has ever, within my immediate area that i could comfortably travel to, disrespected me on that level.
cause in person im an opposing figure. so thats a moot point that needs to go no further.

but believe me, if anyone in this mortal world had the @@*#!$+ balls to disrespect me on that level would cease to exist to the same mortal world.

what if you found your brother who you loved with all your heart hanging in your closet.
then some random $!#!! that you dont know just said "thats why your brother hung himself"
you're telling me in all honestly you would let that "roll off"?
its not the fact that you brother is dead, its that she went above and beyond the boundries of civility to try and hurt you as bad as she possible could.

she basically shot him with a gun made of emotion in the head.
and he kicked her in the head.

theyre even.
Thats the point it was some RANDOM PERSON.  Who knows nothing about you and about the situation.  It is hurtful when some one you know says something like that.  Any random person who knew of his brother could say that.  And I can't believe I'm actually saying this but "a gun made of emotion" can not equate to getting your head kicked in I don't care what "caliber" the "gun" was.

The one day that this kid was angry about what that girl said can not in any way equate to what this girl now has to go through IF SHE SURVIVES.  The medical bills the reconstructive face surgery the piece of her skull getting removed the irreversible brain damage that she has incurred.  I don't care how angry he was.  The emotions go away probably after at most a couple hours.  Everyone has lost some one close to them and if some one makes fun of you for it you don't have the right to kill them.

And all the people saying it was a 15 yr old BOY.  Come on. Kids these days are having kids at that age. no excuse.  
Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by neverflopped

Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

you guys are silly.
do you start every reply like this?
cause everyone in here is silly and it makes me laugh heartily so.

i laugh at the pre-programed masses.
who want equal rights and separate rights.
i laugh at these people who selectively read and make assumptions and guesses and conclusions that are beyond silly.

i think the boy was in the wrong for the boots. thats like having a bat.
but if he woulda just beat her up without all that... i would be fine with it.

What? are you serious.  The report read that he smashed her head into the concrete 6 times
then kicked her head 'soccer ball style' 5-7 times.  Is that getting beat up to you???  She never fought back once.
How do you repeatedly beat some one like that when she is not even defending herself.  If you think that is fine then
something is wrong with you.

Honestly shorty would be dead if that was me.
I aint saying I would be right either, but those words are reckless beyond belief.
My dude doesnt deserve to rot in jail but he needs help. What are we as a society if we dont do the man that justice?
Yeah i bet you would have killed her alright.  How many people have you killed in your lifetime? I am guessing more then one since you know you would have killed her.  Please.  No WORDS deserve to have someone beat to death.  The girl is in a coma and could die.  Idc what was said that is not right.  I have said many messed up things to people and people have said them to me too before too.  If you get so heated that you decide to beat a girl to death a good 30 mins after the altercation occurred (text message) then you deserve to rot in jail.
bro. stop it. i meant what i said litterally.
and you're right. ive never killed anyone cause i never had to.
i watch my mouth. cause people are unpredictable and things that may be just words to you and I, may have physical emotion behind them, like in this case.
but no one has ever, within my immediate area that i could comfortably travel to, disrespected me on that level.
cause in person im an opposing figure. so thats a moot point that needs to go no further.

but believe me, if anyone in this mortal world had the @@*#!$+ balls to disrespect me on that level would cease to exist to the same mortal world.

what if you found your brother who you loved with all your heart hanging in your closet.
then some random $!#!! that you dont know just said "thats why your brother hung himself"
you're telling me in all honestly you would let that "roll off"?
its not the fact that you brother is dead, its that she went above and beyond the boundries of civility to try and hurt you as bad as she possible could.

she basically shot him with a gun made of emotion in the head.
and he kicked her in the head.

theyre even.
Thats the point it was some RANDOM PERSON.  Who knows nothing about you and about the situation.  It is hurtful when some one you know says something like that.  Any random person who knew of his brother could say that.  And I can't believe I'm actually saying this but "a gun made of emotion" can not equate to getting your head kicked in I don't care what "caliber" the "gun" was.

The one day that this kid was angry about what that girl said can not in any way equate to what this girl now has to go through IF SHE SURVIVES.  The medical bills the reconstructive face surgery the piece of her skull getting removed the irreversible brain damage that she has incurred.  I don't care how angry he was.  The emotions go away probably after at most a couple hours.  Everyone has lost some one close to them and if some one makes fun of you for it you don't have the right to kill them.

And all the people saying it was a 15 yr old BOY.  Come on. Kids these days are having kids at that age. no excuse.  
The boy deserves everything that will be coming at him. Also on a sidenote the medical bills are about to be insane for this girl, the family for this boy are definitely about to be sued.
Pleasurephd, u can't be sure that you'll act like that. Life changing events can change ur whole mentality. Ur emotions will over weigh common sense completely
Who says no one can hit a female? A female is another person, another human being, with the same rights as men. If a female wanna talk like a man, then expect to get beat down like one. Seriously, women fight for equal rights, but now theres a law where we cant? Society dissapproves it, thats all. Not saying it is okay to whoop a female just cause, but if a female, for example, kils one of my family members, then ill kill that beezy too.
Who says no one can hit a female? A female is another person, another human being, with the same rights as men. If a female wanna talk like a man, then expect to get beat down like one. Seriously, women fight for equal rights, but now theres a law where we cant? Society dissapproves it, thats all. Not saying it is okay to whoop a female just cause, but if a female, for example, kils one of my family members, then ill kill that beezy too.
neverflopped wrote:
Pleasurephd, u can't be sure that you'll act like that. Life changing events can change ur whole mentality. Ur emotions will over weigh common sense completely

Yes, I can be sure. I am a grown man and I know how to control my emotions. Don't know why you don't feel confident in your self-control. I understand what you're saying, but as a man you should know yourself and be confident in yourself. I have not had a perfect sheltered life. I have lost loved ones, and seen loved ones hurt severely. I've had the opportunity to take vengeance and didn't because I know that would not make it better, and know that my loved one needed me to be with her, not in jail.  

LetItShine24 wrote:
Who says no one can hit a female? A female is another person, another human being, with the same rights as men. If a female wanna talk like a man, then expect to get beat down like one. Seriously, women fight for equal rights, but now theres a law where we cant? Society dissapproves it, thats all. Not saying it is okay to whoop a female just cause, but if a female, for example, kils one of my family members, then ill kill that beezy too.
No one said you can't ever hit a female wierdo lol. Why are you bringing this up? We are merely saying this female didn't deserve this for what she did. I will never hit a female, unless they are endangering my life or one of my loved ones.

i can imagine this girl being extremely reckless with her mouth...however, neither person is right in this situation.

unfortunately, they both are fighting for their life because of this
i mean damn but she shouldnt have said anything bout that kids brother and if it was a dude this wouldnt be as big of a deal
Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

LetItShine24 wrote:
Who says no one can hit a female? A female is another person, another human being, with the same rights as men. If a female wanna talk like a man, then expect to get beat down like one. Seriously, women fight for equal rights, but now theres a law where we cant? Society dissapproves it, thats all. Not saying it is okay to whoop a female just cause, but if a female, for example, kils one of my family members, then ill kill that beezy too.
No one said you can't ever hit a female wierdo lol. Why are you bringing this up? We are merely saying this female didn't deserve this for what she did. I will never hit a female, unless they are endangering my life or one of my loved ones.


It was a text message.  She wasn't endangering anyone's life.

I think if it was a guy vs a guy it wouldn't get this type of media coverage but i think the outcome would be the same.  "beater" going to jail.  I also think a guy may have fought back which makes the story different.  She was grabbed had her head bashed into the sidewalk 6 times then kicks in the face.  I don't understand how anyone can try and justify it after seeing her in the hospital like that. 

I just hope she lives and makes it back to some sort of normalcy
I'm not trying to make a joke, but people who are talking about his age.... "How old is 15 really?"

I knew right from wrong, civil from uncivil, and proper behavior at 15, as did most of the people I grew up with. This kid is clearly unstable in some way.
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

you guys are silly.
do you start every reply like this?
I was about to say the same thing before I saw your post.

Gotta be at least the 10th time I seen homeboy insult us before he starts talking.

Son gets into an argument in every thread he's in. He's surpassed enphan.
Originally Posted by Truballa101

i can imagine this girl being extremely reckless with her mouth...however, neither person is right in this situation.

unfortunately, they both are fighting for their life because of this
I would post Dave Chappelle's "How Old Is Fifteen Really?", but I don't wanna get warned for profanity.


Anyways, cosign on what truballa101 said.
They are both idiot.

Another prime example of terrible parenting. Girl's parents should be ashamed for raising a daughter that would say such things about another person's dead relative. And the parents of the other kid should be ashamed for not teaching their son not to hit a woman. Or to react from words with violence. Not to mention they clearly failed at raising their other son considering he committed suicide.

Congrats. You've raised one son who committed suicide and another who could potentially be a murdered. Disgusting. Some people really should not have kids.
what kind of person would say something like that though. she doesnt deserve what happened to her but its her fault she ran her mouth.
Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

They are both idiot.

Another prime example of terrible parenting. Girl's parents should be ashamed for raising a daughter that would say such things about another person's dead relative. And the parents of the other kid should be ashamed for not teaching their son not to hit a woman. Or to react from words with violence. Not to mention they clearly failed at raising their other son considering he committed suicide.

Congrats. You've raised one son who committed suicide and another who could potentially be a murdered. Disgusting. Some people really should not have kids.
Settle down with all that. We haven't even seen transcripts of the text messages so who knows what he said to her or what she even really said to him.
Originally Posted by HigherGround

3. The boy doesn't belong in prison, he needs counseling. On the other hand, I hope the girl regains her full health as well.
Originally Posted by spsfinest212

Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

They are both idiot.

Another prime example of terrible parenting. Girl's parents should be ashamed for raising a daughter that would say such things about another person's dead relative. And the parents of the other kid should be ashamed for not teaching their son not to hit a woman. Or to react from words with violence. Not to mention they clearly failed at raising their other son considering he committed suicide.

Congrats. You've raised one son who committed suicide and another who could potentially be a murdered. Disgusting. Some people really should not have kids.
Settle down with all that. We haven't even seen transcripts of the text messages so who knows what he said to her or what she even really said to him.
Did you even watch the video? They wouldn't have reported that information if hadn't been verified that she in fact sent the messages.
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