Teeth Whitening

My dentist bleaches my teeth every other cleaning per request. It's a cost but if you really want it it's not that spendy.
I was swishin the peroxide daily for a couple weeks and my gums got really tight and split and bled in a couple places so i stopped, investing in the whitestrips was just easier for me.

That stuff on ebay was lookin sketch city fambs...
I read you should only do it once a week...
Hydrogen peroxide!!
The hydrogen peroxide thing definitely works. Tastes blehhh, but the results are worth it.
Swish hydrogen peroxide for 30 seconds once a day for a week. You're teeth will be crazy white. Plus it's less than a dollar for a bottle. Thank me later
Does it work?

Did you feel a difference with your teeth?

Sounds like it'll destroy your enamel.

I have  sensitive teeth,so I'm constantly cheching their health
I use hydrogen peroxide every Sunday. It works very well. People have asked me how my teeth got so white
word up them crest whitestrips actually work its like a video game cheat but otherwise stop smoking or just brush 2x a day with crest 3d white consistently for 2 weeks or so and you should be gucci
thanks for the tips guise.
word up them crest whitestrips actually work its like a video game cheat but otherwise stop smoking or just brush 2x a day with crest 3d white consistently for 2 weeks or so and you should be gucci
but i haf ta smoke :frown:
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Those of you using hydrogen peroxide, are you diluting it at all or just using it straight from the bottle?
For everyone 1 website that says do NOT use hydrogen peroxide, you'll find 10 that says it's safe.
It seems that the people responding to that question are dentists, who wouldn't advocate people self whitening their teeth because of their own agenda.
Word. I remember one time I went in for a check up and my dentists asked why my teeth were so white. I told him I use Hydrogen Peroxide and he's like "ahh, you found our secret".

They don't tell you about it because people wouldn't come in and pay money to get their teeth whitened.

Hydrogen Peroxide is the active ingredient in all whitetning gels, trays, systems, etc. Except you're paying $30+ for those as opposed to paying less than a dollar for an entire bottle.

Fun Fact: If you are feeling like a cold is coming, you're already into a cold, or just to take preventative measures, pour a capful of hydrogen peroxide in each ear and let it sit for 10 minutes. You will hear a nice bubbling sound. This is the HP killing all the germs. Most of the bacteria that causes the common cold enters through the ear canal. Thank me later.
Those of you using hydrogen peroxide, are you diluting it at all or just using it straight from the bottle?
Straight. If I'm using it for whitening purposes, I do it once a day before bed and I'm good to go for at least 6 months to a year. 

Got a sore throat? Gargle HP to kill all the bacteria in the back of the throat. 
Once a day for how long tho? A week?
Yep about a week. Once you do the treatment, they stay white for a while. It also brings out your smile a lot more. I can't tell you how many compliments I have gotten since I came across this method a few years ago. 
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