Terence Crutcher murdered by cops in Tulsa, Oklahoma

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It's ridiculous how people in countries where there are barely any black people see the issue and express concern, but you have clowns over here that flat out deny it.


"My choice is that I like this country, I respect our flag. And I don’t see all the atrocities going on in this country that people say are going on."
The people I've discussed Kaepernick with over here all have no objections to a national anthem protest and are kinda baffled as to why it's a big deal. Over here we don't really celebrate our national anthem. I honestly can't recite a single line from it and I'm pretty sure nobody else I know does either.

Neither do my parents. Even our national soccer team doesn't participate in singing the national anthem during international games 
 Maybe 2 or 3 players at best. If anything we'd be surprised if more players started singing along to it

The only time I've ever been recited it was back in early elementary school for music class.
Funny thing is the majority of Americans didn't even give a @#$@ about it either until a few weeks ago. Most people don't even know the lyrics (including myself). No one stands up for the flag or sings the anthem ANYWHERE unless the announcer at a stadium tells you "Please Rise" or some bull @#[email protected] fake patriotism white people here have all of a sudden is to distract from or deny the issues Kaepernick and other black people are bringing up. It destroys their view of the US as a utopian society, but it gets confusing when these same people are attending Trump rallies and cheering to "Make America Great Again" "The country is in the worst state it's ever been" etc. type of statements. :lol: :smh:
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I'm a foreigner.. went to boarding school and college state side

I've lost count a longggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg time ago the amount of times I've heard "well if you don't like it, why don't you go back where you came from" or some variation of it over the smallest criticism
I just wanted to ask a few things as a white man in this conversation. If I'm being completely honest I always thought the idea of racism would slowly blow over as the older generation dies out but with all the cop shootings and conversations such as this goin on racism seems to be stronger than ever unfortunately. I'm trying my best to understand where others are coming from when they talk about the white man being the cause of all these unfortunate events and as a white man myself I would really like to not be categorized with these other idiots like that. But I just don't understand where to start on how to make things better. It's really unfortunate that this is how things are but how do i begin to try and understand what people are going thru on the other end of this **** storm. Im sure I'm a bit sheltered compared to most and don't fully understand the experience of what others have to go thru but I feel like with all these shootings and media coverage "they" are just trying their best to make us hate each other as much as possible at this point and it's disgusting.
u have to start by really listening to what people are saying

and not want to react or condescend or value your own opinions/beliefs/comfort over what is being said

its painful to hear for you as a white man

your white sensibilities will tell you that you know better than the speaker

but you have to fight that instinct and really attempt to relate on a human level to what is being said

thats a start
appreciate the response. its almost like the nonsense is really blinding any sort of instinct at this point but i refuse to be ignorant to the situations that are happening
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appreciate the response. its almost like the nonsense is really blinding any sort of instinct at this point but i refuse to be ignorant to the situations that are happening

I personally appreciate you trying to understand. Read experiences, involve yourself personally with more black people, volunteer if you can, maybe be in a big brother program. Reach out to people around you.

Learn about what has been happening and is currently happening and educate people like yourself about the issues you learn about.

When you hear or see racism call it out. There will be a lot of uncomfortable moments for you but if you're willing you will push through and come out with a better understanding of the US racial dynamic and it's effect on its citizens and denizens.

just remember when people speak about "white people" or white supremacy it is not an attack on you personally

And this is a very important point.

We need people like yourself to help us move forward. It wasn't until America saw white people getting beat and killed did civil rights really gain momentum. You have an opportunity to confront racism in ways and in areas that people of color cannot. When you confront people that you know that have racist and bigoted views they probably won't be so quick to dismiss the issues you raise. Props to you sir for wanting to be part of the solution. This racism thing isn't a Black vs White thing but it's a Right vs Wrong thing that people no matter their race can be part of the solution.
Im glad i decided to say something. This seems to be very positive direction and not a lot of people may be aware of how open everyone is to it. i know i wasn't fully aware.
It's laughable they actually turned one of our greatest leaders against us.

White folk, y'all somethin else :lol:

I've seen so many people post "MLK is rolling in his grave." :smh:

It's like passive aggressive racism. Fits in with the same train of thought as "why aren't black people rioting and protesting in Chicago?"

I got into a back in forth with two local police who responded to my friend's posting of the involved cop's manslaughter charge. These dudes are legit patrolling the streets while simultaneously spewing complete ignorance. Scary.

expose them b. only way to affect this **** is to shed light on those that think they can get away with anything
Love seeing these racist cowards expose themselves. The baseball player, the lawmaker in NC. More people wake up when these people come out the closet.
This one really hurts; especially having to explain this to my children.
They see men that look just like their daddy being murdered by the very people they are taught to trust in their classrooms. They actually fear the police, in a way that I've never feared them. Something has to change. The legal murder of Black Americans in the country has to end.
This one really hurts; especially having to explain this to my children.
They see men that look just like their daddy being murdered by the very people they are taught to trust in their classrooms. They actually fear the police, in a way that I've never feared them. Something has to change. The legal murder of Black Americans in the country has to end.
Here's one of my conflicts when it comes to these instances: How much do we tell our kids? Do we try to preserve their innocence by not opening their eyes to the attoricities of this world? I have a 10 year old who I sat down initially around the Mike Brown murder and told him his best bet was comply so he can COME HOME and now with this I don't have any answers to give him in doing what's necessary to come home.
Im glad i decided to say something. This seems to be very positive direction and not a lot of people may be aware of how open everyone is to it. i know i wasn't fully aware.

Appreciate you actually trying to learn. Please watch this short video with a very open mind.

It's a very high level overview on racism....but explains institutional racism, it's history...and the effects today brilliantly.

Also helps it comes from a white perspective on it. I implore you to watch it.

It's crazy, THEY want you to learn this story about MLK being peaceful and stuff, why didn't they ever teach me about Malcolm X in school?

A coworker of mine posted this picture.

View media item 2175503

I wonder if he also believes in MLK's quote about a riot being the language of the unheard.

Really just tired of the **** I hear on the job site. It pisses me off so much. All of these ************* are racist.

Someone on my feed posted something like that a while back too (I forgot which major protest this was for)

I responded with this picture

View media item 2175781
And wrote "This was the response to those peaceful protests, by the way. And by the looks of it, nothing has changed."

Got unfriended immediately :lol:

flawless clapback. repped.

i've just started to find i dislike facebook cuz some of my white friends show their true side online. i lack the willpower to even bother saying ****. surprisingly so many people my age (28) give or take a few yrs, i find to be so out of touch with reality. its more than just out of sight and out of mind, its literally i don't see the problems you are talking about existing, cops deserve respect, get out, don't break the law. combine that with the unfortunate effective fear mongering from the media, and the whitewashed education system with regards to american and international history...at this point i'm trying to push a car by blowing on it.

and its a shame. these were people...are people i'm cool with but they just don't see it. don't get. either through honest ignorance or by choice. i've got no time to argue the existence of racism...and yet :smh:

anyways, kudos to you b.
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