Terence Crutcher murdered by cops in Tulsa, Oklahoma

That sound like how that's sposed to go.

Yeah it is. If he was a brotha he woulda been swiss cheesed.

It's just funny when we have no gun, no reason to be suspicious we get no mercy. When it's white boy with a gun, girlfriend called and said he's gonna harm his family and wants a shootout with police he gets the "hey pal lets take it easy kid" treatment.

Police got great training when it's people that look like them.


flawless clapback. repped.

i've just started to find i dislike facebook cuz some of my white friends show their true side online.

and its a shame. these were people...are people i'm cool with but they just don't see it. don't get. either through honest ignorance or by choice. i've got no time to argue the existence of racism...and yet :smh:
Same here, a gang of people got unfollowed.

I've realized that racism isn't always rooted in hate, but superiority as well. It's the only explanation how a white person who you are great friends with and have had enough experiences with to KNOW they don't hate you, could still be against BLM, Kaepernick, or be a "orange cheeto" supporter.

They have no problem with you, but given a truth serum... they believe their white skin makes them superior and everyone else inferior.
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Im glad i decided to say something. This seems to be very positive direction and not a lot of people may be aware of how open everyone is to it. i know i wasn't fully aware.

Appreciate you actually trying to learn. Please watch this short video with a very open mind.

It's a very high level overview on racism....but explains institutional racism, it's history...and the effects today brilliantly.

Also helps it comes from a white perspective on it. I implore you to watch it.

That video was really informative for being short. Crazy amount of links in the description too.
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And I don't even need to go on my fb feed to know there's a white power circle jerk amongst the make America great again types.

This won't be the last time you hear me say this, but I still can't believe there was a time my naive mind thought the accessibility and availability of info on the internet would unite people to adopt progressive views.
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damn, deafness must be contagious cuz ain't nobody tryna hear that ****.
And I don't even need to go on my fb feed to know there's a white power circle jerk amongst the make America great again types.

This won't be the last time you hear me say this, but I still can't believe there was a time my naive mind thought the accessibility and availability of info on the internet would unite people to adopt progressive views.
keep saying it. some people are still holding on to the asinine hope that equality is the right number of shares and searches away.
Just wanted to give you guys a quick update:  I just received confirmation of the contribution to the Equal Justice Initiative that was sent out last week. 

One of our sponsors, Instyleshoes, wanted to match that contribution in a show of solidarity.  That's $20k to the cause, and we're hoping to encourage our fellow members to contribute as well:  http://niketalk.com/t/654451/thank-...tional-10-000-to-the-equal-justice-initiative

I appreciate all the support for this.

With all the racist dog whistles about "law and order" and "stop and frisk" circulating right now, something as basic and common sense and contributing to an organization like the EJI can be interpreted as "divisive."  

If you operate a business, as we do, it can get you boycotted.  If you run a website, it could get you attacked.  

Some people feel very threatened by social activism on these issues.  It's sad that "Black Lives Matter" is somehow taken to mean "Black Lives Matter MORE," when the goal is equality.  Everyone deserves to be treated fairly and with respect.  There should be no controversy in that whatsoever. 

Until that's the case, it's all the more important for us to stand UP and to stand TOGETHER.  I'm glad that our community can be a place where people from all walks of life can come together to share their unique perspectives - and work together to achieve common goals. 

What's going on right now is NOT RIGHT, and if you have the opportunity to say or do something about it - you have the RESPONSIBILITY to say or do something about it.  I hope we can continue to work together and make use of this opportunity and this platform to serve as a force for good.
There's a game coming out this month called battlefield 1. Takes place during ww1

Theres a section in the game where you play as a black guy and so many people are upset and planning on boycotting the game because of this. But there is some history behind this so idk why some are upset

Anyways I simply said how funny it is people are this upset when there was a group of black fighters in ww1. And i got called racist. Someone else replied "if I said what you said I'd be getting hate for it"

The deflection is so real. Plenty ppl where explaining the black soldiers and the just skimmed over it. Idk man its just these people don't get it and always skip over facts regardless of what it is

Figured I'd share it
There's a game coming out this month called battlefield 1. Takes place during ww1

Theres a section in the game where you play as a black guy and so many people are upset and planning on boycotting the game because of this. But there is some history behind this so idk why some are upset

Anyways I simply said how funny it is people are this upset when there was a group of black fighters in ww1. And i got called racist. Someone else replied "if I said what you said I'd be getting hate for it"

The deflection is so real. Plenty ppl where explaining the black soldiers and the just skimmed over it. Idk man its just these people don't get it and always skip over facts regardless of what it is

Figured I'd share it

Man, white people are calling Netflix's "Luke Cage"....."racist".....because it has a mostly black cast and is set in Harlem.......

:smh:. I'm done man.
Man, white people are calling Netflix's "Luke Cage"....."racist".....because it has a mostly black cast and is set in Harlem.......

:smh:. I'm done man.
Clowns, all of them. Regarding Battlefield 1, there were many brave black and other people of color fighting in the war to help liberate Europe. Bet those people are the same types to worship the white military but can't stand to see the black man's role in WW1 getting some well deserved attention.
Canada played a major role in liberating the area I live in and black soldiers were amongst them. We even have a town square called Canada Square, which is technically Canadian property as a token of appreciation. There's a marble soldier monument in the middle of it with names of fallen soldiers, several of those names indicating African heritage.
Those hating clowns need to educate themselves on history and take a good look in the mirror :smh:
Those are the types of people you just gotta accept exist nowadays and ignore. The focus should be on enlightening moderates because those other dudes have their minds made up already and there's no changing it imo.
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LoL now Tulsa Officer Shelby claims she went temporarily deaf before she shot Crutcher



These people something else...

I believe her. Auditory exclusion is a very real thing. But that just means the training she went through was not adequate and/or she shouldn't have been a cop in the first place. It in no way justifies her bad shoot.
Clowns, all of them. Regarding Battlefield 1, there were many brave black and other people of color fighting in the war to help liberate Europe. Bet those people are the same types to worship the white military but can't stand to see the black man's role in WW1 getting some well deserved attention.
Canada played a major role in liberating the area I live in and black soldiers were amongst them. We even have a town square called Canada Square, which is technically Canadian property as a token of appreciation. There's a marble soldier monument in the middle of it with names of fallen soldiers, several of those names indicating African heritage.
Those hating clowns need to educate themselves on history and take a good look in the mirror :smh:

Pretty much!

Man, white people are calling Netflix's "Luke Cage"....."racist".....because it has a mostly black cast and is set in Harlem.......

:smh:. I'm done man.

Lmfao man its fuuuuuny
There's a game coming out this month called battlefield 1. Takes place during ww1

Theres a section in the game where you play as a black guy and so many people are upset and planning on boycotting the game because of this. But there is some history behind this so idk why some are upset

Anyways I simply said how funny it is people are this upset when there was a group of black fighters in ww1. And i got called racist. Someone else replied "if I said what you said I'd be getting hate for it"

The deflection is so real. Plenty ppl where explaining the black soldiers and the just skimmed over it. Idk man its just these people don't get it and always skip over facts regardless of what it is

Figured I'd share it

Man, white people are calling Netflix's "Luke Cage"....."racist".....because it has a mostly black cast and is set in Harlem.......

:smh:. I'm done man.

FIFA 17 got racist dudes jimmies rustled too.

FIFA just abolished their task force on discrimination because they fill their mission was complete :smh: :lol:
:smh: Could yall imagine if Crispus Attucks didn't die at the beginning of the Revolutionary War and went on to be one of the people that helped liberate the colonies? Cats would lose their minds :lol:
This is one of the most accurate descriptions I've heard so far... A UN group called American police "racial terrorists". These cops are committing modern day lynchings of black people in this country; men, women, & children with impunity.

In 2006, the FBI warned the country in a published report that white supremacists were infiltrating law enforcement. Look at lynnwood viking police gang in the LA Sheriff's dept (acts of racial terrorism actually dates back to the 90s), the chief of police in Howard Co, MD, det john bruge in the Chicago PD, Louisiana cop raymond mott, the San Francisco PD, the Cleveland PD, etc...

Contemporary police killings and the trauma that they create are reminiscent of the past racial terror of lynching

In particular, the legacy of colonial history, enslavement, racial subordination and segregation, [COLOR=#red]racial terrorism[/COLOR] and racial inequality in the United States remains a serious challenge, as there has been no real commitment to reparations and to truth and reconciliation for people of African descent. Impunity for State violence has resulted in the current human rights crisis and must be addressed as a matter of urgency.

Police killings of Black people has become a major talking point in American society over the last couple years, after coverage of multiple high profile cases. This year alone, 195 Black people were killed by police at a rate of 4.88 kills per million people. That makes a Black person more than twice as likely to be killed by police than a white or Hispanic/Latino person and only just behind a Native American.


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This is one of the most accurate descriptions I've heard so far... A UN group called American police "racial terrorists". These cops are committing modern day lynchings of black people in this country; men, women, & children with impunity.

In 2006, the FBI warned the country in a published report that white supremacists were infiltrating law enforcement. Look at lynnwood viking police gang in the LA Sheriff's dept (acts of racial terrorism actually dates back to the 90s), the chief of police in Howard Co, MD, det john bruge in the Chicago PD, Louisiana cop raymond mott, the San Francisco PD, the Cleveland PD, etc...


The UN's Human Rights panel usually does a pretty good job of talking about issues that need to be talked about with no filter.

The UN group who said those things report directly to high commissioner of the UN's human rights panel, so it's not some obscure small UN-afilliated group either.
I'm glad you brought that up Belgium Belgium , most Americans don't really have an understanding of the UN & the panels within the organization.
Man, white people are calling Netflix's "Luke Cage"....."racist".....because it has a mostly black cast and is set in Harlem.......

:smh:. I'm done man.
Clowns, all of them. Regarding Battlefield 1, there were many brave black and other people of color fighting in the war to help liberate Europe. Bet those people are the same types to worship the white military but can't stand to see the black man's role in WW1 getting some well deserved attention.
Canada played a major role in liberating the area I live in and black soldiers were amongst them. We even have a town square called Canada Square, which is technically Canadian property as a token of appreciation. There's a marble soldier monument in the middle of it with names of fallen soldiers, several of those names indicating African heritage.
Those hating clowns need to educate themselves on history and take a good look in the mirror :smh:

My country was originally a German colony that was lost to the French and British at the end of WWI. You bet that people from there (and from what is Togo today) fought in the war. Prior to the war, many Africans lived in Portugal, Spain, France, Holland, Germany; some went there to study (there used to be schools in Europe dedicated to teaching people from the colonies) and went back to their countries of origin to become part of the colonial administration. Others stayed in Europe and married into the local population. It's the same clowns who deny that there weren't Black people in concentration camps. It's important for Euro nationalists and xenophobes to falsify the narrative of the black presence in Europe to make it seem like African immigration is a recent phenomenon. It isn't, and their governments need to be much more responsible in teaching the history of their nations and the peoples within them, not just the "us, ancestors descendants of the Gauls/Celts" part of it.
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Africans are always somehow conveniently silenced throughout history. It's been this way since forever. Even w/ the downplaying of the moors who had a much broader influence than is stated in history books.
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