Terence Crutcher murdered by cops in Tulsa, Oklahoma

Also, thank you to whoever posted those videos of Malcolm X some pages back. I've been wanting to learn more about him.

Don't let the media white wash'd version of MLK fool you.

I was fooled to.

It's a shame what they have turned him into but if you do your research, MLK was about that action.

It's crazy, THEY want you to learn this story about MLK being peaceful and stuff, why didn't they ever teach me about Malcolm X in school?

A coworker of mine posted this picture.

View media item 2175503

I wonder if he also believes in MLK's quote about a riot being the language of the unheard.

Really just tired of the **** I hear on the job site. It pisses me off so much. All of these ************* are racist.

The hell? Did Kaepernick not just take the most peaceful of knees and these same *** holes were outraged? They need to just accept their racism.
Cop that killed Oscar Grant did 2 yrs and got his own special cell and everything for protection
Any time the words "black on black crime" or "all lives matter" come out of someone's mouth, you already know what they're about.

Crime is crime. Coincidentally, you'll never hear the words white on white crime coming from those people, or anyone else for that matter.

It's no more than a racially loaded deflection from police brutality or other equality issues. Those people don't want to discuss police brutality, they want to shift the focus to a subject that doesn't make them uncomfortable. 

Martin Luther King once said "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy"

The "black on black crime" deflections during these police brutality incidents show exactly where those people stand in times of challenge and controversy. 

This needs to go viral.

But it won't. History has successfully demonized, discredited and painted Malcolm X as an extremist to the masses.

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Manslaughter is a joke.
She won't see any time. A few months at the most. I'm just waiting on the gofundme page for her.
@Chopper  as a white dude, can you give me an imsight as to what the conversations are like between white people when sht like his happens.
It's clear you understand....but how do the convos go when you try to explain this bs to other white people? Like they just refuse to see it?
I can't really answer this because people on the opposing side do not engage with me for fear that I will out them loudly and quickly as racists. 

What kills me though is the silence. MF'ers agree and suggest they "get it", but won't take a stand on social media or bring the conversation to the forefront in their daily lives. They're cool with me and acknowledge white privilege, institutional racism, but then don't take a stand publicly. I'm constantly putting pressure on them to get the F on the level. That said, more people are coming around. I'm not the only one having to bring this **** up at the office or at the bar any more.
This needs to go viral.

But it won't. History has successfully demonized, discredited and painted Malcolm X as an extremist to the masses.


Over here my highschool cultural sciences class painted him in a mostly positive light alongside MLK. They both had fairly large chapters dedicated just to them. Overall we saw his impact as a major positive, despite strong disagreements with some of his early views with the NOI

Kinda crazy what they did to that man's legacy in the US. 
This needs to go viral.

But it won't. History has successfully demonized, discredited and painted Malcolm X as an extremist to the masses.

Over here my highschool cultural sciences class painted him in a mostly positive light alongside MLK. They both had fairly large chapters dedicated just to them. Overall we saw his impact as a major positive, despite strong disagreements with some of his early views with the NOI
Kinda crazy what they did to that man's legacy in the US. 
lol it's crazy how they talk about Malcolm in Belgium of all places but none of my high school history classes even mentioned him
It's straight up disrespectful when white folks try to turn MLK into this buzz word. They killed him too so don't tell us "Do it how MLK would". Ya'll killed him, so there is no right way to deal with racism in white folks eyes. And MLK was hated when he was alive. White people didn't start accepting him til Malcolm came along with that eye for an eye mentality. When they saw a brotha that was dead serious, that wasn't playing no games then they started liking MLK cuz he was more "safe" they tried to put them 2 against one another.

They still only tell you half story about MLK. They don't tell you in school they he wanted reparations for black people. That towards the end of his life he thought America was too deep in racism to be changed. No they just tell you he had a dream and he was non-violent.
It's straight up disrespectful when white folks try to turn MLK into this buzz word. They killed him too so don't tell us "Do it how MLK would". Ya'll killed him, so there is no right way to deal with racism in white folks eyes. And MLK was hated when he was alive. White people didn't start accepting him til Malcolm came along with that eye for an eye mentality. When they saw a brotha that was dead serious, that wasn't playing no games then they started liking MLK cuz he was more "safe" they tried to put them 2 against one another.

They still only tell you half story about MLK. They don't tell you in school they he wanted reparations for black people. That towards the end of his life he thought America was too deep in racism to be changed. No they just tell you he had a dream and he was non-violent.
Kinda reminds me of when ppl say "maybe if they dressed differently, they wouldn't be targets". Then I have to kindly remind them that countless black leaders were assassinated well dressed, in suits.
It's straight up disrespectful when white folks try to turn MLK into this buzz word. They killed him too so don't tell us "Do it how MLK would". Ya'll killed him, so there is no right way to deal with racism in white folks eyes. And MLK was hated when he was alive. White people didn't start accepting him til Malcolm came along with that eye for an eye mentality. When they saw a brotha that was dead serious, that wasn't playing no games then they started liking MLK cuz he was more "safe" they tried to put them 2 against one another.

They still only tell you half story about MLK. They don't tell you in school they he wanted reparations for black people. That towards the end of his life he thought America was too deep in racism to be changed. No they just tell you he had a dream and he was non-violent.

That sht gets me hot man.
It's crazy, THEY want you to learn this story about MLK being peaceful and stuff, why didn't they ever teach me about Malcolm X in school?

A coworker of mine posted this picture.

View media item 2175503

I wonder if he also believes in MLK's quote about a riot being the language of the unheard.

Really just tired of the **** I hear on the job site. It pisses me off so much. All of these ************* are racist.

Someone on my feed posted something like that a while back too (I forgot which major protest this was for)

I responded with this picture

View media item 2175781
And wrote "This was the response to those peaceful protests, by the way. And by the looks of it, nothing has changed."

Got unfriended immediately :lol:
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Someone on my feed posted something like that a while back too (I forgot which major protest this was for)

I responded with this picture

View media item 2175781
And wrote "This was the response to those peaceful protests, by the way. And by the looks of it, nothing has changed."

Got unfriended immediately :lol:

View media item 2175792
You let the dowop sing my g. Excellent work. YIKES
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I can't really answer this because people on the opposing side do not engage with me for fear that I will out them loudly and quickly as racists. 

What kills me though is the silence. MF'ers agree and suggest they "get it", but won't take a stand on social media or bring the conversation to the forefront in their daily lives. They're cool with me and acknowledge white privilege, institutional racism, but then don't take a stand publicly. I'm constantly putting pressure on them to get the F on the level. That said, more people are coming around. I'm not the only one having to bring this **** up at the office or at the bar any more.
Cause some don't actually get it but feel bad. It's like how you see a homeless person sleeping under a bridge, you hate that they are in that situation but you don't care enough to want things to change or feel almost powerless and think that there's nothing you can do. So you go about your day aware of the problem but practically content with your place in the solution
Over here my highschool cultural sciences class

True story.

My HS had a black history class.

It was a one semester elective.

It was taught by our wrestling coach.

He was just a sloppy creepy white guy who drove a pedo van.

Looking back at it :x

It was the laziest taught class.
It's straight up disrespectful when white folks try to turn MLK into this buzz word. They killed him too so don't tell us "Do it how MLK would". Ya'll killed him, so there is no right way to deal with racism in white folks eyes. And MLK was hated when he was alive. White people didn't start accepting him til Malcolm came along with that eye for an eye mentality. When they saw a brotha that was dead serious, that wasn't playing no games then they started liking MLK cuz he was more "safe" they tried to put them 2 against one another.

They still only tell you half story about MLK. They don't tell you in school they he wanted reparations for black people. That towards the end of his life he thought America was too deep in racism to be changed. No they just tell you he had a dream and he was non-violent.

Online and in texts I hit them with this


Then I destroy them with facts in a concise and respectful manner.

If they can't hear me after factual information is fed to them, I abandon them immediately.
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It's straight up disrespectful when white folks try to turn MLK into this buzz word. They killed him too so don't tell us "Do it how MLK would". Ya'll killed him, so there is no right way to deal with racism in white folks eyes. And MLK was hated when he was alive. White people didn't start accepting him til Malcolm came along with that eye for an eye mentality. When they saw a brotha that was dead serious, that wasn't playing no games then they started liking MLK cuz he was more "safe" they tried to put them 2 against one another.

They still only tell you half story about MLK. They don't tell you in school they he wanted reparations for black people. That towards the end of his life he thought America was too deep in racism to be changed. No they just tell you he had a dream and he was non-violent.

Spot on. When he stopped talking about social equality and started talking about economic equality, America shut right the hell up.
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Saw this on my feed. Even though Americans aren't doing @#$@, the world is watching and learning what we're really about.

View media item 2176068
Saw this comment as well:

Unique Stanley The sad thing is (I work in Korea right now) that Koreans are WATCHING ALL OF THIS and many students have asked "Why are they letting the police kill Black people?"

It's sickening!
Like · Reply · 82 · 5 hrs
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