Terrell Owens just released by the Dallas Cowboys!!! BREAKING NEWS

This is shockin but not shockin at the same time --- you knew somethin had to happen with all the release talk earlier this offseason

And also I didn't hear what Michael Smith said about the hall of fame, but IMO I think T.O. makes the hall of fame but it won't be first year like mostof ya'll think. You have to think how disliked he is in the media's eye
Oh, and maybe the Eagles

About a month ago some people were talking about Donovan and TO talking again.

Do it.
only reason TO wont mak ethe hall of fame on the first ballot is because a bunch of old white racists would be voting ... point blank
JJ folded maybe yes but i think the pressure was applied MORE by to than by the media...........i guess TO when he's not happy w/ a squad/situations hesulks.....similar to moss. time 2 bring him to a solidified system of dynastic abilities.....TO u deserve 2 be a PATRIOT!
Well it's official, Jerry Jones and the rest of the Cowboys organization don't want to win and have no desire to win a championship next year. As aT.O. fan I can say that the Dallas Cowboys and the fans that support this move deserve all the hardship that they receive next year. It's the classic caseof a team shooting themselves in the foot. How do you release one of the best players you got on your team, it's beyond asinine. Think of all the losesthat the Cowboys had last year and now think how many of those loses were a result of T.O. I say bring T.O. back to the 49ers!!
Why do i feel the Cowboys will be awful next year?

For some reason i feel that, T.O. had that much of an impact on that team imo, to where i feel as though they don't have a shot at making theplayoffs

Im curious to see who will sign him though.
Espn should take the blame for some of this, I swear every time the cowboys lost espn would bring up TO name like he was the qb, coach, offensive coordinaterwho was (sir Charles)" terrrible just terrrible"
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Trent Dilfer needs to shut the hell up, he has no idea what he's talking about, T.O. may have lost a step, but this idiot is making it sound like he can't play at all anymore. Dude is one of the top 5 receivers of all time and still has a few productive years left. SMH at all these ESPN 'experts' talking out of their @*%#%, just some damn haters.

Yeah there was nothin good said about TO last night before i fell asleep..Trent Dilfer's analysis was horrible..sure TO is not a great route runner..andhis attitude sometimes clouds his judgment on a lotta things..but the dude has serious talent..dude definitely has 2-3 solid years left..mark my words..theteam that signs him *Ravens, Colts, or Falcons*..will win the super bowl or be in the super bowl next year or the year after..within 2 years he will have hisring and then retire..
No surprise.

Chalk up another team who wants nothing to do with the man anymore.

Oh goodie, Sportscenter tonight should be fun.
I'm not watching ESPN until the Nuggets/Jazz game tomorrow night. I refuse.
i think a sleeper team is the ravens. smh at him though. dude is a 35 yr old man who still cant grow up. all people are going to remember him for is his anticsthat ran him out of every city he played for
Originally Posted by Digger85

i think a sleeper team is the ravens. smh at him though. dude is a 35 yr old man who still cant grow up. all people are going to remember him for is his antics that ran him out of every city he played for
Ravens won't do that to Flacco. Plus Harbaugh is the coach.
Just take a look at the individuals that are talking trash about him, you got bums like Trent Dilfer and Keyshawn Johnson weighing in on the matter and givingtheir opinion. Both of those bums wouldn't dare get mentioned for the HOF, T.O. will be. T.O. is far better than either of those two bums could dream tobe.
I'm in Canada and I haven't seen ESPN yet....but would it be possible for T.O to sue ESPNfor defamation of character?
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