Terror Attack In Paris

this wasn't an attack on free speech? so you're implying this was just another example of islamists randomly murdering peaceful citizens of their own country?

It wasnt an attack on "free speech". The government of France and other leaders in the photo-op attack free speech and censor more than these terrorists do.

Just like yelling "FIRE!" in a movie theater has consequences, so does depicting a prophet of a religion unfortunately.
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I see what you're saying but it's really the principle of it. Once we start saying one group is immune from sarcasm and satire, where does it end? Or once we concede on making Muhammad off-limits, what's to stop us from making another concession? It's why we don't negotiate with terrorists (at least not publicly). We know the end goal of Islamists. It's not to live in a Western society where Muhammad isn't made fun of. It's to live in an Islamist society where religious leaders run the government.

As you say, we're not dealing with rational people. It's a common mistake we make to think that a small concession will appease the irrational people and everyone will be happy. But that doesn't happen. That only works between groups of rational people.

this wasn't an attack on free speech? so you're implying this was just another example of islamists randomly murdering peaceful citizens of their own country?

It wasnt an attack on "free speech". The government of France and other leaders in the photo-op attack free speech and censor more than these terrorists do.

Just like yelling "FIRE!" in a movie theater has consequences, so does depicting a prophet of a religion unfortunately.
:lol: that sounds like a threat. Reminds me of the way the Syrian government talks...

Fine, let's not call it an attack on free speech. Let's call it cold-blooded religious extremist terrorism.
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Apparently France only cares about "free speech" unless they disagree with it.

France cracks down on hate speech, sends carrier to Mideast

Associated Press

PARIS (AP) -- France ordered prosecutors around the country to crack down on hate speech, anti-Semitism and those glorifying terrorism and announced Wednesday it was sending an aircraft carrier to the Middle East to work more closely with the U.S.-led coalition fighting Islamic State militants.


Anti-Jew = Anti-Semetic and you get arrested
Anti-Islam = "Free speech"

I wouldn't doubt it at all that Mossad could've been behind this attack. It definitely serves their purpose and further pushes their agenda, so yes Israel could've definitely been behind this attack.
I wouldn't doubt it at all that Mossad could've been behind this attack. It definitely serves their purpose and further pushes their agenda, so yes Israel could've definitely been behind this attack.

I don't subscribe to Conspiracy Theories, but we all know Mossad has roots in creating Hamas and others. Iran has been saying for years that ISIS was a Mossad/CIA creation. Look at Netanyahu over the past couple days along with US media "Mass Emigration to Israel from Europe".

Perpetuate Anti-Semetism to bolster Jewish Nationalism. That's the Zionist playbook. The Jewish Defense League was one of the most violent extremist groups in this country according to the FBI, you think you ever hear that?
lol@people equating a cartoon of mohammad with anti semitism

anti semitism = advocating violence against jews

cartoon of mohammad = making fun of a religion

if they made a cartoon that was advocating violence against muslims i would be against it...

but that's not what they are doing.

It was satire of a mythical figure.. 

No different than a cartoon making fun of moses or abraham....

stop trying to make both actions equal
lol@people equating a cartoon of mohammad with anti semitism

anti semitism = advocating violence against jews
cartoon of mohammad = making fun of a religion

if they made a cartoon that was advocating violence against muslims i would be against it...
but that's not what they are doing.
It was satire of a mythical figure.. 
No different than a cartoon making fun of moses or abraham....

stop trying to make both actions equal

Man, you can't say anything that goes against the Zionist narrative and NOT be called "Anti-Semetic", you dont even have to say anything remotely close to violence to be called anti-semetic. Look at anti-Jewish drawings of figures with big noses, long beards, and payes that are called anti-semetic, just drawings! I'm Jewish and grew up in Zionist household, I know the games the play with semantics.

Muhammad isnt a "mythical" figure in the eyes of Muslims. We are told to be "tolerant" towards everyone except Muslims.
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[thread="616346"]One thing I'll never understand is why people think free speech = free from consequences.  In no way am I saying that these terrorists were justified in their actions, because they most certainly are not.  But the folks at that magazine already knew what time it was with the Muslim extremists--their offices were already firebombed a few years back.  Hell, I believe several of them had police security everywhere they went after that incident.  So they knew there was a faction of people out there pissed off and crazy enough to kill over a cartoon, as ridiculous as that sounds. [/thread]

But they exercised (and will continue to) their free speech and kept publishing these images.  And they apparently pissed off Muslim extremists enough to have them up the ante from the office firebombing.  So you can see that free speech doesn't mean you can't get touched.  In the sane world, yes it means that.  BUT WHEN YOU'RE DEALING WITH VIOLENT, RELIGIOUS ZEALOTS YOU'RE NOT DEALING WITH RATIONAL PEOPLE.    

My whole issue with this magazine is what's the end game here?  What is them publishing these images doing?  Like yo, I'm 99.9% positive that most people who are not terrorists understand how ridiculous terrorists are.  Why do we need to rustle their jimmies when we know we're dealing with folks delusional enough to think there are virgins waiting for them in heaven should they die a martyr?  

Some will say "they're exercising their free speech", which is true.  But at what point does it become more important to exercise it wisely instead of doing it because we can or because we get a chuckle out of it?  In the year 2015, we now know that nothing ends well when dealing with Islamic extremists--their end game is to die and take out as many non-believers as possible.  Why would we continue to poke and prod at them knowing this?  Those cartoons aren't enlightening anyone to the horrors of religious extremists, nor are they converting terrorists into peaceful, upstanding citizens.  In short, NOBODY WINS.  Yes, you exercised your free speech, but now your'e dead over a silly cartoon and your kids don't have a dad.  Why not just let the terrorists terrorist and keep it moving?  Because these cartoons aren't doing a damn thing to fight the war on terror---they're simply fueling the fire.  

And again, in no way am I blaming the victims for what happened to them or saying that the terrorists were justified in their actions.  I just think we really need to reassess the potential consequences of our actions because we're obviously not dealing with rational, peaceful people when it comes to extremists.  
Charr, who died that day, has repeatedly said he'd rather die than have his rights taken from him. Specifically for this.

You keep saying what was the point of the mag and that we're dealing with irrational violent ppl. That's the point. We should not be forced to stop what we're doing because irrational ppl exist, because violent extremists exists. That's why you continue on what you're doing. The point is to stop them, to be rid of them. To show them that their wants do not hold priority over everyone else.

I mean seriously man "Why not just let the terrorists terrorist and keep it moving?"???? :wow: :x :smh: :rolleyes :stoneface: What the **** is wrong with you? Like seriously right now WHAT THE **** IS WRONG WITH YOU?! If yo really think the ppl at Charlie Hebdo died over silly cartoons you're extremely naive and short sighted.

You sounding real timid right now. Scared as ****. Reassess the potential consequences for our actions? OUR ACTIONS b? You on some appease the Nazis bull **** right now man. You should check yourself, brush up on some history with this frail as rhetoric bull **** you're spreading. Straight up cowardly. And it's so much worse because your excuse for this reasoning is that we're dealing with irrational extremists. Like really what world are you living in where ppl have to watch their step around the crazy ************* and behave nicely. Straight up battered women's syndrome you trying to advocate. FOOHWTBS. No bueno.

Same goes for whoever repped your post. Frightened individuals not thinking things through.
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lol@people equating a cartoon of mohammad with anti semitism

anti semitism = advocating violence against jews
cartoon of mohammad = making fun of a religion

if they made a cartoon that was advocating violence against muslims i would be against it...
but that's not what they are doing.
It was satire of a mythical figure.. 
No different than a cartoon making fun of moses or abraham....

stop trying to make both actions equal

Man, you can't say anything that goes against the Zionist narrative and NOT be called "Anti-Semetic", you dont even have to say anything remotely close to violence to be called anti-semetic. Look at anti-Jewish drawings of figures with big noses, long beards, and payes that are called anti-semetic, just drawings! I'm Jewish and grew up in Zionist household, I know the games the play with semantics.

Muhammad isnt a "mythical" figure in the eyes of Muslims. We are told to be "tolerant" towards everyone except Muslims.


speak bad against gays your a hater

speak bad against jews ur an antisemite

speak bad against black people your a racist

speak bad against muslim ur exercising free speech
I find it hilarious when NT'ers decide to throw on their moral compass & when to ask for "class".

A bunch of innocent people were just murdered because this magazine continued to attack a certain religion, instead of showing respect and maybe honoring the lives of the people lost, said publication decides to continue to poke fun at muslims..... Not to say murder is suitable due to a religion being made fun of, but do the editors not feel any guilt behind the messages they promote to the people which essentially got some of their employees killed.
I find it hilarious when NT'ers decide to throw on their moral compass & when to ask for "class".

A bunch of innocent people were just murdered because this magazine continued to attack a certain religion, instead of showing respect and maybe honoring the lives of the people lost, said publication decides to continue to poke fun at muslims..... Not to say murder is suitable due to a religion being made fun of, but do the editors not feel any guilt behind the messages they promote to the people which essentially got some of their employees killed.
If somebody in my family got killed over the cartoon... and the newspapers and media got scared and changed policy to appease the terrorists.... I would be mad

continue doing what you do as long as it isn't advocating violence.... let the extremists get mad, but don't let them control our freedom of expression.

I bet you threw away all your hoodies when trayvon got killed too huh...

no need to give off a bad vibe and get killed over looking suspicious right?
When the gays, jews, and black start cutting peoples heads off for making sterotypical jokes or insulting their religion ill pay attention to "islamophobia"

The fact of the matter is some of you and plenty of people think they got what they deserve. They knew what was coming. Just like a girl who dresses slutty.

The spineless obama administration agrees. Refuisng and bending over backwards to not call it radical islam. Using double speak and code that would make george orwell shiver.

Like people are really saying why do we have to antagonize the terrorists? Get it through your head that appeasment wont save your ***.

Look up Neville Chamberlain. Let me know how appeasing hitker turned out.

You see compassion, mercy, and understanding. They see WEAKNESS.
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The spineless obama administration agrees. Refuisng and bending over backwards to not call it radical islam. Using double speak and code that would make george orwell shiver.
what the hell are you talking about?

not calling it "radical islam" doesn't really matter... we have active ops against them in every country they exist, drone program expanded, CIA budget expanded, Intelligence boundaries expanded.... 

how is the administration "spineless".... because they don't use the exact term you like...

they are still dropping bombs, sending in special ops, coordinating attacks and killing them.......

but they don't use the exact word you want and you call it "bending over backwards" lol...
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what the hell are you talking about?

not calling it "radical islam" doesn't really matter... we have active ops against them in every country they exist, drone program expanded, CIA budget expanded, Intelligence boundaries expanded.... 

how is the administration "spineless".... because they don't use the exact term you like...

they are still dropping bombs, sending in special ops, coordinating attacks and killing them.......

but they don't use the exact word you want and you call it "bending over backwards" lol...

Dropping random bombs after confirming bo troops ts a half *** fight. Only meant to push it off to the next person to deal with.

Either way. The press corp noticed it too.


It matters because if you cant even openly talk about an enemy how can you defeat it? Egypts Al Sisi just gave a speech about the problem or radical islam but the leader our america refuses to acknowledge it.

How do you fight something that you clearly dont think exists?
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When the gays, jews, and black start cutting peoples heads off for making sterotypical jokes or insulting their religion ill pay attention to "islamophobia"

The fact of the matter is some of you and plenty of people think they got what they deserve. They knew what was coming. Just like a girl who dresses slutty.

The spineless obama administration agrees. Refuisng and bending over backwards to not call it radical islam. Using double speak and code that would make george orwell shiver.

Like people are really saying why do we have to antagonize the terrorists? Get it through your head that appeasment wont save your ***.

Look up Neville Chamberlain. Let me know how appeasing hitker turned out.

You see compassion, mercy, and understanding. They see WEAKNESS.

The evolution of the Holocaust is more convoluted than just Neville Chamberlain.
The evolution of the Holocaust is more convoluted than just Neville Chamberlain.

I wasnt even talking about extermination specifically. WWII and german expansion and what can happen when you appease an enemy, take them lightly, underestimate what the future can bring.

Listen. I cant imagine a leader or the media saying we are not at war with those who prevert and hijack the National Socialst German Workers party for for their own benefit. Being PC to this degree is worrisome. The whitehouse seems more worried about offending people than the act itself.
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what the hell are you talking about?

not calling it "radical islam" doesn't really matter... we have active ops against them in every country they exist, drone program expanded, CIA budget expanded, Intelligence boundaries expanded.... 

how is the administration "spineless".... because they don't use the exact term you like...

they are still dropping bombs, sending in special ops, coordinating attacks and killing them.......

but they don't use the exact word you want and you call it "bending over backwards" lol...
Dropping random bombs after confirming bo troops ts a half *** fight. Only meant to push it off to the next person to deal with.

Either way. The press corp noticed it too.


It matters because if you cant even openly talk about an enemy how can you defeat it? Egypts Al Sisi just gave a speech about the problem or radical islam but the leader our america refuses to acknowledge it.

How do you fight something that you clearly dont think exists?
You didn't even read the article you posted...

they are still dropping bombs, sending in special ops, coordinating attacks and killing them......

How does this in any way imply they "dont think they exist".... that tea party logic

The White House tried to explain Tuesday why it has refused to use the term “radical Islam” in describing the Islamist terrorists responsible for last week’s Paris attacks and other acts of violence across the globe.

White House press secretary Josh Earnest  said the administration doesn’t want to legitimize those terrorists or the “warped” view of Islam they hold. Also, Mr. Earnest  said, the phrase “radical Islam” simply is not an accurate way to describe the enemies of the U.S., France  and other nations across the globe.

“I certainly wouldn’t want to be in a position where I’m repeating the justification they have cited that I think is illegitimate. They had invoked Islam to justify their attacks,” he told reporters. “I think what I’m trying to do is to describe to you what happened and what they did. These individuals are terrorists. … We have chosen not to use that label [of radical Islam] because it doesn’t seem to accurately describe what happened.”

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news...te-use-phrase-radical-islam-ta/#ixzz3OnRwjldA  
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter
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I wouldn't doubt it at all that Mossad could've been behind this attack. It definitely serves their purpose and further pushes their agenda, so yes Israel could've definitely been behind this attack.

Oh, look who it is.

So....it's Israels fault that radical Islam is a major issue in this world that kills hundreds of thousands of people? We should blame Israel for these brothers training with Al Qaeda in Yemen, huh? What kind of agenda does this push for Israel? For the rest of the world to take a look and realize people dying by the thousands because of an extremist that kill in the name of a religion?
Yes i dd read it. And its an absolutely accurate portrayl. He was forced to drop a few bombs on isis because anericans got their heads whcked off, not to fight radical islam as a whole. Because he thinks a terror group called the islamist state has nothing to do with islam. Same with these attacks. Just random terrorism.
^ How do you fight radical Islam as a whole? Please enlighten us... because Nation building didn't work in Iraq/Afghan.
^ How do you fight radical Islam as a whole? Please enlighten us... because Nation building didn't work in Iraq/Afghan.

It i had all the answers i doubt if be discussing this on a sneaker forum haha

Iraq and Afghanistan sure didnt help the situation.

Its an extremly complex issue. Im just stating that you cant even attempt to solve it if you don't acknowledge it exists. I know that aaying islamophobia over and over, painting people who think radical islam is an iasue as bigots doesnt help either.

An internal war of ideas within the religion is probably the only thing that can move things forward. A reformation and progression within the religion that others have had. Sunni vs shia isnt gonna go away if america doesnt have one troop in the ME. Womens and gay rights wont magically appear. It has to come from within to a large degree.

We need to find radical imams preaching violence and deal with them severly. Reevaluate our relationship with saudi arabia. And people of the islamic faith that come to the west need to better assimilate. The host country cant allow them to practice sharia law and change their customs.

Protect and encourage muslim "whistleblowers" thats huge. Media can give the progressives a bigger voice but that wont do much if they are killed after speaking. Need to protect and encourage them.

Also the whitehouse needs to stop pretending they know what "real" islam is. Who are they to tell us they know more about it than the people killing in its name. That's just garbage feel good talk and deflection
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Yes i dd read it. And its an absolutely accurate portrayl. He was forced to drop a few bombs on isis because anericans got their heads whcked off, not to fight radical islam as a whole. Because he thinks a terror group called the islamist state has nothing to do with islam. Same with these attacks. Just random terrorism.
White House press secretary Josh Earnest  said the administration doesn’t want to legitimize those terrorists or the “warped” view of Islam they hold

a few bombs = special ops and a whole campaign of strikes including the drone program and coordinated attacks with coalition force along with iranian forces.....

a few bombs...

Your view is so warped by political bias that you don't even use facts to embolden your argument...

you misconstrue what is said to fit your agenda.

textbook case of cognitive dissonance
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It i had all the answers i doubt if be discussing this on a sneaker forum haha

Iraq and Afghanistan sure didnt help the situation.

Its an extremly complex issue. Im just stating that you cant even attempt to solve it if you don't acknowledge it exists. I know that aaying islamophobia over and over, painting people who think radical islam is an iasue as bigots doesnt help either.

An internal war of ideas within the religion is probably the only thing that can move things forward. A reformation and progression within the religion that others have had. Sunni vs shia isnt gonna go away if america doesnt have one troop in the ME. Womens and gay rights wont magically appear. It has to come from within to a large degree.

We need to find radical imams preaching violence and deal with them severly. Reevaluate our relationship with saudi arabia. And people of the islamic faith that come to the west need to better assimilate. The host country cant allow them to practice sharia law and change their customs.

Protect and encourage muslim "whistleblowers" thats huge. Media can give the progressives a bigger voice but that wont do much if they are killed after speaking. Need to protect and encourage this

Good post and I do agree... WITHIN the religion. It's up to these respected Arab leaders to take the lead. We can easily go to war, kill, drop bombs, and what really comes out of it? More hatred against the west, more terrorism, more propaganda.

This administration in my opinion actually thinks about the consequences before making press releases because we all know every spoken word could eventually lead to foreign policy changes.
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