Terror Attack In Paris

It would be dumb to deny Islamic radicalism doesn't exist. However you need to understand the catalysts behind the radicals.

Yes there are Christian movements that want to violently or forcefully affect people, but most of them are from first world countries. The lack of oppression, angst, and starvation from education that exists in the developing countries has huge implications in the actions of these individuals, and causes the act carried out to be followed with way more conviction. The under dog mentality.

Islam is just a category of these radicals lives that they fall back on many times because of the hardships of life there, and often times it is exaggerated to seem like the main culprit.
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Hopefully cartoonists across the globe somehow pay tribute and show their support.

Nobody at that magazine should've been killed for their satirical work.


:lol: @ ppl in this thread arguing on opposite sides about extremists of two different religions.

Religion LOL.
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Just let it go sleazyy. You'll feel so much better. Son used to get under my skin too but that's cuz I allowed him to.
I cared too much about his opinions. Once I stopped I started looking forward to his posts so I could get a good chuckle

He doesn't get to me though. I enjoy watching him scramble to gather his thoughts and come back with more bull ****.

Baby girl is a joke. It's like watching a child clamor for attention.
"We all get older, we don't all get grown."
there are bigger issues at hand.
young black men are getting killed left and right in my country by police.
really couldn't care less about an attack on some foreign newspaper that openly mocked a group that is known to use radical methods.
this is just another tool to distract from issues that truly matter.
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there are bigger issues at hand.
young black men are getting killed left and right in my country by police.
really couldn't care less about an attack on some foreign newspaper that openly mocked a group that is known to use radical methods.
this is just another tool to distract from issues that truly matter.
And here we have a perfect example of relative privation. Look at it. Isn't it beautiful?
Is that excluding those who attack police, resist arrest, or aim guns at police officers? 

nah, just the ones gunned down by neighborhood watch,
ones that get driven up on by police and are shot within seconds all because of a BB gun,
and ones that remain in chokeholds after proclaiming that they can't breathe for example.
but you're just a herb who has no idea what it's like to be black in America so you wouldn't understand anyway lol.
smh the world is a sick place do not listen to your government.

they well feed you lies
there are bigger issues at hand.

young black men are getting killed left and right in my country by police.

really couldn't care less about an attack on some foreign newspaper that openly mocked a group that is known to use radical methods.

this is just another tool to distract from issues that truly matter.

And here we have a perfect example of relative privation. Look at it. Isn't it beautiful?
I can't get past son's name being Girth Brooks anyway :rofl:
I can't believe there are people who excuse this type of thing because "that's just what they do" or because "there are radical ____ too".

RIP to the victims.
Probably shouldn't mock people's beliefs and expect nothing to come of it.

I googled those cartoons and they were very offensive.

Right. That magazine mocked every religion. No other religion carried out a terrorist attack on them.
nah, just the ones gunned down by neighborhood watch,
ones that get driven up on by police and are shot within seconds all because of a BB gun,
and ones that remain in chokeholds after proclaiming that they can't breathe for example.
You mean a guy who attacked a man who reacted in self defense.

A kid who reached for a realistic looking gun with the orange tip removed.

Someone who died of his own health complications.

The only one I feel bad for is the kid because he probably didn't understand the severity of the situation, but at the same time no one I knew growing up was dumb enough to walk around pointing guns (real or otherwise) at people, or to reach for one against police. The saddest part of all of these recent stories is that they really show how strong Americans are against being held responsible for their actions. 
but you're just a herb who has no idea what it's like to be black in America so you wouldn't understand anyway lol.
Keep thinking that. 
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there are bigger issues at hand.
young black men are getting killed left and right in my country by police.
really couldn't care less about an attack on some foreign newspaper that openly mocked a group that is known to use radical methods.
this is just another tool to distract from issues that truly matter.
I don't even have words for this...
On a side note - after hearing the arguments of those saying Islam or Muslims are violent and watching that (hilariously false) video arguing that the majority of Muslims are radicalized, what are your purposed solutions? There's 1.6 billion Muslims in the world and it's the second largest religion after Christianity. Should we attack all major Muslim population centers? Should we expel Muslims from our shores? Perhaps round them up into camps? Sterlize them so they don't reproduce? Shut down their mosques and ban Islam so other good, God-fearing Americans don't convert to an uncivilized religion?

I'm genuinely curious to hear your thoughts on this? You guys talk about Islam and Muslims being the problem so then what's your solution?
My 2nd post was in relation to how everything gets turned into race threads on here.

The video explains why my opinion about "radicals", and how they are a negative part of society is what makes people twist my words into generalizing said "radicals' " race or skin color.

How you interpreted it into me bringing these irrelevant topics about a person's race or skin color into every thread, when that is what the video explained that other people should not be doing, is how your incredible lack of reading comprehension has me amazed. You can feel free to quote me in my entire history on NT when I have brought a specific race or skin color into any discussion. I simply judge a radical's action, who so happens to be of a specific race (which isn't my fault), and your insecurities interpret it as something else.

I'll just give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you didn't read my post, nor watch the video. Once you read my name, your own personal feelings towards me and about yourself is what drove you to that incredibly ignorant post.

How come whenever someone challenges your bull **** you call them insecure?

Its a trend I and many have noticed with you.

- say something stupid
- get called out
- either deflect, place blame, call other people insecure, point out others flaw while overinflating your own abilities and accomplishments, make yourself the victim, or talk about how you love everyone and want them to succeed.

You are continually condescending, agitative, and aggressive towards others then try to put on a front like everyone else is the problem.

You are a pompous, arrogant, narcissist with a child's grasp on what respect is.

We see you, and I for one will call you out every chance I get because I ALSO noticed you back down real quick when someone who isn't emotional comes at you.

So get your troll game on 100000 as fast as you can. You are going to need it.

These dudes only interest is to respond to the extreme, otherwise they won't feel morally superior.
On a side note - after hearing the arguments of those saying Islam or Muslims are violent and watching that (hilariously false) video arguing that the majority of Muslims are radicalized, what are your purposed solutions? There's 1.6 billion Muslims in the world and it's the second largest religion after Christianity. Should we attack all major Muslim population centers? Should we expel Muslims from our shores? Perhaps round them up into camps? Sterlize them so they don't reproduce? Shut down their mosques and ban Islam so other good, God-fearing Americans don't convert to an uncivilized religion?

I'm genuinely curious to hear your thoughts on this? You guys talk about Islam and Muslims being the problem so then what's your solution?
It depends what side you are on, but from a humanitarian approach, yes, that 'may work'.  But before people get upset, I think they have to understand these 'distinguished' group of people are using 'religion' as a shield, just like how  'humans' as  used as shields in warfare.

This is tactical warfare and strategy.

IF in deed the MAJORITY are terrorists, then what ARE you supposed to do?  Harbor them?  Eliminate them?  The answers are pretty obvious, but they touch sensitive subjects.  Don't think religion really matters.  People should look at the 'act' itself, not the race, or religion.
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