Terror Attack In Paris

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Christianity is no more a religion of peace then  Islam if you identify it with the radicals of each religion.
Right, when Islamic terrorists have staged over 20,000 documented DEADLY attacks around the globe in just the 12 years following September 11th, 2001 for the glory of their allah. That’s right…DEADLY attacks made on behalf of their allah as these animals yell out “allahu akbar” as these savages kill.

In the last 12 years, there have been perhaps a dozen or so religiously-inspired killings by people of all other faiths (other than ISLAM) COMBINED.

Nice try - - - apples and mustard seeds!
My 2nd post was in relation to how everything gets turned into race threads on here.

The video explains why my opinion about "radicals", and how they are a negative part of society is what makes people twist my words into generalizing said "radicals' " race or skin color.

How you interpreted it into me bringing these irrelevant topics about a person's race or skin color into every thread, when that is what the video explained that other people should not be doing, is how your incredible lack of reading comprehension has me amazed. You can feel free to quote me in my entire history on NT when I have brought a specific race or skin color into any discussion. I simply judge a radical's action, who so happens to be of a specific race (which isn't my fault), and your insecurities interpret it as something else.

I'll just give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you didn't read my post, nor watch the video. Once you read my name, your own personal feelings towards me and about yourself is what drove you to that incredibly ignorant post.

How come whenever someone challenges your bull **** you call them insecure?

Its a trend I and many have noticed with you.

- say something stupid
- get called out
- either deflect, place blame, call other people insecure, point out others flaw while overinflating your own abilities and accomplishments, make yourself the victim, or talk about how you love everyone and want them to succeed.

You are continually condescending, agitative, and aggressive towards others then try to put on a front like everyone else is the problem.

You are a pompous, arrogant, narcissist with a child's grasp on what respect is.

We see you, and I for one will call you out every chance I get because I ALSO noticed you back down real quick when someone who isn't emotional comes at you.

So get your troll game on 100000 as fast as you can. You are going to need it.

:x :x


On the subject tho, I will never understand these Muslim extremists.
Probably shouldn't mock people's beliefs and expect nothing to come of it.

I googled those cartoons and they were very offensive.

pfff. Who gets to decide what's very offensive.

alot of religious people think homosexuality is a sin. is it okay to go and murder two men kissing in the street? Justifying this massacre :smh:


On the subject tho, I will never understand these Muslim extremists.
What's there to understand? What makes them any different than anyone else who kills innocent people?

Killing innocent people is wrong period, doesn't matter why they do it (religion, money, jealousy, etc)
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 [table][tr][td]  [/td][td]
Christianity is no more a religion of peace then  Islam if you identify it with the radicals of each religion.
Right, when Islamic terrorists have staged over 20,000 documented DEADLY attacks around the globe in just the 12 years following September 11th, 2001 for the glory of their allah. That’s right…DEADLY attacks made on behalf of their allah as these animals yell out “allahu akbar” as these savages kill.

In the last 12 years, there have been perhaps a dozen or so religiously-inspired killings by people of all other faiths (other than ISLAM) COMBINED.

Nice try - - - apples and mustard seeds!
what about the christians that enslaved, raped, and ****** over millions of black people for hundreds of years????????????????????????????????????/
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I'm Muslim and those killers don't represent me or my faith.

Prayers to the victims and the victims families.
you shouldn't have to even give an apology for a small percentage of idiots who don't represent you or your faith.

i get why you posted it and it's a noble move.

it's unfortunate that some idiots are going to treat an incident like this as representing all muslims and it's unnecessary.

when waco, oklahoma city, numerous school shootings, and the actions of overthrowing the government militias have gone down in this country, you don't see christians or white people feeling the need to distance themselves from the actions of those extremists and mention that they don't reflect them as a whole because they aren't all subjected to that unnecessary scrutiny in the first place. 

it sucks seeing something like this happen, but it also sucks seeing something like this become a tool and green light for the ignorant to talk down on muslims as a whole.  
Where did I ever say that? All I said was that I will never understand Muslim extremists. Stop searching for an argument.
Who says I'm trying to start an argument????

I simply said there's nothing to understand.

A murder is a murder, period. Why they do it doesn't change the fact that they're still a scumbag murderer. 
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Hell no all murders are not equal. So killing someone who raped a little kid is the same as someone killing for their god?
Hell no all murders are not equal. So killing someone who raped a little kid is the same as someone killing for their god?
You guys are misunderstanding me, I'm talking strictly about murderers who kill INNOCENT people. True murderers.
R.I.P. to the victims 

 @ this thread
My 2nd post was in relation to how everything gets turned into race threads on here.

The video explains why my opinion about "radicals", and how they are a negative part of society is what makes people twist my words into generalizing said "radicals' " race or skin color.

How you interpreted it into me bringing these irrelevant topics about a person's race or skin color into every thread, when that is what the video explained that other people should not be doing, is how your incredible lack of reading comprehension has me amazed. You can feel free to quote me in my entire history on NT when I have brought a specific race or skin color into any discussion. I simply judge a radical's action, who so happens to be of a specific race (which isn't my fault), and your insecurities interpret it as something else.

I'll just give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you didn't read my post, nor watch the video. Once you read my name, your own personal feelings towards me and about yourself is what drove you to that incredibly ignorant post.

How come whenever someone challenges your bull **** you call them insecure?

Its a trend I and many have noticed with you.

- say something stupid
- get called out
- either deflect, place blame, call other people insecure, point out others flaw while overinflating your own abilities and accomplishments, make yourself the victim, or talk about how you love everyone and want them to succeed.

You are continually condescending, agitative, and aggressive towards others then try to put on a front like everyone else is the problem.

You are a pompous, arrogant, narcissist with a child's grasp on what respect is.

We see you, and I for one will call you out every chance I get because I ALSO noticed you back down real quick when someone who isn't emotional comes at you.

So get your troll game on 100000 as fast as you can. You are going to need it.
DAMN.  'Tis is true, but.....


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My 2nd post was in relation to how everything gets turned into race threads on here.

The video explains why my opinion about "radicals", and how they are a negative part of society is what makes people twist my words into generalizing said "radicals' " race or skin color.

How you interpreted it into me bringing these irrelevant topics about a person's race or skin color into every thread, when that is what the video explained that other people should not be doing, is how your incredible lack of reading comprehension has me amazed. You can feel free to quote me in my entire history on NT when I have brought a specific race or skin color into any discussion. I simply judge a radical's action, who so happens to be of a specific race (which isn't my fault), and your insecurities interpret it as something else.

I'll just give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you didn't read my post, nor watch the video. Once you read my name, your own personal feelings towards me and about yourself is what drove you to that incredibly ignorant post.

How come whenever someone challenges your bull **** you call them insecure?

Its a trend I and many have noticed with you.

- say something stupid
- get called out
- either deflect, place blame, call other people insecure, point out others flaw while overinflating your own abilities and accomplishments, make yourself the victim, or talk about how you love everyone and want them to succeed.

You are continually condescending, agitative, and aggressive towards others then try to put on a front like everyone else is the problem.

You are a pompous, arrogant, narcissist with a child's grasp on what respect is.

We see you, and I for one will call you out every chance I get because I ALSO noticed you back down real quick when someone who isn't emotional comes at you.

So get your troll game on 100000 as fast as you can. You are going to need it.
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