Terror Attack In Paris

another cartoonist dead, if they dont like free speech then they should go back to living in their caves.

they want all the benefits but they also want to bring back their prehistoric laws.

but yeah these dudes cross the line and they know that people will be offended especially when things with muslims in  europe arent so great.
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I actually think I underestimated how popular that France newspaper is/was. And this has hit the boiling point. Other artists are getting involved and outspoken more than I ever saw when Van Gough was killed or the danish cartoonist threatened.

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Fact of the matter is I'm looking more into the paper. THEY MADE FUN OF EVERYBODYYYY

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Jew Kissing a NAZI

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THIS IS WHAT THEY "BROUGHT UPON THEMSELVES???" This is what had these people so ******* upset?

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those cartoons were stupid and just blatantly disrespectful, 

there was nothing creative about them, nothing redeeming or even worth dying for.

the french have a long history of being offensive and just straight up rude to everyone and anyone and especially in very delicate times.

i dont agree with killing the guys but they knew damn well there was no reason to print those idiotic cartoons other than to piss off muslims and get a reaction.
Being a Muslim in America really sucks.

I hate being lumped in with people like this, who use religion and their warped interpretations to kill innocent people.

It's like I'm always in apology mode when **** like this happens, and if I'm not, I'll get looked at sideways.
those cartoons were stupid and just blatantly disrespectful, 

there was nothing creative about them, nothing redeeming or even worth dying for.

the french have a long history of being offensive and just straight up rude to everyone and anyone and especially in very delicate times.

i dont agree with killing the guys but they knew damn well there was no reason to print those idiotic cartoons other than to piss off muslims and get a reaction.

If you were born in France and hate it so much then go move to Syria or a country of your choosing. And if you're an immigrant then don't move somewhere and try to change the entire culture. Learn to assimilate.

When in Rome do as the Romans do. It's simple.

To be fair, people were warning of this for a long, long time because of their extremely liberal immigration laws.
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those cartoons were stupid and just blatantly disrespectful, 

there was nothing creative about them, nothing redeeming or even worth dying for.

the french have a long history of being offensive and just straight up rude to everyone and anyone and especially in very delicate times.

i dont agree with killing the guys but they knew damn well there was no reason to print those idiotic cartoons other than to piss off muslims and get a reaction.

Pretty much.

Just because you get away with spitting in the face of group of people here in America, DOES NOT mean you'll get away with it elsewhere.

Us Americans have been taught other countries don't like our "Free-ness". I can see why. We throw our weight around and slap out schlong on the other countries dinner tables. Luckily for us, the government is pretty on top of things.

Edit: Its terrible that lives were lost. At what point though do people stop trying others though. There is a difference between not agreeing with something/someone but keeping it respectful and just completely farting in someone's face who you don't agree with.

You can't always say "well you know, if you don't like something... just LEAVE!". THERE ARE REAL LIVE KILLERS IN THIS WORLD WHO COULD CARE LESS ABOUT WHAT YOU FEEL YOU'RE FREE TO DO!

In modern times, we have are used to HIGH level of "safety". This false sense of security will get you executed in the wrong country.
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If you were born in France and hate it so much then go move to Syria or a country of your choosing. And if you're an immigrant then don't move somewhere and try to change the entire culture. Learn to assimilate.

When in Rome do as the Romans do. It's simple.

Assimilating =/= allowing slander or prejudice to thrive.

Though killing folks is obviously excessive to say the least, to suggest that a ethnic/religious minority should leave the country if they aren't alright with the oppressive sentiment against them is preposterous.

You wouldn't tell black folk to go back to Africa if they aren't happy with white privilege and systematic oppression would you?

So don't suggest such a solution for France's muslim minority. I agree they should assimilate but no one should ever put up with slander.
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Being a Muslim in America really sucks.

I hate being lumped in with people like this, who use religion and their warped interpretations to kill innocent people.

It's like I'm always in apology mode when **** like this happens, and if I'm not, I'll get looked at sideways.
stop apologizing.....they don't apologize when they murder innocent muslims
The koran doesnt condone these kind of actions just to let anyone noninformed about islam

People have been using their own interpretations of religious texts for millennia to commit crimes and scapegoat out of personal responsibility. It's disgusting and that goes for every religious sect. Religion does three things quite effectively: divides people, controls people, and deludes people.

RIP to all of those involved.

I dont think religion does those three. Its the abuse of religion that does those things. If you actually follow islam by how the quran says it advocates unity and peace between every creed and color
Assimilating =/= allowing slander or prejudice to thrive.

Though killing folks is obviously excessive to say the least, to suggest that a ethnic/religious minority should leave the country if they aren't alright with the oppressive sentiment against them is preposterous.

You wouldn't tell black folk to go back to Africa if they aren't happy with white privilege and systematic oppression would you?

So don't suggest such a solution for France's muslim minority.

I accidentally repped you while trying to quote

I can't stress enough that...I don't see these cartoons as oppressive sentiment against them. I'm looking at more and more of their covers and they went after everyone. It's like the south park guys were killed.

Don't COME TO the country if you know it's predominately not the way you like it. Africans were thrown on a damn boat and brought to America. People coming from Algeria and Syria are not FORCED TO MOVE TO EUROPE.

I don't see it as a civil rights issue and comparing it to race struggles in america is asinine

satire and cartoons is systematic oppression? in what ******* world?
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Being a Muslim in America really sucks.

I hate being lumped in with people like this, who use religion and their warped interpretations to kill innocent people.

It's like I'm always in apology mode when **** like this happens, and if I'm not, I'll get looked at sideways.
What are u apologizing for fam?

Realtalk i used to feel the same way and didnt like telling ppl about my background, but i realized that was the wrong way. Now i make sure people know im muslim and from afghanistan and when they talk to me about events like these i tell them this isnt the real islam, just some scumbags who use our religion as a front
This educated, intelligent, respectful woman put it really clear :smokin

I won't get into your post. Truthfully just don't want to.

What I will say is, this was an awesome video. Chick has a point. Screw political correctness.

RIP to the people killed. Just wish they could have defended themselves. :smh:
[qoute name="DubA169" url="/t/616346/terror-attack-in-paris/120#post_22394957"]
I accidentally repped you while trying to quote

I can't stress enough that...I don't see these cartoons as oppressive sentiment against them. I'm looking at more and more of their covers and they went after everyone. It's like the south park guys were killed.

Don't COME TO the country if you know it's predominately not the way you like it. Africans were thrown on a damn boat and brought to America. People coming from Algeria and Syria are not FORCED TO MOVE TO EUROPE.

I don't see it as a civil rights issue and comparing it to race struggles in america is asinine

satire and cartoons is systematic oppression? in what ******* world?[/quote]

People from Syria flee Syria for obvious reasons. Nobody should be faulted for fleeing a war torn country.

Still France being a certain way does not excuse the overwhelming anti-muslim sentiment the nation's majority holds, that sentiment spills over into the nation's systems. French muslims face a higher rate of unemployment than the rest of the nation, thats not a coincidence.

How Blacks came to this nation and how muslims came to france is absolutely immaterial. A nation that prides itself as egalitarian and democratic should never be oppressive of its minorities.

If you think this is solely about political cartoons then you're outright uninformed about Muslims in France.
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^Im talking about the cartoons and satire thelat cauused these people to freak out and kill people. Nobody has the right not to be offended and that is not a civil rights issue.

This educated, intelligent, respectful woman put it really clear :smokin

One of the most truthful videos I've ever seen.
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More Charlie Hebdo pics please :lol:

[TD] [/TD]
Christianity is no more a religion of peace then  Islam if you identify it with the radicals of each religion.
Right, when Islamic terrorists have staged over 20,000 documented DEADLY attacks around the globe in just the 12 years following September 11th, 2001 for the glory of their allah. That’s right…DEADLY attacks made on behalf of their allah as these animals yell out “allahu akbar” as these savages kill.
In the last 12 years, there have been perhaps a dozen or so religiously-inspired killings by people of all other faiths (other than ISLAM) COMBINED.
Nice try - - - apples and mustard seeds!
Well that's just an argument of circumstance.

Christianity has already unfortunately conquered America and the European countries that matter. If they hadn't up to now or lets say their dominance were to be seriously threatened now those same crusaders would be back in the streets drowning witches, "educating savages", etc. all in the name of "Christ"
The fact that they do it in the name of religion.

So that makes them worst than a man who kills kids for pleasure?
No. It makes them more pitiful.
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don't confound a private magazine's prerogative to do whatever the hell they want with a country's responsibility to protect its minorities.

a satirical magazine is not a threat.

the only violence resulting from the magazine was against the magazine, NOT against Muslims or the other dozen groups the magazine made fun of.

this is a tragedy through and through and anyone using this as an opportunity to opposite freedom of speech in any way can go to hell.

edit: r.i.p to the victims. you are martyrs. the world will not forget you.
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