Terror Attack In Paris

Raise your hand if you think Muslim history is more violent than Christian history so I can smack you.
None of that means anything man. Bad people do bad things. Race nor religon decides that. People of all different races and religon do bad things. Its unfair to judge on either base.
Muslims getting that Black treatment in America what a surprise? :smh:

Never ever heard one white person apologize for a school shooting or utter the words "WE gotta do better" when someone in their race commits a crime.

Exactly :lol: apologizing to people who got more blood on their hands than anybody out here
They still can't catch these guys and I bet a lot of news still hasn't gone mainstream yet.
sorry, man. I can't find the poll I'm thinking of and I'm too tired to look harder. I remember it was a pew poll. one thing I found interesting and to keep in mind is that support or opposition of terrorism or specific groups (al-qaeda, Hamas, etc.) changes radically from year to year, so coming up with a single concrete number to quantify global opinion is going to be difficult.

I do think her numbers are inflated and, if so, she shouldn't have done that, especially since it doesn't change the point she's making.
Then in that case I can't buy into the whole "large majority of muslims" buying into extremism nonsense sorry,there's way too many muslims in this world to to let the actions of a few radicals dictate the perception of an entire group and culture. I can't name one muslim that I've ever met face to face, that has ever held any fundamentalist sympathies. If anything they're always unfairly burdened with having to defend their religion right off the back against the hateful image that has been painted of them over the years.

Do we ever call buddhism a religion of violence? Even though there has been a ton of religious violence and hatred against other groups, in particular against muslims, by buddhists in countries like Burma and Myanmar? Never,because we use common sense and the same courtesy should be extended to muslims imo.
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AFP: #BREAKING Several attacks against France mosques since magazine killings: officials

a policewoman checking on a traffic accident was shot dead by a heavily armed suspect, who is still on the loose. She was just confirmed dead.

Damn :smh:
It's strange to me that these guys would wear mask, but have their IDs with them in the car and left them there. I mean, they shot a cop already, so its not like they were afraid of being stopped.

Muslims getting that Black treatment in America what a surprise? :smh:

Never ever heard one white person apologize for a school shooting or utter the words "WE gotta do better" when someone in their race commits a crime.
Truer words have never been spoken

People that are not white are made to feel bad about their own people if someone the same color or creed or religion as them does something negative in society
To be fair, she said between 180 - 300M people. And I'm almost positive that those labeled as anti-western civilization are those that support Sharia Law. And just because you support something doesn't necessarily mean that you are willing to act on it. So no, 180-300M supporters doesn't = terrorist acts each day.
And that's difficult for a lot of people to understand. Jews and Christians believe in the old testament when its by far the most barbaric religious text. But in the western world there is more structure so these extremist couldn't behead people and rape women in public without fear of repercussion. The lack of infrastructure in the Arab countries allow the terrorist to flourish. 
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Read this USA Today op-ed written by a Muslim cleric - pretty shocking. He's basically saying France provoked the attack.

Honestly what else would you expect from a self proclaimed "radical cleric" and lecturer in Sharia?
. This is the same dude that praised the 9/11 attacks after all...

I've read quite a few more stories like this of mainstream Muslim groups that have been condemning the attacks from all over than ones that praise them. 

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Truer words have never been spoken

People that are not white are made to feel bad about their own people if someone the same color or creed or religion as them does something negative in society
LOL.  Maybe, but I don't think people are as 'BUGGED' out about it as it seems.  I don't think race is an issue, although the correlation between culture, race, and religion to overlap.
I don't really feel like discussing religion today.

I think what happened yesterday was awful and will only strengthen a lot of people's Islamophobia. I think it's odd to see so many praise the work of Charlie Hebdo though. Being offensive for the sake of being offensive is pretty lame in my book. Their cartoons aren't particularly witty as much as they were just gratuitously offensive. The word "satire" is used too often to justify bad comedy. If you have the platform, purposely pissing people off is fairly easy. I'm not justifying what happened yesterday at all. Policing offense with murder is nothing anyone wants. That said, I keep coming back to the fact that these are cartoons. CARTOONS! As absurd as killing over cartoons sounds, dying for them sounds equally absurd. It's a martyrdom, not that they chose to ultimately end up as martyrs, that I'm having trouble understanding. I'm not saying anything should keep you from printing what you want. What I am saying is that these cartoons aren't worth dying over. Charlie has come under attack before. I am not saying that they shouldn't have the right to do what they are doing, of course they do and should. But I do feel that working there, a place whose existence is predicated on pissing off fundamentalists of all kinds, is thumbing your nose at history. They may feel that what they are doing is right (I'm not disagreeing), but there have been consequences in the past. The target of their mockery hasn't all of a sudden adopted a sense of humor, expecting different results is silly to me. There is a reason so many news and media outlets are blurring the covers of the magazines these artists died for.

Working at Charlie is like working at an abortion clinic in the 90s. You might be doing the right thing, it doesn't mean some nut isn't going to take away your right to do it.
to me this is about 1) an awful murder/terrorist attack where the perpetrators need to be brought to justice, and 2) freedom of speech. religion or Islam should be an afterthought in the discission.

the same ideals and logic that lead to freedom of religion are the ones that lead to freedom of speech, but people seem to want one but not the other.

I don't get it.
The guy who shot the policewoman yesterday is definitely related to the two brothers who killed 12 people at Charlie Hebdo.

That guy just took several hostages (women and children) in a supermarket.
Msnbc reporting some shooting at a kosher grocery store.

And 7 hostages at a factory. **** man
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