Text Message and Phone Game Basics

Jan 12, 2004
For the NT players.

This is a great article on text message game, and I replied with one on phone game. Enjoy.

Have you ever met someone great, gotten her phone number, but it never seemed to turn into a date?

Why don't some phone numbers lead to dates?
Text message bridges
Re-initiate mutual contact
Increase the frequency and intensity of communication
Maintain or build attraction
Maintain or build comfort
The other side of the bridge
Further context
Why don't some phone numbers lead to dates?

Let's say you see a very attractive woman at a restaurant waiting for her friends. Using our techniques, you approach her, attract her, and then get her phone number so you can "go out sometime". At that moment, she genuinely would "go out" with you "sometime"…

…but it doesn't always turn out that way.

Going out "sometime" is different from going out Thursday night (which is why, as we've discussed in Magic Bullets and in our interview download on phone game, this is a bad way to get a woman's phone number). To see her "sometime" all you have to do is be more interesting than doing nothing. That's a pretty low standard. She can agree to that. And, if she has nothing else to do, she might actually see you. However, most desirable women rarely have "nothing else to do". For her to go on a date, you need to be more interesting than anything else she could be doing, like friends, hobbies, work, or relaxing at home. Or any other man she met that night - if you noticed her, other men did too. She likes all of the attention and flirting, but she doesn't have time to go on 9 dates thi s week.

Even if she did, many desirable women would still hesitate to answer your call, even if she was attracted to you when you first met. There are many possible reasons for this - some will apply to some women and some situations more than others:

*Safety concerns. Especially if she doesn't know you that well or you don't know people in common.

*Fear of social awkwardness. If she doesn't know you that well, she may wonder if the two of you will really "click". Even if she has no reason to think that you wouldn't, not being sure can be enough for some women to avoid a date that might be awkward or uncomfortable.

*Analysis. Why are you asking her out if you didn't meet for very long? Are you desperate? Are you a player?

*Timing. You don't know what mood she'll be in when you call or what she'll be doing. After meeting you just one time, her commitment to seeing you again can be pretty fragile, and if you don't get a hold of each other soon, memories and emotions dissipate. You lose value and emotional momentum (both of these concepts are explained in Magic Bullets but should be understandable in context) with every unreturned voicemail.

Naturally, the best way to deal with this is to make as strong an impression as possible in your first meeting. Most of what we teach on our bootcamps revolves around this, in order to lead to a more intimate situation the same day or to a date that won't fall through (depending on the situation and your preferences). But sometimes you can't do this - like in the above example when her friends are about to arrive and take her to dinner. So that's why we created the "bridging" technique - to get from a situation where a woman might have a low commitment to meeting up again to where the two of you are on a date.

The lower her commitment, the more important these bridging techniques. If instead of meeting this woman at a restaurant, you'd been introduced to her by a mutual friend, and spent a few sober hours really getting to know each other, asking each other every question under the sun, spending time alone, kissing, and making plans to see each other, she would likely be highly-committed to seeing you again. In such situations, you can usually just go ahead and call. However, we will often still use bridging techniques because A) sometimes we might err and think a woman is more committed or less flaky than she turns out to be B) they won't hurt.

Some of these techniques may seem like overkill. Often they are unnecessary, since with good game, you can get most women to answer the phone and make plans. However, they are important for a couple of reasons. If you m eet someone you really want, it can be worth doing the work to increase your odds for "likely" to "near certain". Second, many of us got involved in dating science because we wanted to date women who would normally be "out of our league". None of us are rich, or supermodels. Almost all of our instructors are formerly bootcamp students. So, what might be overkill when meeting the type of woman who might be attracted to you anyway can be crucially important when meeting a stunning, intelligent, fun, and sexy woman who attracts powerful and successful men wherever she goes.

Text message bridges

Without further ado, let's get into the meat of the system. Text message bridging has five major components:

1. Re-initiate mutual contact
2. Increase the frequency and intensity of communication
3. Maintain or build attraction
4. Maintain or build comfort
5. The other side of the bridge

1. Re-initiate mutual contact
After you meet a woman, use a text message to re-initiate contact instead of a phone call. Texts don't require much commitment. People sometimes don't answer their phones or listen to their voicemails, but everyone reads their text messages. You don't have to worry about her mood or her schedule when you text; if she's not free, she'll read it when she is. And it takes far less commitment on he r part to return a text message than it does to answer the phone or return a call.

Send your first message within 24 hours of meeting her, 48 hours at the most. This ensures that she remembers as much as possible from your first meeting and that the good emotions she feels toward you don't dissipate. This is especially important with younger women with a more intense social schedule who meet a lot of people.

Your first text is crucial. She has to respond and it has to point the two of you in the right direction. The best way to do this is to use callback humor. Callback humor involves recalling topics, ideas, generalities, social or geographic stereotypes relating to your original conversation that you can twist into a joke. Advanced men will actually deliberately "seed" the initial conversation with opportunities for callback humor.

For example, Braddock recently met Katie, a banker. During the initia l meeting he teased her about her supposedly evil corporate ways. So his first text drew on this:

"Katie the banker! Don't stay out too late, you have to be up early to foreclose on that orphanage of blind kids, you'll need to be fresh!! : ) -Braddock"

Another night, Braddock met Julie. Among other things, they talked about relationships and pet peeves. They agreed that they both hate clinginess and the words "cuddle" and "snuggle". So Braddock followed up with:

"Nice meeting you Julie. Let's get together for a "snuggle" session ASAP! -Braddock"

If you're stuck, then A) plan to introduce subjects for callback humor next time and B) for now, send something simple like "Nice to meet you [name]. Have a good night. -[Your name]."

Always20sign your name on the first text. It avoids the "who is this?" text message response, which costs emotional momentum. (Of course, OAP readers should know by now to program your name and number into her phone when you get hers. If you don't, stop now and get Magic Bullets or the interview on phone game (instant download version or CD version).

Take things one step at a time. Don't try to get her to meet up in the first text message. Don't try to build comfort, or build attraction. These all come later in the conversation. Right now it's just about getting on the map. Message her and get her to reply. Now communication has been established and you can go from there.

2. Increase frequency and intensity

After the first exchange of text messages, your goal is to build her commitment level to meeting up with you again by increasing and frequency and intensity of your messaging. Keep the conversation moving forward by making statements instead of asking questions as much as possible. Questions put her on the spot and repeated questions risk putting her in defensive "interview mode" which isn't exciting or attractive. Keep any questions light and simple that if she didn't answer, it's no t like she's blowing you off, and don't ask too many boring yes or no questions. Going through Braddock's sent items folder on his phone, we can see some examples of good early text messages:

"How did your project turn out? Did they give you a raise or at least give you a small army of interns to boss around?"

"Just saw the news. Chi town - 20! Let me guess, beach volleyball today?"

"Did you know a blue whales tongue weighs as much as an elephant!? That's ridiculous… Gotta love animal planet during the lunch break…"

Stay away from things that can end a conversation or lose her attraction for you. Usually this will happen if you do something that assumes a higher commitment level than she actually has. For example:

Rushing to make plans: ""I'm so glad we met! I've never met a girl like you." Or even "I hope your trip to Chicago was great!!! I want to hear all about it. I would love to see you when you get home. Do you have plans Friday when you get home?"

When you read sample text messages in this article, some of them might seem silly. Much of dating science is counter-intuitive, because most of what people have been taught about social dynamics is wrong. Human attraction does not work the way it does in TV or movies. Even so-called experts are not in bars, clubs, restaurants, parks, coffee shops, and lounges interacting with the most beautiful women there, day after day, and actually practicing what they preach. We use what works, no matter how unusual it seems on paper, so stay open-minded and let your only judge be how well these techniques work in the real world.

3. Building Attraction

Presumably, she was attracted to you when you met, but this dissipates over time. You can't build a ton of attraction in text messages but you can build some, and you can use texts to bring her attraction levels back up to the level where you first met and you can maintain it there. In Magic Bullets we identify and explain the eight most universal "attraction switches" - things that most women will be attracted to (Health, Social Intuition, Humor, Status, Wealth, Pre-selection, Confidence, and Challenging). But that's a general guide, not a specific plan for an individual woman, so use your knowledge of her and her personality to calibrate to her.

Attraction is built emotionally, not logically. Through text messaging, it's best done with light-hearted messages that assume a level of familiarity, contain wit or humor, and are flirty without making her uncomfortable. Some good elements to include are:

*Role plays
*Random childish jokes
*Light sexual teasing or misinterpretation
*Funny or teasing pet names
*Invoking commonalities you found when you met (this also builds comfort, see below)

We can't cover all of these in detail in this article (and it's not an exhaustive list anyway), but let's go through a couple of examples. Role play is a powerful technique. When Braddock met Claire, he found out that she was from San Diego. Among other things, they talked about the movie Anchorman. So even a silly text message like "I'm Ron Burgundy, I'm kind of a big deal" made her laugh and boosted her attraction.

It's not just one-liners either. Sometimes the attraction or humor comes from the back-and-forth. Returning to example of Katie the Banker, we can see this attraction-building conversation:

Braddock: "Are you stealing pennies from the elderly or telling Tiny Tim's dad that he has to work an extra shift. You know this could be Tim's last Christmas……."
Katie: "Who is tiny Tim?"
Braddock: "Wow….missed the scrooge reference?!? Minus 3 cool points…."
Katie: "Ohhhhh….wait!!! Now I remember the Christmas movie. Not fair, Tiny Tim threw me off."
Braddock: "They let ******s play with people's money!?!? Hmmm…. What bank do you work at again? Ok, back to work. Talk to you later brat. : ) [or suitable nickname…this one worked here because she was young and already acknowledged she can be a bit of a brat sometimes]"

You still want to be unpredictable and challenging enough to keep her interested. Don't always send long replies, don't always reply quickly, and don't always be funny. Varying how and when you reply helps build value and scarcity. It will make her feel like she has to earn you. But be careful with this one, and don't ruin a good situation by playing too many games. You can't technically see her face, body language, or hear her voice tonality to truly know how she is reacting to this.

Don't try to impress her through text messages. Trying to thread a bunch of in formation that you assume will make her like you more, often has the opposite effect.

4. Building Comfort

In addition to maintaining and building attraction, you need to maintain and build comfort. This is actually easier, since building comfort is as much about what you don't do as what you do. In general, just act like a positive, non-threatening environment in her life. As long as your conversation is going well, time and communication will build and maintain comfort for you.

Some of the things that break her comfort with you include:

*Trying to make plans with her too early. This might make her feel pressured and on the spot.

*Being too predictable. This affects attraction as well. If you always respond to her messages right away and are clearly trying too hard, this might make her uncomfortable. Generally, a woman will be more comfortable if you seem to be at least a little bit of a challenge.

*Responding negatively when she shows low commitment. Some women may be interested but still don't always reply or will still send short responses. If you become angry or needy, that kills comfort. Don't react to low commitment behavior by apologizing for making jokes and/or asking what you did wrong. A woman wants a man who is centered and not dependent on her approval or putting her on a pedestal, especially early on. Always stay positive and unaffected.

*Implying that she is much more committed than she actually is. Assuming some fami liarity is great, but avoid early texts that are overly sweet, or overly nice. Be real, and don't try to trade kindness for her approval or affection. Stay away from a text like: "I just walked past the most beautiful rose garden. It reminded me of you. You had a rose pattern on your skirt last Saturday right? Hope you are having a wonderful day." Most women would think this is creepy and that the man is reaching too hard to try to find commonalities. Even "did you get home safe?" won't help you unless it's in a context in which you would ask that of any close friend.

Light, fun text messages that add to her day without making her feel pressured create comfort. Here are a couple of examples - there's nothing special about them in themselves; just get a sense of the general pattern:

"Next coworker, who feels it necessary to smugly inform me, (unsolicited I might add) that their 3rd grader made the honor role, is getting a body slam, followed by the peoples elbow! How's your day?"

"What's up crazy? [or suitable nickname] Just saw a guy walking an English bulldog like you said you wanted. That poor thing was hideous. What are you thinking?!" [obviously this was to someone who said she had an English bulldog]

5. The other side of the bridge
Obviously, you're not going to get very far just by sending low-commitment texts back and forth. We're trying to get her on a date. With experience and intuition, you'll start to see patterns and know when the moment is ripe. In the meantime, you can test her commitment level without too much risk by using a technique we call "baiting". The bait is usually a non-specific or low-pressure text about the two of you meeting up. It's like touching a woman's arm in conversation. If she is interested, she'll respond. If not, you haven't lost any ground and can keep working from where you are.

Here are some examples of non-specific invitations. The [random content] means that you have something - anything - in that slot so the whole text isn't the invitation. Any of the examples of good text messages that we've already seen would make good [random content] here and the non-specific invitation can be tacked onto the end:

"[Random content]", let's get together next week..."

"[Random content]", if we don't hang out soon then I'm going to start cheating on you"

"[Random content]", tell your interns to pencil me in for next week or I'm putting "single" back up on facebook"

If her commitment is lower than usual and you're not improving things very quickly in text, you can start baiting with lower-intensity plans. The classic formula is "you guys should meet us out". She doesn't have to be alone or invest a lot to make these kinds of plans happen, and they're more likely to actually take place especially with a woman with a very busy social schedule and lots of male attention. Remember, we're not trying to make a woman fall in love ove r text message - real gains happen in person. The object is to get her out so we have a chance to connect with her. And if she doesn't end up coming out, you don't really lose any ground with her - you just invited her and her friends to something you were (in theory) doing anyway and for all she knows you invited lots of friends. Here are some more examples:

"We are going to be at X bar, you and your friends should stop by."

"Sara, we are going to be at X bar Friday night. Your mission if you choose to accept it is to show up between the hours of 11pm and 2am. This message will self destruct in 30 sec!!! Hope to see you there…."

"Sara! X bar Friday night! Be there or we are breaking up and I'm not taking you back this time……I'm signing the divorce papers and fighting for full custody"

You can still use [random content] to lead in to these, but it's not necessary. Baits should never be overly specific or imply a rejection if she doesn't say yes or come out. These would be some bad examples:

"What are you doing later?"
"Hey Sara. How are you? I'm going to X bar Saturday with some friends. Would you like to come? It's going to be fun."

Damage Control

Some situations are harder than others and sometimes you will feel like you're not getting anywhere. Some men who feel a situation flipping through their fingers will make the fatal mistake of trying to reel her b ack by texting more and/or longer texts. Do not ever text from the mindset of: "I need to correct my mistake." Think back to a time when a woman chased you when you weren't giving her any encouragement and how you lost attraction for her. Once things start going downhill, it's really hard to turn them around. Even "good" texts at this point just come across as try-hard or supplicative.

In general, if it's not working, stop the bleeding. Stop sending her messages. If it was a minor mistake, than just stop texting her for a day or two and give her time to forget about it. Then send her something light in a few days and pretend like it never happened. Never text her asking if you messed up, or apologize assuming you did something wrong if you didn't, or try too hard to be overly funny or say "just kidding" incessantly. If it was a major mistake, wait longer before re-initiating.

Some women just don't like texting. In such situations, don't force the issue; just call her.

Further Context

This (very brief and simplified) summary will hopefully give some idea on how more phone numbers can be turned into dates and given you a taste of how dating science can work .

Hope this helps


This is some good stuff.

[table][tr][td]This is the definitive work on pickup and dating theory, written by an acknowledged master of the game - a guy who's TRAINED many of the new "gurus" on the scene![/td] [/tr][/table]

[table][tr][td]Who wants to change their abilities with women and dating FOREVER?[/td] [/tr][/table]

[table][tr][td][/td] [/tr][/table]

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Phone Game (I didn't write this, but I found it very helpful.)

First when to call, I prefer to text the same night if it's really on and if it's not I wait until the next day.
I alway text first, because it's more unobtrusive and an easy way to get your number into her phone giving a higher chance of her picking up when you call.
I usually will try to find some callback humor or point of reference in our conversation so she'll recognize it's me.
EX: Hey George ( callback to Boy name routine) do you know a good place to eat around here?
With txts it's important to make sure you follow her time table and don't respond right awasy when she txts back. Alwasy wait around the same amount oftime she waited if not longer.
My main goal is ONLY to establish contact over the phone so it's not weird when I call her tomor.
I will call everyday for about a month to make sure I get in contact as if I can get a girl on the phone I will get her into bed every time.
I leave a hook message the first time:
" Hey bratface, it's Jon I just saw something about x( an interest of hers like surfing etc..) and I wanted to ask you something. Call me back555-555-5555."
I would rather get a machine then a person as I can gauge how interested she is by how quickly she calls back.
I always leave messages and I never EVER block my number.
If you did your job on the D1 then there is no reason to try to be sneaky to get her on the phone, she should want to talk to you.
I NEVER try to get a girl out on the first phone call.
I call and bust on her, I tell stories( always the same ones BTW), I talk about my passions and what I'm working on and I may begin my grounding sequence.
I never ask what she's doing, what's she's going to do that night etc..
The phone talk ration is almost 90/10 in the begginning as one of the main things a girl is looking for on a call is if there will be awkward silence. Becauseif it's not fun on the phone, why would she want to see you in person?
Remember to alwasy time constraint your phone calls.
I will also always pick up my call waiting and sometimes I will take fake calls.
Something I learned from Mystery is when you get back from call waiting call her baby and then if she asks why you did that, say "sorry wrong person"
If I have left a message and she hasn't called back , I will vary the times I call at from 3 AM to noon. And I will leave a message everytime. Girls hatewhen you just call and don't leave a message.
Here's a great secondary VM to leave from Hollywood in NY:
" Hey it's me, I'm gonna be in and out all day but try to catch me. If not I'll talk to you later."
Once you have not had your intial voicmail don't ask her to call you back again, instead say you'll talk to her later.
When you do get her on the phone, alwasy make her commit to the call, by asking her to put whatever she's doing away for five minutes to talk to you.
At this point I will start my "hijacked my brain campaign" and alternate between teasing, hot/cold, DHV laced stories, and comfort building material.
I'm always looking for her trying to make plans with me. if you are doing well on the phone after a few minutes the girl will ask what you are doing thatnight.
At this point you should have a DHV laced activity set up, and if not make one up. The absolute wrong answer is " I don't know".
If a girl responds positively to what I'm doing I will invite her to tag along to something I'm doing earlier.
This is money because it's not implying a large commitment of time as I have something to do later.
Another favorite tactic of mine is to call really later at night and talk to her until one of us goes to sleep. This is super money as you'll be the lastperson on her mind at night and the first in the morning. Make her imagine that you are right next to her while your talking.
I also send out mass good morning and good nite texts once or twice a week.
If you get anyone else on the phone, treat them like you were calling for them.
Say you've heard a lot of good things about them and ask them if they are interested in coming with your target on whatever your time bridge was.
After a few mins of this they should ask you if you want to talk to your target.
What are some topics and themes for the phone ?
Your favorite new song and band, What you are really excited about this week. The funniest thing that just happened to you, Some drama you or a friend arehaving, Your fav girl centric show( think Gray's anatomy, project runway, etc..) Something you hate or love about the girl, How you met a really cool girlwhose name is ... ( here's one of my routines where I talk about how I met an awesome girl, then describe her but change her name to margret or ethel).Your family, and your grounding routine are great here as well.
The phone is a comfort building location, so you can act the exact same way you would in person. It is simply another location in which to game her.
Especially with 5 min or under # closes ( my speciality) you really need to fill in the canvas of your life in order to make her want to see you again.
You can def convince a girl to see you over the phone. But with solid game you shouldn't have to.
Finally something I'm throwing together now is my preliminary phone game structure:
Greeting: I say introduce yourself on the phone, because it will save you the awkward moment if she doesn't remember you. Some guys prefer to say heyit's me or let the girl try to figure it out. IME that is awkward and doesn't work.
Hook story: The funniest thing just happened, I just had the worst meeting ever, I love the Fashion Valley mall etc...
Hijacked my brain thread
Talk about what I'm doing that night I'm excited about. Here I wait to see if she asks to come or thinks it's really cool.
SOI(Statements of interest) about her in some unique fashion that she sees herself.
Future adventure projection: OMG If we are still friends in a month I am having the biggest party, you have to come etc...
Get off the phone simply with " I have to run. I'll talk to you later."
Ok I'm sure there is more but here's a start. I'll update it when I figure out what I do that makes my phone game SOOOO much better than anyoneelse's I've seen.
Guys, it's not 7 pages on the Magna Carta, it's a page on how to improve your text messaging game and possibly get laid easier, a topic I thought myfellow NTers would appreciate. If you don't want to read, go look at some pictures of big shiny jewelry and big butts. If you want to take pictures of bigbutts, read this stuff.
i read a few sentences but thats too much. whoever wrote that is just thinking way too much. you just have to go with the flow
unless the girl is juss crazy weird...she invites and we can chill at her house, she says her and her girls are going out and i should come out with thembut when you text back she never responds...one day shes a constant texter next day shes M.I.A
...can you guys help me out with that?
i didnt read all that but im assuming these basics are all things that you should know already/do naturally.. if you try to follow a set of rules then mostgirls can see right through that
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