Text Message and Phone Game Basics

shame on you sir, shame on you for making me attempt to read this early in the morning. How dare thee!
Heh, i read most of it cuz im sitting in the car waiting on my barber to come open up the shop

Seems like common knowledge to me though....
Originally Posted by SkunkInDunks

Ha, I'm sorry guys, I didn't realize all NTers have perfect game and are all dating 10s.

psshhh,, what other kind of girls did you think we would get driving our m3's?
As i type my reply and send a text at the same time... I give a
for sendingme literature on texting. My text game is strong, light saber jedi strong.
Hurt my eyes just scrollin past that stuff... and the immaculacy of my text game cant be learned... its my God given birth right
LOL the lines the author wrote will really work...yeah sure. He's got some points but uhh yeah, I say do you and be yourself. Don't be overly clingyand bug the betch and that's a start.
i read the little examples on sub-article 3

pretty obvious stuff, nuthing much tho, didnt bother reading that whole thing
text messaging is weak when you first meet girls (at least when you are out of college) you still may have a chance if you had good game or do a decent jobwith texts but you 100% lose respect points (as opposed to cool points in article) if you don't call first. t
Originally Posted by 21 World B Free 21

text messaging is weak when you first meet girls (at least when you are out of college) you still may have a chance if you had good game or do a decent job with texts but you 100% lose respect points (as opposed to cool points in article) if you don't call first. t

are you female? so then how do you know? all the girls I date are in this texting generation and it seems to work fine im from the old days of calling toobut times are changing.
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