I'd rather see the Celtics win the Title than the Pats win the Superbowl, but I wont lie, I had no idea they were even on tonight.

I guess when people are bashing the Celts for their 5th loss in 35 games, it cant be too bad of a thing.

And if the league were conspiring for the Celtics to win, we wouldn't have sucked for 17 out of 20 years and got the 5th pick in the draft. Is McHaleconspiring to help his old team? Probably.
Originally Posted by bjm5295

I'd rather see the Celtics win the Title than the Pats win the Superbowl, but I wont lie, I had no idea they were even on tonight.

I guess when people are bashing the Celts for their 5th loss in 35 games, it cant be too bad of a thing.

And if the league were conspiring for the Celtics to win, we wouldn't have sucked for 17 out of 20 years and got the 5th pick in the draft. Is McHale conspiring to help his old team? Probably.
July 20th: report of an investigation by the FBI into allegations of an NBA referee betting on games to controlthe point spread emerged by columnist Murray Weiss of the New York Post. It was later revealed that Donaghy, who has a gambling problem, placed tensof thousands of dollars in bets on games during the 2005-10006 NBA season and 2006-2007mNBA season and had been approached by lower level mob associates towork on a gambling scheme. The report sent shock waves through the NBA. While the league devotes significant resources to monitoring officials'performance, it only found out about the affair when the FBI stumbled upon Donaghy in the midst of a broader organized crime investigation. NBA CommissionerDavid Stern said in a statement, "We would like to assure our fans that no amount of effort, time or personnel is being spared to assist in thisinvestigation, to bring to justice an individual who has betrayed the most sacred trust in professional sports, and to take the necessary steps to protectagainst this ever happening again."

July 27th, U.S. Congressman Bobby Rush of Illinois, chairman of the Energy and Commerce Commerce, Trade and ConsumerProtection Subcommittee, asked to meet with Stern regarding the Donaghy matter. In a letter to Stern, Rush indicated that he might call a hearing "shouldthe facts warrant public scrutiny." He also said that the affair could potentially be "one of the most damaging scandals in the history of Americansports.

July 31st: Kevin Garnett, was traded to the Boston Celtics in exchange for Al Jefferson, Ryan Gomes, Sebastian Telfair,Gerald Green, Theo Ratliff, cash considerations, Boston's 2009 first-round draft pick (top 3 protected) and the 2009 first-round pick Minnesota had tradedto Boston in the Ricky Davis-Wally Szczerbiak trade of 2006.
I understand what you're getting at, but KG being traded was being talked about long before the Donaghy stuff came out.
Originally Posted by bjm5295

I understand what you're getting at, but KG being traded was being talked about long before the Donaghy stuff came out.
OT, but sweet avy
pimp.gif can't be serious.
Before that trade actually happened on July 31st the Celtics-Wolves were going back and forth back and forth with trade offers starting during the middle ofJune. It had nothing to do with Donaghy or Stern.
Your reaching kid
Haha, thank you.

Whats OT mean?
(Over thinking?)

NVM, off topic. Google is friend.
oh they are good.......but not 30-5 good.... miserable? no, i am happy doggy..........because david stern's evil puppets of mayhem have been slayed for one night

Umm...that's their record isn't it? They are what they are...stop the hate.

Oh and there are plenty of valid conspiracy theories in regard to the NBA, but the current Celtics aren't one of them...
The only conspirarcy I could think of is David Stern trying to help the ratings in the finals so find a team in the east, that is exciting, but can match upwith the west teams like Suns, Spurs, Mavs...........I know Detroit matches up well, but apparently people dont like to watch them ( not including me). Sobuild a super team, with a fan favorite ( KG), and a huge market.. hopefully the ratings wont be so low. I mean yea Lebron is a superstar but everyone knewthat team wouldnt beat the spurs.

Great win by the Wiz, I like how they play when Gilbert is out, eventho in the long run i know they need a superstar player like gilbert
at the conspiracy theories. The Celtics were trying to trade for KGbefore the whole scandal with Donaghy. Nice try boys.
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