thank you

Originally Posted by GULLYDAGREAT


that sucks bro, dead her even for putting you through this, then proceed to cut her off! you cant even be friends with someone that treats other people likethat, especially if she is your girl.
god speed
the relationship seemed doomed years ago

I would forget her, never speak to her again, move on

get an education, no offense but I take it you dont have one from that paragraph

better yourself and learn from your mistakes
OP you seem like a smart enough dude. You KNOW what she's up to, and you know what you gotta do. Kick her out, or bounce on her.
My man...get the $+@% out of there...she's gonna bring you trouble. If you haven't already been burned you will be...and if she's gonna lie andtake trips with other dudes there shouldn't even be a question
Originally Posted by thenewjs

she has rash on her face thats concentrated round her mouth.


Dude just move out and cut ties...make sure you dont got that package tho.
Originally Posted by thenewjs

First a little background I am a black guy dating a mexican chick for 2.5 years now. We have lived together a 1.5. We have had our diiferances but 2008 was especially rough. I was laid off from my job and I kind of rebelled by going out partying and shopping. This is all stuff I did not do when I was employed. So my girl would go out with her friends and I would go w/ mine. I would never pick up on chicks. My girl on the other hand was meeting new guys and exchanging numbers with them. I would confront her and she give the "thats my friend" routine and we would leave it at that. I didnt trip because she was at home at night and I was getting some on a daily basis. Then she started going out with her sister and her sisters husband family to mostly spanish clubs ( i didnt really those people that well and so I just stayed home). She would not come home at night. I was mad but I knew she was at her sisters house. Now that she's used to not sleeping at home we would get into aurguments she leave the house and not come home at night. It gets worse and worse. November roles around and she tells me she is going to Mexico w/ her mom. I'm cool shes been down there before w/ her mom no biggie, it's usually for a day. She leaves the house on a Thursday and does not return until the following Tuesday and she has rash on her face thats concentrated round her mouth. I tell some ugly things and leave it at that. Now we finally get to the LIE. On Monday, I found out she is emailing pictures of herself in her underwear ( have not found out to whom yet). Remember I told you she went to mexico? I find her camera and see she went to Honduras w/ a guy and his daughter. The pictures show her with the guy and he is hugging her kissing her on the cheek. Thats not the worst of it the guy has what to look like a fever blister/ herpes on his lip ( remember I told you about the rash on her face that seemed to be concentrated around her mouth). I bust her out on it and she denies it, even when I tell her I have seen the pictures. She only admits when I pack my stuff to leave. She says she did not sleep with the guy. I new to NT please light me up with what I should do.

Note: I will post pictures soon.

I blame the OP.
Hopefully you don't have anything, but if you do and it's know thats not curable yet right?

Kick her out....
Who knows if she really slept over her cousins....She went to another country with a dude...
All the fellatio she's been giving haven't amount to anything except a possible std on her lip and maybe yours also.

I recommend Marshall Mather Lp to you....take it from there
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