thank you

Stay with her and forget all of it. If you haven't left her by now after all that, you never will. Enjoy!
it's not worth it. leave while you can. sounds like you're a decent human being, therefore you can achieve greater.

also you know what to do with those pixxxx POST POST POST
Originally Posted by Ryda421

it's not worth it. leave while you can. sounds like you're a decent human being, therefore you can achieve greater.

also you know what to do with those pixxxx POST POST POST

post pics of the girl in your avy, good lord
I think that the first thing you should do is get checked. People in other countries hygiene may not be as clean as ours. Whether the results come backnegative or not, you should definetly end the relationship. Because she has proven that 1. she can't be honest with you. and 2. she really doesn't wantto be with you. Youcould do so much better. She is putting your life in danger. What if you wanted to have children, but couldn't without the fear ofgiving it to your kids. Remember herpes has NO CURE. and you health means everything... Keep NT posted with the results.... I will pray for you.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

That sucks. Seems like she's lost intrest, and you cant make people love you. If I were you, I would move on. Since you lost your job... Try out for a Valtrex commercial. Those people always seem to be doing well on those commercials.

She went to another country with another dude without telling you....even had pics of hugs N' kisses.

You really need us to tell you what to do?
In for the pics...

Also I have a question. You said "possibly gave you an STD"... Like, are you talking about that $$$! on her face? b/c I wouldn't be tryin tokiss that $%#@$ after seeing that
Originally Posted by sherwin100s

She went to another country with another dude without telling you....even had pics of hugs N' kisses.

You really need us to tell you what to do?
i'd play it off smooth and put all her stuff on the curb...

save all the pics and e-mail them to her fam, friends and coworkers...

think about what 50 would do in this situation.
damn she tiny, that $@@%$% iphone bigger than her head. That myspace private though, post the goods.
definition, cause I definitely didn't know

Adj. 1. obsequious - attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery
bootlicking, fawning, sycophantic, toadyish
insincere - lacking sincerity; "a charming but thoroughly insincere woman"; "their praise was extravagant and insincere"
2. obsequious - attentive in an ingratiating or servile manner; "obsequious shop assistants"
servile - submissive or fawning in attitude or behavior; "spoke in a servile tone"; "the incurably servile housekeeper"; "servile tasks such as floor scrubbing and barn work"

but umm, yeah, cancel that chick
So she told you she was gonna go to Mexico with her moms but went to Honduras with a guy? Damn

drop her like a bad habit
fam you need to go get tested first thing 2morro morning. If you dont have anything then just cut all ties with her & x her out of your life & move on.But if you do have something then you should have her pay for the medication & then bounce her from your life immediately
Got layed off and your girl cheated on you and gave you an STD? Guess you've officially been chopped and screwed ha?
Is grandpa the guy's nickname?

Also dead that and move on. Obviously you were getting cheated on for the past 2 years and you just kept on putting it on the back burner. If you don'tleave her you will soon die.
1. i know it hurt when you saw the pics...but its actually a blessing since you found out the truth
2. shorty lied obviously. dead her. there's no more trust in the relationship, TRUST ME the relationship will never work out if ya try to get back together
3. change your numbers and lose contact with the broad. fam she been taking you for granted for how long? and she had the nerve to do it with you living WITHHER. na man ...its a wrap
4. shorty has not been honest obviously, so for all you know she probably been bringing people over to lay the pipe down on ya own bed....

P.S. if a chick gave me an STD...SHE IS DEAD....TRUE STORY LOL
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