Thanks for the change, Obama.

Originally Posted by socluis90

I'm still voting for Obama. He did something Bush couldn't, CATCH OSAMA!!!

im not cereal
You're ******ed

edit: just saw the text
Originally Posted by socluis90

I'm still voting for Obama. He did something Bush couldn't, CATCH OSAMA!!!

im not cereal
You're ******ed

edit: just saw the text
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Originally Posted by ONEFORALL

Obama won't change anything because he can't. Wall street runs USA. They run it like a company. To make profit for them.
but when it was Bush, it was his fault... got it.

We were doing alright when Clinton was president
.  It's not like everything was all gravy until Obama got into office...
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Originally Posted by ONEFORALL

Obama won't change anything because he can't. Wall street runs USA. They run it like a company. To make profit for them.
but when it was Bush, it was his fault... got it.

We were doing alright when Clinton was president
.  It's not like everything was all gravy until Obama got into office...
lol @ people saying they should have voted for McCain. I specifically voted for Obama to avoid McCain and Palin getting in office and until republicans change their leadership I'm doing it again. That's all politics is to me, choosing the better of two evils.
lol @ people saying they should have voted for McCain. I specifically voted for Obama to avoid McCain and Palin getting in office and until republicans change their leadership I'm doing it again. That's all politics is to me, choosing the better of two evils.
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Originally Posted by ONEFORALL

Obama won't change anything because he can't. Wall street runs USA. They run it like a company. To make profit for them.
but when it was Bush, it was his fault... got it.

This is why I made the thread and titled it the way I did.

I'm no fan of Bush, but what stands out to me most about this going on under Obama is the lack of attention/outcry/criticism over this. It seems people want to conveniently ignore the massive hypocrisy of what is going on. Some of the biggest critics of Bush (including Obama himself in '03) seem to have no problem sweeping this under the rug or giving Obama a pass just because he's a democrat, even though he's expanded the patriot act even beyond what it was under the Bush's administration.

No, I didn't expect Obama to single handedly "change" much of anything (thread title is sarcasm) and, yes, there are forces beyond the president's control that manipulate policy, but neither of these excuses are enough to just shrug things like this off and remove all responsibility from Obama/his administration.

The irony of a guy who supposedly studied/understands constitutional law to be trampling all over it 

Faint Dj3 wrote:
And I see the senate passed a bill...obama did this how?


Did you read the second link I posted ?

Obama & his cronies are & have long been pushing for this themselves.

On Tuesday, ahead of a House vote to reauthorize the PATRIOT Act for another year, the White House did something unexpected: they asked for even more.

A prepared statement issued Tuesday afternoon said that President Obama "would strongly prefer enactment of reauthorizing legislation that would extend these authorities until December 2013."

Thanks, Barack. 
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Originally Posted by ONEFORALL

Obama won't change anything because he can't. Wall street runs USA. They run it like a company. To make profit for them.
but when it was Bush, it was his fault... got it.

This is why I made the thread and titled it the way I did.

I'm no fan of Bush, but what stands out to me most about this going on under Obama is the lack of attention/outcry/criticism over this. It seems people want to conveniently ignore the massive hypocrisy of what is going on. Some of the biggest critics of Bush (including Obama himself in '03) seem to have no problem sweeping this under the rug or giving Obama a pass just because he's a democrat, even though he's expanded the patriot act even beyond what it was under the Bush's administration.

No, I didn't expect Obama to single handedly "change" much of anything (thread title is sarcasm) and, yes, there are forces beyond the president's control that manipulate policy, but neither of these excuses are enough to just shrug things like this off and remove all responsibility from Obama/his administration.

The irony of a guy who supposedly studied/understands constitutional law to be trampling all over it 

Faint Dj3 wrote:
And I see the senate passed a bill...obama did this how?


Did you read the second link I posted ?

Obama & his cronies are & have long been pushing for this themselves.

On Tuesday, ahead of a House vote to reauthorize the PATRIOT Act for another year, the White House did something unexpected: they asked for even more.

A prepared statement issued Tuesday afternoon said that President Obama "would strongly prefer enactment of reauthorizing legislation that would extend these authorities until December 2013."

Thanks, Barack. 
^This whole thread reminds me of what seth meyers said at the white house media correspondence dinner  to Pres.Obama. -

"I know who could definitely beat you Mr President... 2008 Barack Obama."

republicans, nor democrats will get anything done because they do not work at all. special interest pulls all their strings and pays the cost to do business. Either way it goes, no matter who you vote for, business will continue to run policy and block what the people want. Unless we leave fiat currency and return real value to the economy of the world, business will continue to run the monopoly game since they can print money to throw at problems and the price for things will continue to skyrocket.

If we leave the fiat currency and switch to gold standard like we had about 40 yrs ago, there is a great potential for increase in wealth of other nations of people besides the US and EU and they won't let that happen. Look at Gadaffi. 

Economist Paul Krugman summarizes the post-Nixon Shock era as follows:
The current world monetary system assigns no special role to gold; indeed, the Federal Reserve is not obliged to tie the dollar to anything. It can print as much or as little money as it deems appropriate. There are powerful advantages to such an unconstrained system. Above all, the Fed is free to respond to actual or threatened recessions by pumping in money. To take only one example, that flexibility is the reason the stock market crash of 1987—which started out every bit as frightening as that of 1929—did not cause a slump in the real economy.
While a freely floating national money has advantages, however, it also has risks. For one thing, it can create uncertainties for international traders and investors. Over the past five years, the dollar has been worth as much as 120 yen and as little as 80. The costs of this volatility are hard to measure (partly because sophisticated financial markets allow businesses to hedge much of that risk), but they must be significant. Furthermore, a system that leaves monetary managers free to do good also leaves them free to be irresponsible—and, in some countries, they have been quick to take the opportunity.


^This whole thread reminds me of what seth meyers said at the white house media correspondence dinner  to Pres.Obama. -

"I know who could definitely beat you Mr President... 2008 Barack Obama."

republicans, nor democrats will get anything done because they do not work at all. special interest pulls all their strings and pays the cost to do business. Either way it goes, no matter who you vote for, business will continue to run policy and block what the people want. Unless we leave fiat currency and return real value to the economy of the world, business will continue to run the monopoly game since they can print money to throw at problems and the price for things will continue to skyrocket.

If we leave the fiat currency and switch to gold standard like we had about 40 yrs ago, there is a great potential for increase in wealth of other nations of people besides the US and EU and they won't let that happen. Look at Gadaffi. 

Economist Paul Krugman summarizes the post-Nixon Shock era as follows:
The current world monetary system assigns no special role to gold; indeed, the Federal Reserve is not obliged to tie the dollar to anything. It can print as much or as little money as it deems appropriate. There are powerful advantages to such an unconstrained system. Above all, the Fed is free to respond to actual or threatened recessions by pumping in money. To take only one example, that flexibility is the reason the stock market crash of 1987—which started out every bit as frightening as that of 1929—did not cause a slump in the real economy.
While a freely floating national money has advantages, however, it also has risks. For one thing, it can create uncertainties for international traders and investors. Over the past five years, the dollar has been worth as much as 120 yen and as little as 80. The costs of this volatility are hard to measure (partly because sophisticated financial markets allow businesses to hedge much of that risk), but they must be significant. Furthermore, a system that leaves monetary managers free to do good also leaves them free to be irresponsible—and, in some countries, they have been quick to take the opportunity.


yall dudes are corny, presidents are nothing more than mascots

they have no power, they do what they are told and get all the credit or backlash

smarten up
yall dudes are corny, presidents are nothing more than mascots

they have no power, they do what they are told and get all the credit or backlash

smarten up
Originally Posted by All Ready

yall dudes are corny, presidents are nothing more than mascots

they have no power, they do what they are told and get all the credit or backlash

smarten up
Right. Presidents have no power.
Help me smarten up. Who tells him what to do ? The illuminati ?
Obama is just a helpless victim in all of this, poor guy. 
Originally Posted by All Ready

yall dudes are corny, presidents are nothing more than mascots

they have no power, they do what they are told and get all the credit or backlash

smarten up
Right. Presidents have no power.
Help me smarten up. Who tells him what to do ? The illuminati ?
Obama is just a helpless victim in all of this, poor guy. 
People are mad over obama same reason a rich ugly guy get's mad at gold diggers. They talked to you sweet, looked you in the eye, made beautiful promises, but at the end of the ride she just screwed you for you money and more than likely is married to the game before making good on a promise to you or anyone else.
People are mad over obama same reason a rich ugly guy get's mad at gold diggers. They talked to you sweet, looked you in the eye, made beautiful promises, but at the end of the ride she just screwed you for you money and more than likely is married to the game before making good on a promise to you or anyone else.
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